Half-Life needs instrumental music

Oh, BauerSlyer, to think you could post this on SUF under a new name and actually get away with it.

Tsk, tsk.
Oh, BauerSlyer, to think you could post this on SUF under a new name and actually get away with it.

Tsk, tsk.

I actually posted a lot of other things as well as how horrible the Orange Box cover is etc but it got deleted.

I have a duty to inform customers about bad marketing and the banning nonsense will not stop me!
Your repeated bans have more to do with your unwillingness to accept it when your arguments get refuted.
They'll stop him once Valve bans his Steam account for continuing to break the rules on SPUF. They might even contact your ISP who will then tell you to never come back or your service will be terminated. I've seen it happen before.
It's too bad none of you mentioned these songs when pointing out good electronic music...

This one being my favorite! :) ^

claccic music is liek so booreeeng
i hate it its so emotienless lol xD only old person listens to it
games need more cool dupsteb sound tracks theyre cool they can do so much emotiens

How do you feel about this OP? That's how we feel about you.
Okay, people, there are facts and there are preferences. We're talking about a preference. Personally, I like the "electronic" music/effects in hl, and I like that you can get very creative with that because you can make any kind of sound you want (even orchestral sounds). However, I understand some people prefer classical music and it does sound very "epic" and movie-like. I liked the music in both halo and half-life. I wouldn't change either one because it would change the feel of the game.