HalfLife 2 is Dead to me

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After playing the demo non-stop (and still didnt finish all of the maps), I just want it more and more, and I cannot wait to buy it.
I feel like a red headed step child left on a porch not being able to play it.
It's not a demo. It's a leaked beta of the game. You can be arrested or sued by valve. I emailed valve and told them about this site and how it was full of information they don't want getting out. Gabe Newell asked for help from the community, but he got the exact opposite. A shitload of screenshots from the unreleased game.
Originally posted by Zevvex
It's not a demo. It's a leaked beta of the game. You can be arrested or sued by valve. I emailed valve and told them about this site and how it was full of information they don't want getting out.

Please shut the **** up already, we all know you are jealous up your ass, you are just cranky because you cant get ahold of it.
Sued ?? hahahha dont make me laugh you idiot. :dozey:, Valve cant do squat about this, its ALL OVER THE DAMN NET.
So please, go on and get a life.
Originally posted by Hallucinogen
Please shut the **** up already, we all know you are jealous up your ass, you are just cranky because you cant get ahold of it.
Sued ?? hahahha dont make me laugh you idiot. :dozey:, Valve cant do squat about this, its ALL OVER THE DAMN NET.
So please, go on and get a life.

You can, and I don't need to say anything else.
I'll admit I'm jealous as all hell.
I wouldnt mind going home and kicking back.. drinking some beer.. hav'in the bass all the way up... and just going at it.. as the girlfriend goes shopping all ready..


Originally posted by Zevvex
You can, and I don't need to say anything else.

Whatever, bring them to Europe to look allove for me, hahhahahaha, they cant do shit in Europe, so please go away.
Interpole... err.. InterPoll... maybe Enterpoll..

whatever it is..if you are a hacker and stole something.. they have ways. Just as hackers stole the thing.. hackers can find you...
Originally posted by Selig
Interpole... err.. InterPoll... maybe Enterpoll..

whatever it is..if you are a hacker and stole something.. they have ways. Just as hackers stole the thing.. hackers can find you...

Whatever, they cant do squat over-seas.
they cant prove you have anything just cuase you have screenshots or say you have it. Its like walking up to a cop and telling them you just snorted some coke...they cant prove it.
Originally posted by Mr. Shigs
they cant prove you have anything just cuase you have screenshots or say you have it. Its like walking up to a cop and telling them you just snorted some coke...they cant prove it.

I know, its all non-sense ... so I dont really care what people say.
Do you like inflating your Ego over some stupid video game on an anonymous forum Hallucinogen? Does it really compensate for your small penis? I think not.
LMAO, another jealous sore loser (thop), heh they just keep coming and coming :)
Originally posted by Mr. Shigs
they cant prove you have anything just cuase you have screenshots or say you have it. Its like walking up to a cop and telling them you just snorted some coke...they cant prove it.

Correct and he admitted to having it.
More people got the beta and the patch then you think, just not everyone needs to brag about it to make up for his small penis. Don't fight it Hallucinogen. You can lie to us, but why lie to yourself?
Originally posted by thop
Do you like inflating your Ego over some stupid video game on an anonymous forum Hallucinogen? Does it really compensate for your small penis? I think not.

indeed indeed.
Hahahha, so many jealous losers, its just makes me laugh so hard.
Some of you are truley pathetic, just because you cant get the "demo" you shouldnt get your panties in a bunch, and please keep your empty threats to yourself.

The funny thing is that "thop" private message me asking where he could get the "demp", LMFAO, your pathetic dude .... get a clue.

And "thop", your mom loves my penis as it is, so its all good :cheers:
I rest my case, obvioulsy nobody can help you anymore. Good luck in your imaginary internet world.
I admit I'm jealous.. I just dont see why you feel like you need to go over board.
Thats all cool you got it but, the rest of us probably wont be able to get it for awhile.. but it doesnt make us loosers.

My main gripe is towards Valve... they say they are part of this community but they are all shoddy.. its like at least give us a 5 min demo so we can see how it runs on our perspective machines. Throw us a fricken bone here.
How did I go overboard ?? people asked me for pictures so I posted thats it, but then this idiot thop comes on criticizing me about it, and for one reason only, hes insanly jealous, bah this not worth my time anymore.
I hope Valve will get their shit together and release it soon, so I can buy it and enjoy the final product.
And to correct you, I didnt call everyone a loser, just thop and his buddy Zevvex, everyone else were cool.
I'm just talkin over board as rubbing it in our face.
Agree though.. that Valve shit get their shiznit together.

I'd like to know if the people that own this site.. if they have it /want the demo.. and they are all preachy... but they probably want it just as bad.
I can understand that you lie to us, to make you feel better and all, but why lie to yourself? If you are in Europe it is way past Midnight there, so you're skipping sleep just to brag about sth. that everyone got, but makes you feel so special because you think you're the only one? I feel you need professional help.
I dont even think we should be pissed at each other.. but there are two groups I'm pissed at.

A) The Hackers

B) Valve
Selig I got it just to get a feeling of the "demo" thats all, it doesnt mean anything to me, I just want to see how it feels and plays before I buy it, I never buy ANY games, but I'm going to buy Half-Life 2 ..... ironicaly Half-Life 1 was my 1st and last game I bought.

On a diffrent subject, please do NOT message me about where to get this, Im not going to share anything, you want it ?? find it on your own, I'm not a damn supplier :rolleyes:
Is it cool.. it it all whats it cracked up to be? Or is it overhyped?

Is it smooth...? Enemy AI good?

I hope that if you post your answers wont get deleted.
Originally posted by Hallucinogen
Selig I got it just to get a feeling of the ILLEGAL AND PIRATED beta thats all, it doesnt mean anything to me, I just want to see how it feels and plays before I buy it, I never buy ANY games, but I'm going to buy Half-Life 2 ..... ironicaly Half-Life 1 was my 1st and last game I bought.
You forget to mention Zevvex, that it makes his Penis grow, at least in his mind.
Nice try LOSER Zevvex, but please dont modify my posts :)
Just be a good boy and be jealous silently :)
Im done with the both of you, get a life little girls, maybe get laid (HAHAHAH good joke huh), see ya both on ignore.
Originally posted by Hallucinogen
Nice try Zevvex, you make my posts look really nice:)
Please don't have me arrested im only a little kid. I didn't mean to get the "beta" pwease dont hurt me u big bad bully :(
Hallucinogen why are you making things like that up? At least be honest to yourself! You can lie to me all you want, i don't mind, but why are you so hard on yourself. I think nothing short of a Shrink will actually help. I feel really sorry for you :(
*laughs* why are you 2 flaming this guy anyway? Hes not the one that leaked it...or is he? No he probly isnt.
Originally posted by Mr. Shigs
*laughs* why are you 2 flaming this guy anyway? Hes not the one that leaked it...or is he? No he probly isnt.

They flame me because they are sore losers who got bent out of shape that I got the demo and played it and they didnt, and they are still in the dark :)
If I would of leaked it, you think I'd jepordize my security by posting here, come on man think :)
Im sure the guy will get busted soon, atleast I hope so.
HL2 is dead to me, I'm eagerly anticipating HL3:Barney with a Vengance
I have to agree with Hall. about the jealous people. I think it is safe to say that if everyone on this board could have the beta, they would take it, and play it unitl they could not play anymore.
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