Hammer "patch" dwf to max problem


May 14, 2011
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I had this problem forever now, but i learned to make due with it and repair the affected meshes by hand. Ive imported dust2 into max and textured it up just fine. The nurbs floor (is that the right name? for a curved flat plane in hammer?) always gave a ton of problems during import. Now with a map like de_inferno repairing the ground meshes is very... very hard.

The exported nurbs auto-generates a small block mesh with the entity once you export from hammer.

Heres wat i mean... (cliffs from de_inferno)
HAMMER- looks fine here, i selected part of the nurbs

MAX- same nurbs selected. notice the random square mesh for each patch

Probably wondering... oh just delete the block mesh by hand, sure for these cliffs that works... but for nested floors thats where it gets complicated... because when their close together like that you get some crazy results. The block mesh can be a mile away from where you "think" it might be. There also can be a ton of block meshes for just one patch. The block mesh maybe fused with the actual patch itself... the list goes on

MAX- block mesh a mile away from "regular" spot! (de_inferno floor)
(raised floor up to show detail)

How do i fix this??? The problem is not with my max, i have both 9 and 2011 they yield the same result.

Also know, i am not using max as a map editor. Ive done a couple of shots with map geometry for video reasons.
Please don't bump threads. It's not like this forum section gets much activity.
fixed the problem i even found a way to preserve texture path for each mesh node