Hard locks and bluescreens?


The Freeman
Jun 2, 2003
Reaction score
Doesn't seem to be related to my memory or CPU, I'm running 3 instances of Memtest and haven't crashed. I suspect it's my hard drive or my motherboard, but I don't have any way to switch those out. GPU is fine. Any ideas? I'm keeping this short in case I crash again :v
Have you checked your system log in the event logs in computer management? It'd be a good place to start looking for reasons.
Gave that a look, there are no events of any real significance other than a bunch of nondescript critical errors coinciding with every bluescreen/locking crash I've had in the past three months. No hardware events are listed, which I think is odd. Also I ran 3 instances of memtest and found no errors, which also used 95% CPU, and when I closed one instance I copied my desktop (1.36GB) to E: in case I need to reformat. Still running fine I guess... but I'm scared to launch BF3.

[edit] Decided to reseat my CPU, and I must have done something different with my application of thermal paste, because my temperatures have dropped by about... oh, 12 degrees. I'll see how this progresses.
Have you made any hardware changes such as the RAM? Also give us the error code readings. I don't know if anybody recalls but back in Spring time my computer had the exact same faults when I got a new hard drive and a 2GB RAM stick. I swore to God himself literally that it was the RAM stick because if I removed the stick, everything was fine. However once it was put back in, crashing, etc would happen. Memtest also showed up "just fine". So I RMA'd the RAM to A-DATA and about a month later they sent me a new stick with a lanyard (which I promptly threw out). Now it's Fall and I have not had any errors since.
reseat your ram and check your hdd cables. I had this same problem bout a week ago and this fixed it.