HDR skybox question


Aug 30, 2004
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All of the wiki tutorials say that you have to use HDRShop to make a HDR skybox, but i made one a few months ago by changing the brightness and contrast of the skybox texture in Photoshop. Would anyone know what the brightness and contrast settings where to get the HDR skybox basetexture effect ?
wasnt it something like -65 brightness and +15 contrast ?


are you sure it worked? because in HDR shop you edit it a certain exposures and it fills in the blanks.... but if you're using photoshop there's no exposure adjustment option...

does photoshop have HDR editing features?
it worked ! i think every pixel on the HDR skybox image has a color value close to 128 and everything above 128 it ads up to the values of the same pixel on the normal skybox texture. So if youve got a pixel on youre normal texture with color values like 200 200 200 and the same pixel is 150 150 130 on the HDR skybox, ingame the skybox will over brighten to 222 222 212.
So if you just do this: brightness +15 and contrast -65, youve got a hdr skybox. (most of the times) ...sorry for my crappy english, im trying.


edit: if you dont understand it please tell me. :D
Sry for writing into this old thread, but is this really a working (HDRShop-free) alternative to get HDR skybox textures?