High Dynamic Range Lighting?


Jul 7, 2003
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Remember that video that came out that showed off Source's badass-ness with High Dynamic Range Lighting? Where the metal and rooftop and ant-lion were all shiney and reflective? I've noticed this isn't in the game, or at least when I play it and I have a card that supports it (Radeon 9800 Pro). Any ideas on how to turn this feature on? or did they just remove it from these things? Any ideas? Thanks!
It is in the game, as far as I've seen it. Make sure you have directx 9.0 enabled in hardware. Go into the tab under options -> video -> advanced. If it says either Hardware or Software is not 9.0 (or 9.0c, specifically), you have a problem. Software not 9.0, visit www.microsoft.com/directx. If hardware not 9.0, you can force 9.0 by adding "-dxlevel 90" to the launch options, without quotes.

If they are both 9.0 already, make sure you have all the highest options set in the advanced tab. High shaders, shadows, models, textures, and reflect world selected. If that doesn't do it... well, I wouldn't know what to say :p
Yeah, I noticed that perticular rooftop didnt have it as much as in the demo. But I've seen it really well in a lot of other places.