

The Freeman
Aug 3, 2005
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Go ahead and give any hints you've discovered to make the game a bit easier, especially on the harder difficulties. On expert, about 75-100 m16 explosive rounds are needed to make short work of the tank.
Probably not the most groundbreaking tip but here is mine:

If you get a tank mixed in with an already difficult horde, throwing Bile on the tank wont kill it, but it will keep the pack off you untill you deal with him. The bile cloud in general is the best distraction method there is, the pipebomb explodes very quickly and in a lot of cases wont clear enough of the enemies that you want it to.
We (me and captain mad) learned the hard way that in Dead Center when you're trying to gas up the car, if you gather all the gas cans first before pouring them you CAN accidentally light them all on fire. We learned that when we had grabbed about 10 of them I think. Ughhhh the frustration :mad:

I played through Swamp Fever last night, and after my team got our asses handed to us at the plantation (two tanks at once!? WTF) we came to the conclusion that it's best to stay out in the open, versus holing up inside the mansion waiting for the boat. We were trying to stay inside to be close to the machine gun and all the explosives/boomer bile, but tanks and chargers will come in the house and totally screw you in the close quarters - and if you're upstairs with the machine gun and a charger hits you you'll get flung to the ground which REALLY drains your health.

When we tried playing it and stayed outside, it was much easier because we had way more space to run out of the way of special infected, and we weren't accidentally shooting each other.
Helps in realism mode to use flashlights to distinguish urself to ur team from the surrounding zombies. Avoids FF.
Also not really a hint; the smoker yells really loud and at first I thought it was a teammate yelling "NOOOOOO." Some strong ass lungs for a cancer raped shitface.
The location of the Dark Carnival rescue vehicle is random.

Whenever you find a new weapon and you're running low on ammo, grab it (well, for the most part). Weapon spawns are sometimes few and far between.

Don't use the heavy machine gun, unless you happen to be right next to it.

Don't try to get the gnome achievement in versus.
I'm one of those people who's only as good as his team. That being said I'm usually screwed on Expert campaign. But, I played with these 2 Russian dudes, and god damn we did it.
Play with Russians. They know how to shoot.
If a gas can in scavenge ends up somewhere unreachable, shoot it, since it respawns after a while. This happens surprisingly often with exploding boomers.
How to beat the parish finale on expert in under 1-2 minutes: Run. When the tank music appears, keep running until the 2nd open truck with supplies in it, go to the right where the tank will come to u hopefully, it will fall off the bridge trying to get to u or go on top of the truck and u can go over and be directly behind it. Keep running, win. It's that ****ing easy.