

Nov 4, 2004
Reaction score
(i posted this in reply to another thread, but just wanted to hear what other people think)

I dont really get whats wrong with the hitboxes? they move infront of the player in the direction that they are running. so if you want to hit them you have to aim infront of them...right? well if someone is running and u wanted to hit them in real life you wouldnt aim AT them, you would aim infront of them (because the bullets have to travel to their target).

Because HL2/CSS doesnt use modeled bullets that have to travel thru the air, it relies on the crosshairs being in the correct place in relation to the hitboxes.

Kinda hard to explain, but it makes sense.
I posted this in another thread as well, but I think more people need to know this.

It's not only lag compensation for high pingers, it's lag compensation for everyone and further increasing the equality between clients firing and hitting.

To all of you complaining about the hitboxes:


It isn't to simulate ballistics, it's simply to make up for the lag that occurs between the client, server and another client. Sure, it might not work great in a server with 20 ping at most, but you can't disregard the fact that usually there's alot of latency between two clients.

Your position on your client, on the server, and on other players' clients is never in sync. This is because of the delay between you sending your position to the server, the server simulating a "frame" of the game and updating your position, the server sending out an update of your position to the other clients, and them receiving it. Couple this with the fact that on your client you are able to move smoothly (not just on sending updates) and you get one messy situation when it comes to working out where people are and whether shots that are fired should hit them.

After reading this article I'm glad that the fix is there.
and if the box is infront of them what happens if they turn staff or just plain stop. it means the place where the hit box was is in a place the player never was or will be.

I havent even looked at the boxes, but if they travel infront like you say then theres going to be issues.

Also if its compensating for the lack of bullet time theoretically at least the box should be in a different spot based on what gun and what distance you are from the player. I doubt they would be.

Saying that ive never had any issues really
that bomberman clears it up perfectly really.

Still dont have an issue with it :)
but why are they an issue in source and not 1.6?
Well I shoot people and it hits where I aim (i.e. at their face)
If any of you are on decent connections and are having trouble try cl_interp 0.01 - that should help.

Oh, and what about knifes? The hitboxes are "infront" yet you can knife someone you are behind and a foot away from?
lemonfridge said:
(i posted this in reply to another thread, but just wanted to hear what other people think)

I dont really get whats wrong with the hitboxes? they move infront of the player in the direction that they are running. so if you want to hit them you have to aim infront of them...right? well if someone is running and u wanted to hit them in real life you wouldnt aim AT them, you would aim infront of them (because the bullets have to travel to their target).

Because HL2/CSS doesnt use modeled bullets that have to travel thru the air, it relies on the crosshairs being in the correct place in relation to the hitboxes.

Kinda hard to explain, but it makes sense.

Well, I've never fired a M4A1 or a AK-47 but I wouldn't think that you would need to aim ahead of your target. Maybe if you were a mile away but what's the point of shooting someone that far away.

I've wondered about this myself hearing several people say this. So, I did some research, three minute research but research none-the-less.

Off of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M4_Carbine it states that the muzzle velocity of a M4 Carbine (or M4A1) is 2,970 ft/s. So, most maps in CS are close quarters, but for arguments sake lets say 300ft., a football field. So, if the velocity is 2,970 ft/s that means from the time of fire to the point of target (300ft. away) would be 0.10 repeating seconds... not even enough to take the time to aim ahead of the person. If you were going for a headshot, aiming ahead would make since but from 300ft., it is quite improbable taking in the fact that a person running would not move that much in a tenth of a second.

Plus, an M4 isn't that accurate to fire from such a distance and making that much progress.

So, let's take something for realistic... say 50ft. So, from the point of fire to the point of the target, it would take 0.01683, and so on, seconds to reach your target. No sense in aiming ahead of your target.
N1k23 said:
but why are they an issue in source and not 1.6?

Because there is no need to compensate anything in 1.6. Source is just much more system intensive.
Why doesnt just Valve make a console command to make the hitboxes fall in place? and then you can switch it on and off that would be good for LAN and Tournaments.
Or make a Counter-Strike Source Extreme Edition with the hitboxes correctly in place. bad Valve bad Valve.
samo said:
some say it is just some lag compensation for high pingers.
chech this out : http://www.putfile.com/media.php?n=css_hit_b0x_bb
Thank you, this video is what i need as evidence to stop my mates calling me a bad loser! Its this whatmakes me play HL2DM only...sort it out valve.

(personally i believe valve made the hitboxes bad for the newbies buying HL2 thinking they are good at the game, and telling their mates to get the game as well, once they have bought a copy valve are sorted with the cash! I dont not like valve, and im a little paranoid, but i have a feeling they are just waiting once all the sales are done to flick the switch and fix the hitboxes so all the 1.6 players can play, for now i think we'll keep playing 1.6!)
Yes they will. Pro players eagerly wait for the mysterious "CS Pro". Which basicly is what we all want, CS 1.6 but with the source graphic and physics. god damn Valve cant u guys even give us a proper reason or an answer!?