HL2 Hater's Opinion - Not everyone likes it you know!

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I didn't like it from the moment I saw the first screenshots. A street in a Euro city, a view of a prison with Starship Troopers' Klendathu bugs infesting it!? WTF!?

I don't like the Big Brother/1984/George Orwell crap, either. I've NEVER liked that concept.

The graphics are backwards compared to other games - only the water effects look nice, and the sense of scale of the city is impressive, especially the Citadel. But the textures are flat and low-def sometimes.

And I can't stand Eli Vance or his blasted daughter. The only characters I like are Barney and Kleiner. And perhaps Lamarr. But then, they were in the original, so there.

Last of all, the overhyped physics and kindergarten puzzles. COME ON! The Bink videos show marvellous use of the physics, but it turns out not to be so dynamic in-game.

Strider = War of the Worlds' Martian Machine Rip-Off + Tripod. AND they're unbeatable!

The vehicles - Fun, but the ramp placements are so obvious. It's like someone put them there for your benefit... The buggy: I hated that, especially when failing to jump chasms and having to go back round.

The map-loading zones - Oh what a long time to load a map which is only slightly more advanced than HL1! And the FREQUENCY of them. Take 10 steps (load), take another 10 steps (load).

In the end, I played through as much as I could, but I just gave up by the end, didn't even get to the street battle. At one point, I downloaded this huge video of the whole game done from start to finish and watched that instead. Let's just say I was disappointed.

I am a HUGE fan of the original Half-Life and much prefer that, as even though it has graphically dated badly, I am still fond of Black Mesa itself. Pity it got nuked.

And as for the bugs - I find the NPCs won't act unless certain actions have been taken. I hate that kind of so-called gameplay.

I think HL2 is waayyy overrated and that I consider it a waste of money.

Speaking of which - when I buy a game I like to think it is independent and off-line and that I can do what I like with it. With Steam, all that freedom goes out of the window and you end up becoming, basically, one of those downtrodden City 17 citizens who cannot do a thing with the game unless it has been cleared by Valve (Combine) first! I hate the authentication, the need for Internet connections, the instant banning if you do something naughty, like cheat on CS:S! And most of the time, those people have been innocent.

Are Valve trying to soften us up for a new wave of 1984-style impositions? I mean, here we are playing a game where you fight a totalitarian government, and you're subjected TO a totalitarian-style delivery system! IRONY, or what?

As a result of that, and the general unplayability of the game, I destroyed my copy of HL2 in protest.

All I can say is, I will no longer buy anything from Valve, if they continue to employ Steam. And, since I've heard that 3D REALMS ARE GOING DOWN THE STEAM PATH, I won't be buying anymore from THEM either.

Thank you, and Goodnight!
No one probably cares why you didn't liked it.

Other people like it because they like it, you hate it because you hate it.

Or maybe because you suck at it.

Yeah. I'll go with that.
And we're supposed to do what with this information, flame you?

Really, who gives a flying ****, like you would care I did like it.

Be gone, troll.
Yeah, I figured I'd get this response here. After all, it is full of HL2 fanboys.
This is going no where. Quit with the trolling.

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