HL2 homelanfed interview

HomeLAN - We saw one example of a drivable vehicle (a dune buggy) in the E3 demo. Will there be other drivable vehicles in the full game?

Gabe Newell - Yes.

..... This Realy makes me happy Just hope we can use the APC thats in the Vids.!
Interesting interview. Thanks for the link. :cheers:

Thanks for the link, lubb. I like reading previews/interviews about HL2 :dork:
"HomeLAN - What are a couple of your favorite new creatures in the game and why?

Gabe Newell - My favorite creatures are ones we haven't shown yet. I like them because they utilize systems that have traditionally been limited to presentation (pretty graphics) to actually create gameplay. "

Well? Anyone have any idea wtf hes talking about? I mean specifically and aside from making vague hints to get people more excited.

Originally posted by Straylight
"HomeLAN - What are a couple of your favorite new creatures in the game and why?

Gabe Newell - My favorite creatures are ones we haven't shown yet. I like them because they utilize systems that have traditionally been limited to presentation (pretty graphics) to actually create gameplay. "

Well? Anyone have any idea wtf hes talking about? I mean specifically and aside from making vague hints to get people more excited.


Could it be somekind of alien made out of water (as seen in tech demo)? One movie, (Abyss if I recall correctly) had nice 'water-tentacle'
Originally posted by Straylight
But that alien was already shown.


The tentacle we have seen wasnt made out of water I think?
It looks like electricity to me.

I love the answer to that question, what are your favorite aliens:

It's the ones we havent shown you yet,becuase they look really good.
You know that bit where gordon knocks down the PC screen ?, I cant believe thats not scripted!!!, I thought it just triggerd the sci to say that, whoa!!
I think some people don't understand what Gabe means by scripts. Remember playing HL1 and having aliens breaking through doors in a cool way? Well, you couldn't do anything about it, just sit there and watch. Now we can interrupt these scripted scenes, like the thing with monitor. If it was HL1, scientist would continue to talk, without even saying anything to Gordon.
HomeLAN - We have seen the ruined buildings of City 17 as well as a dune sea. Can you give us hints as to other locations we might see in the game?

Gabe Newell - Nope.

Haha.. :thumbs:
Gabe Newell - My favorite creatures are ones we haven't shown yet. I like them because they utilize systems that have traditionally been limited to presentation (pretty graphics) to actually create gameplay. "

I dunno: some sort of morphy thing that can squeeze through small spaces?
Something that uses camo to blend in?
Something that uses

I'm sure they have a couple really neat "interacting with physics" characters too, but ones that use the graphics system in a way that's important to gameplay? I dunno. That strider's distortion gun was pretty cool, though that's still just for looks.
HomeLAN - If Half-Life does make its fall date that means it will be competing with id Software directly with Doom III, Epic with UT2004, and Remedy with Max Payne 2. How does Valve feel about this upcoming battle of the action game titans this fall?

Gabe Newell - I think it's great. I can't wait to buy all of these games and play them. It's not a zero sum game. If someone buys a good game, they want more good games to play. If they buy a bad game, then they are less likely to buy games in the future. We all benefit when gamers are excited and passionate about their hobby.

no one could have said it better.
i hate all that artificially made up competition by the media...