HL2 Intro ? :o


May 17, 2003
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Well, i post this thread cuz i want to know what you are thinking about the HL2 intro..

In Half-Life ( 1 ) we were going by train into Black Mesa.

Will we go by bus? Is it any intro movies, like in Enter The Matrix, im really enoyed that VALVe does'nt says that :borg: :borg:
But we will see soon :cheers:

// geeK® #halflife2 #hl2movies
Im guessing it will probably be a talk with the gman at the start. Im probably wrong tho.
Yeah...I think it will be with the g-man saying summin first...just to let you know hes still here :D
Hmm, i think g-man will come later in the game. When Freeman reches City 17 or something :)
That's what im trying to find out in this post ;D
its 6 months after the first game finished so i guess it WONT start where it left off :(. it will prolly be a little introduction as to where you are and why..... dunno how they wil do that although may well be with the g-man since gordon is kinda supposed to be working for him now. hmmmmmmm

Originally posted by h00dlum
how do gordon even end up in C17?

by bike :cheese:


I really hope for a cool intro to :)
I hope the intro is animated.. :D Like we see the combines flying in ( or whatever they do :| ) :D
Originally posted by Kamakazie
its 6 months after the first game finished so i guess it WONT start where it left off :(. it will prolly be a little introduction as to where you are and why..... dunno how they wil do that although may well be with the g-man since gordon is kinda supposed to be working for him now. hmmmmmmm


Apparently the second game is set 15 years after the first game...
I hope it will be sort of like that intro of opposing force, only with the black mesa crew (and alyx) instead of the marines, and the g-man is replacing the general and gives you a short briefing of what is going to happen.
ive read that as soon as you start youre being chased by aliens and have to run away. i dont know what happens after that though.
you are dropped somewhere and once you hit you are chased by like 30 aliens..you have no weapons nor nothing, you eventually find the HEV suit and its history from there..

Gabe newhall said that from valve...not exact word for word but thats how it starts
Originally posted by |MaTT|
Apparently the second game is set 15 years after the first game...

15 years?!?! wouldnt gordons bones be half dust? :bounce:
lol, if the game opens with the G-Man. The first thing im gonna do, is save, cheat, get a crowbar, and see if I can smash his face in!
Originally posted by Shockwave
you are dropped somewhere and once you hit you are chased by like 30 aliens..you have no weapons nor nothing, you eventually find the HEV suit and its history from there..

Gabe newhall said that from valve...not exact word for word but thats how it starts

Yep, that sounds like what the G-Man would do. Mean ol' dude..
Hehe ;) But what if you start the game, get's something to eat/drink and when you are back you're dead :P

Well, i should'nt move my ass from this chair in days when i got hl2 ;)

But it should be kewl beeing hunted by aliens..
Maybe Gordon finds a car and drives it into City 17? :eek:
if it's set 15 years later, gordon would be an old guy and the G-man should have white hair.
Hm, is'nt this PC games.. I mean they don't live for real ;)

Have you not seen ROCKY ?:D He does'nt look older :|

*joke* :D

I think it would be cool to just drop you straight in the action, in the midst of aliens and soldiers. Then maybe after a huge fire fight it could take you back a couple of months to when the G-MAN hired you. SOme sort of 'PULP FICTION' timeline where you start in the middle sort of thing? :dozey:
No, because flashbacks suck more nuts than a squirrel in a vacuum cleaner.
I see things just dumping u straight into the action, set just before a rendeveux with one of the charecters, probbally Alyx, who you have known for several months, And you dont really know whats going on untill u play through the first chapter or two.

There wont be any cutscenes/flashbacks etc.

My theory is Gamespot movie 4.. the game would start like that, with just a pistol and straight into the action.

¬ Lobster
Freeman will be 42 if HL2 is set 15 years after the first game.
Gordon, to my recollection, was 26 in the first game. That would make him 41. Meh, he can still go at it with the headcrabs.
pft im almost sure i heard Mr Gabe man say in one of the viedeos that HL2 is set 6 months after the first game..... or 2 years rofl im gonna go check and will post back after.

Originally posted by geeK
Hmm, i think g-man will come later in the game. When Freeman reches City 17 or something :)

it'll start with G-man banging Gordon.. ... Sorry.. :cheese:
Originally posted by dovoxove
it'll start with G-man banging Gordon.. ... Sorry.. :cheese:

I won't even ask how you thought that one up :p

I always imagined Half Life 2 starting with Gordon teleporting "up ahead" as the G-Man puts it, and there his employment begins. Although I don't think it would jump right into Half Life 2, I'd say Freeman is sent to City 17 to fight for the human resistance and carry out other tasks that we aren't (and probably the G-Man wouldn't tell Gordon) aware of. There is the clip of the G-Man saying "We've been very busy in your absence, Mr. Freeman", perhaps Gordon was chilling in the Bahamas after his hard work in Black Mesa but got called back to go and fight for his life again. Then again that clip is probably just to show off the Source engine, and really it is Valve who have been very busy since we last met ;).

Now I just have to wait and laugh at that theory when it's proved wrong on release day :cheese:
I think Gordon just sat around in that black place you get teleported to, watching the credits roll by and listening to funky techno music.
I can't imagine they'd pass up the opportunity to start off with another ingame journey ala the Black Mesa tram system in HL1. That trailer clip had Gordon walking into City17 past all the troops, armour and spydrones, so perhaps that's it this time around: Gordon walking to work at the lab (brown bag lunch and all) just observing what's happening around him and seeing the oppressive Combine forces at work -- all while the credits roll.

Still liked OpFor's opening too: "The pilot thought we were on the way to your momma's house... [*looks out drop doors*] this all looks familiar..."
Hmm. maybe we will see a better end of HL1, and then it fades to black and wit hwhite text " 5 years later... " And then the camera flies over City 17 and a Hercules voice starts to talk :D
I don't think we'll know anything more than what we need to know to finish the game. We'll get the full story in HL3 about 5 years from now.
I just finished HL 1 now for old times sake and the G-man says at the end "See you up ahead Mr.Freeman" soooooo in the intro we will talking to the G-man again most probably :)
Im playing it right now.. With a friend of course ;) I don't dare play it myself :borg:
I think you walk into a room dimly lit then the lights go out (apprehension?) then the lits come back on brighter this time so you can see the G-man behind some glass (bitch) so all you people who want his blood cant have it.:borg:
Still liked OpFor's opening too: "The pilot thought we were on the way to your momma's house... [*looks out drop doors*] this all looks familiar..."

Yeah, the OpFor intro had to be the best of all three, those soldiers were funny :D I wonder if Shephard will be back, the poor bastard fought his way past all those Black Ops and shock troop aliens, only to be detained by the G-Man in some strange dimension ;(
yeah I heard 15 years....youd think gordon would be pretty rusty by then!
15 years from black mesa is too much, so where was gordon all this 15 years ? ¬¬ in Xen with gman playing chess ?
nah i bet he was sitting on a beach somewhere with a red phone next to him waiting for the call to get back into action...