HL2 lifematch


Dec 18, 2005
Reaction score
think about it man, just think about it...


*thinks deeper*

Yo no lo obtengo.
Guess who drank too much yesterday?

The answer is you YOU! ^-^
Same thing, different name :)

Deathmatch: You fight to kill the other players, or those not on your team.

Lifematch: You fight to stay alive or to help your team stay alive.

Deathmatch has a more agressive tone to it though as you fight to kill, meaning, attacking, not fight to live, meaning defensive play.
no, so very wrong. in lifematch you fight to give life!! this mode will also inlude the fabled 'alyx pregnant' npc.
.................................................................................ummmmm ok.
Seriously Rambler don't fall in love with npc's its very unbecoming, well unless of coarse you can some how bend the laws of the universe to cause games to have there own seperate reality....are you the G-Man Rambler cause unless you are then stop obsessing about npc's. Cause all they are is faulty A.I. and a bunch of scripted seqeunces.