[HL2.net] - Kablooey!


Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Battle is waging at every front, soldiers from all corners of the world gather,
the war of Team Fortress 2 has begun!


Halflife2.net wants you! to charge into the fray, and many have answered the call! But who is willing to be among the finest fighters this battlefield has ever seen? And who is willing to lead these men into armed combat?

Thanks to Ennui we've gathered at least 40 members

(alphabetical order - list updated 10/16)
[HL2.net] _Z_Ryuken
[HL2.net] AmishSlayer
[HL2.net] Anasynth
[HL2.net] atomicspark
[HL2.net] Billybob240
[HL2.net] Chris
[HL2.net] CyberPitz
[HL2.net] Daggett
[HL2.net] DigimaN
[HL2.net] Ennui
[HL2.net] Evo
[HL2.net] G-Dub
[HL2.net] GordonFreeman911
[HL2.net] hool10
[HL2.net] Iced_Eagle
[HL2.net] Javert
[HL2.net] Krynn72
[HL2.net] Laivasse
[HL2.net] Letters
[HL2.net] mahalis
[HL2.net] mchammer75040
[HL2.net] Naudian
[HL2.net] nidbanikeri
[HL2.net] Pesh
[HL2.net] psychofreak001
[HL2.net] Qonfused
[HL2.net] Rapstah
[HL2.net] Rogue Trooper
[HL2.net] Russian Mafia
[HL2.net] Shadow
[HL2.net] Shamrock
[HL2.net] Silentsloth
[HL2.net] simonjedi1
[HL2.net] Soupstorm
[HL2.net] spongwig
[HL2.net] Sulkdodds
[HL2.net] TwwiX
[HL2.net] UseAbuse
[HL2.net] wildchild
[HL2.net] xlucidx

What times can everyone play? What nights in particular should we all get together? Who is serious about tf2 competitive and who's just a casual call-in?

All the time.
I am serious.
Eastern Standard time.
I don't know how serious I'll be about this - I'm leaning towards just being a call-in. Plus my work schedule is fluid, so I might be able to play at these times (in 24hr GMT of course):

Monday: 18:30 to 04:00
Tuesday: 19:30 to 04:00
Wednesday: 19:30 to 04:00
Thursday: 17:30 to 08:00
Friday: 19:30 to 08:00
Saturday: 17:00 to 08:00
Sunday: 17:00 to 00:00
I'm on usually 4 or 5PM EST after college. On the weekends it's spotty but I'm usually on the weekends. My id is: [HL2.net] hool10 *Can we create a HL2.net TF2 community group?
7PM - 1AM CST on weekdays, anything on the weekends.

Bring it bitches.
We're going to need 16 players to do an 8v8 scrim with all hl2net members, just to see who's good and how we play together.
Well, since a few people have showed interest in me being the leader "dear god, why? lol" I'll go for it if you people would have me. I've just never been in a competitive clan leader, so I may need some assistants to help me out with certain tasks :)
I'll assist with all your evil deeds and general mistreatment of the underlings.
I'm about most of the time except late morning GMT hours - I have no life atm.

However I suck at TF2, my computer has BSOD's coming out the arse, and I'm possibly moving abroad in a short while, so keep me firmly as a 'call-in' since I could vanish mid-match or randomly for months at a time.
heyo, i asked to be on the team. i would love to play with you guys and am down to play whenever.
I'm available most nights from 5-12pm EST. With a dedicated medic, I'm the best Soldier you'll EVER see.
Anytime after 5 pm EST and all day on the weekends I'm free.

And I always want to play TF2.
heyo, i asked to be on the team. i would love to play with you guys and am down to play whenever.

He is my friend. He is good. He shall be a clan member even without the necessary posts.
I'd be happy to join. Fairly good Pyro/Demo/Medic, bloody good Engineer, and I spot spies like you wouldn't believe. Still not so good at the whole "staying alive through more than a few consecutive battles" thing, but I'm working on it. :D
Eastern time zone, usually available around 5-7 and 9-12 weekdays, and pretty much anytime after noon weekends. Steam name "mahalis".
Am I not cool enough for the list? D:

Oh, and due to school, I will just be a casual member.
Pretty much every day except Wednesdays and Sundays.
I'll try to be on during the week, but with the amount of homework I've been getting is making it tricky.

But during weekends, with my girl up in Maine... I'll be able to play any time during the weekend, unless of course I have something else planned.

edit: Oh and I guess I'm a pretty good scout and a decent demoman.

edit : Also, my job is going to be starting up again in a few weeks so that'll limit my game time to mostly late in the day on weekends, except for Sunday in which I'll be completely free.
Add [HL2.net] G-Dub to the list! :thumbs:

I can play 7pm GMT til 9/10 GMT, whatever really!
I'll join if you want me, I'm pretty rubbish though. On GMT, but I'm not big on competitive games.
my steam account name is Masta20. My in game name is masta23.
Timezone :uk GMT.
We usually all rush the hl2net server when a bunch of regulars are online. Just hang out in the chat.

Sometime this week we'll post a get together so we can hopefully have an 8v8 scrim.
Im free most days and some evening depending on work (GMT timezone for me.) I am also interested in competative play and play a Soldier mainly now, but am willing to fill any role needed at a particular time.

whys noone on the halflife2.net servers?

Because I get a ping of over 150, all the time.

That's really about it. I find a lot of people over here in the US have been playing on my old communities server, Hardfought.org. That's usually where I game, since I get great ping, and a lot of hl2.netters play there :)
That's really about it. I find a lot of people over here in the US have been playing on my old communities server, Hardfought.org. That's usually where I game, since I get great ping, and a lot of hl2.netters play there :)
Rofl. That is because we always join your black asscheeks. :]
Truly, Pitz is a beacon of light on this midnight ocean.
I am free after 5:30pm PST / 8:30 EST on weekdays. Anytime on weekends.
Do we have to have that tag at the front of our name in order to join? :(
No, but why not add it?

Because I feel more independant without it :E

One thing I don't like about clans is being told when to play, what to have in my name, etc. I play at my own free will.

So yeah, add me to the list then :D

I guess its either

[HL2.net] iogg



Most people know me anyway on the Steam chat.