HL2 New Videos.. !!

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but i dont understand that language, and it seems i have to pay for registration? Some1 plz mirror :(

EDIT: The screeny... It's the Hydra sequence..
Only thing is, the activation (register) Im trying to find them else wheres and place the Videos on my site guys.

Ill make it esy for download...if any1 finds them somewhere else plz pm me or come to my site thx.. !!


I just registered for an account and waiting for the email confirmation. They didn't ask for a credit card so I assume it's free.

It's been like over 5 minutes now and still no email. This movie better be some new footage :flame:
Yeh, its free but they have to confirm the email first... :(

"DRAG"...... Im currently trying to search for them else wheres and if i find them Ill post the link to my site for you guys to download them. Wont be too much bandwitdh..;)

Im sure HL2.net will jump on it when they find out as well

some one who already got the video... does it actually contain any new footage at all ??
I got confirmation email bro...ive dl 2 of the videos already.. ITS NEW.. !!

they are sweet...;)

If you have them, join #hl2movies @qnet send me a priv msg and i will upload them
cool thanks man:) I have to got to work now but I'll check back when I'm done
i registerd and got an email....i go to d/l and i get to the page where it says the title of the file in bold and then in small letters theres a link to click that syas like informazio but considering i know not this language i dont know what to do, should i just wait at that page till it starts?
I believe the page says that most of these videos are only avaliable to Premium subscribers ($). The INTRO and Part1 are the only ones I've gotten Basic links for download. The rest showed up as PREMIUM LINKs only.

Most of the different videos I've come across so far are clips or camcorder copies of the original 500Mb (re-released later as a 600Mb) GameSpy MOV. With the exception of Hazard's little teaser and the blue tentacle scene, I haven't seen anything new.

Here is an inventory of everything I've seen. Anyone see something else?

GameSpy's Quicktime MOV (direct capture, no camcorder, GAMESPY logo)
- G-Man, display of facial and eye technology
- Physics display, including displacing ground, wood/metal/mattress demos, ragdoll and Pachinko. Demo of rendering preoperies & cameras.
- Outside pier scene. Attacked by two zombies till death.
- Alyx and Dr.Kliner scene. Ends with Strider breaking wall.
- City 17 Alley. guards attack you while hidng inside building. On rooftop, use boobytraps to kill several guards. Once guards are dead, zombies attack. Scene end with explosion of car.
- Barney and aliies take out a guardpost. Scene ends behind the wall with a "manitee" flying overhead.
- Antlion & pheromone scene. Includes attacking 3 different guard positions, a sentry, and ends with death by a big antlion
- Dune buggy ride across the dried sea floor. Starts near a sub and continues until you climb out of the buggy and down the "manitee" with rockets.
- City 17, starts in an elevator. You get to see the wall "eat" outward, then see two striders attack. Scene ends with "F" "U"
- some enimportant graphics fly by and then one more saying by G-Man

Missing from the 500Mb movie I have is a scene with no voice over. I was listed as "e32k3-halflife2_pce32003_4dn.mpg". It shows a scene with three of the hovering-rotors. You knock off a few guards, setting fire to one. It ends when you find Alyx, where a guard and glowing blue tenacles show up. This is a camcorder capture at E3 and has the GAMESPOT logo on it.

A series of MPG's from GAMESPOT which are poor camcorder versions of most of the Gamespy Video.

There is a GAMESPOT interview MPG, about 40 minutes long.

A MPG called "halflife2_pc_e3_direct.mpg" has just a series of shorts scenes. Mostly what we've seen in the others, just different viewpoints.

Nick Huck also did a teaser which just uses still releases onto the internet. Nice job considering he only had stills to work with.,
huh they also have a unreal tournement 2004 video up on that site
hmm.. I knew UT2k4 is the new one.. but I didnt knew there are already video's off it
does anyone know where i can get the HL2 600 MB movie
and i dont have to wait
I babel fished the url as it was in italian an it sounds like its the e3 stuff we've already seen, they talk about the tech demo and such like.

I think I heard blueyonder had the 600 mb vers., aint got a link though m8 soz
Originally posted by ~SiN~
I babel fished the url as it was in italian an it sounds like its the e3 stuff we've already seen, they talk about the tech demo and such like.

I think I heard blueyonder had the 600 mb vers., aint got a link though m8 soz
i just did the samething.. wasn't that Spanish? lol sorry, im stupid.
Just so everyone knows I was at E3 and saw HL there, this is pretty much everything they showed there.

GameSpy's Quicktime MOV (direct capture, no camcorder, GAMESPY logo)
- G-Man, display of facial and eye technology
That was everything in the 1st section

- Physics display, including displacing ground, wood/metal/mattress demos, ragdoll and Pachinko. Demo of rendering preoperies & cameras.
Yeah it should have ended shortly after he destroys the monitors.
- Outside pier scene. Attacked by two zombies till death.
pretty simple
- Alyx and Dr.Kliner scene. Ends with Strider breaking wall.
Yep, it started with Gordon staring at Alyx.

- City 17 Alley. guards attack you while hidng inside building. On rooftop, use boobytraps to kill several guards. Once guards are dead, zombies attack. Scene end with explosion of car.
Again, that was all from that scene, however the 2nd time I saw the video it skipped the part where the zombies walk around on fire, so if you saw that then that's the end.

- Barney and aliies take out a guardpost. Scene ends behind the wall with a "manitee" flying overhead.
Should end with gaurd falling after being shot.

- Antlion & pheromone scene. Includes attacking 3 different guard positions, a sentry, and ends with death by a big antlion
Actually he doesn't die but, the camara just fades (his health is still pretty high, I'm not sure if you can tell in the gamespy videos though since I don't have them). Anyway that's how it ends and it should start with him seeing the big holes in the ground.

- Dune buggy ride across the dried sea floor. Starts near a sub and continues until you climb out of the buggy and down the "manitee" with rockets.
- City 17, starts in an elevator. You get to see the wall "eat" outward, then see two striders attack. Scene ends with "F" "U"
pretty much.

- some enimportant graphics fly by and then one more saying by G-Man
He says something like "well, well, isn't this just like old times?"

Missing from the 500Mb movie I have is a scene with no voice over. I was listed as "e32k3-halflife2_pce32003_4dn.mpg". It shows a scene with three of the hovering-rotors. You knock off a few guards, setting fire to one. It ends when you find Alyx, where a guard and glowing blue tenacles show up. This is a camcorder capture at E3 and has the GAMESPOT logo on it.

It also shows that gun that shoots some kind of canister which he uses to kill the guard. Then that part with the hydra. Also what Gabe said during this scence was that, at this part of the game the combine had forced or chased you into the sewer and that was about it. Following that was the Barney scene which opens with "remember when we though black mesa was as bad as it could get?"
I downloaded the INTRO & PART1 which you don't have to pay for. They are a different camcorder-capture of the same E3 video.

I seriously doubt if the rest contain anything not released under better captures.

If you haven't seen the 500 MB QTmov from Gamespy, that is the one to download. It doesn't have the blue tentacle scene for some reason. I guess they cut it out for size. Theirs is the only direct capture, and while a little dark, better resolution & sound than all the rest.

Barney and aliies take out a guardpost. Scene ends behind the wall with a "manitee" flying overhead.
Should end with gaurd falling after being shot.

The Gamespy continues past that point. Gordon opens the gate from the inside and as the remaining guys outside run forward a dust cloud of a mantiee comes up behind them and attacks. It ends with the manitee hovering overhead. You get to see alll the hanging overhead cables bouncing around from the air currents.

The 600 Mb version...I wonder if that includes the sewer scene with the hover-rotors attacking to the Hydra scene. The only copy I have of that is Gamespot's and it is poor. It goes out of focus repeatedly, and lighting and sound are crappy. Obviously a handheld camcorder copy.
I doubt that there is anything new. but who knows.
The reason the 600 mb qtime movie didn't have the hydra demo in it is because that was a live demo, which was shown after the the screened demo to show the engine running in real time, the gamespy mov was one valve made before e3.
Actually all my comments were on the 520 MB QT (544,804,829 bytes) version. Gamespy has just released (Fri May 23rd) a 600Mb video

GAMESPY STATES: We increased the quality of this video even further! Enjoy 30 fps of Half-Life 2 joy, plus a brighter picture!

Doesn't sound like new scenes, just better quality.
the 600 meg fileplanet vid doesnt have more footage then the 500 meg one.
The 600+ vid is GREAT too bad it's the same (quality wise) as the 500+ one!

I downloaded the small HL2 vids (the 8 vids from Gamespot), burned them to a CD, next day i see that a 600MB version had come out.

Luckly cd's arent that expensive :) (I did the exactsame thing :o)
Found this thread with the search, just downloaded GameSPYs 600MB video, and i cant hear any sound, is that right or does it have sound and i have a problem?

Have the latest version of Quick Time, i and dont think playing it with any thing else will make any difference.

heh - You got a better chance of getting new videos from the hackers then you do from Valve.
All i wanna know is if the meaty 600MB GameSPY video has sound or not.

Is there any special codec i need to hear the sound then?
