Hl2 preview - gamerplay.com


May 21, 2003
Reaction score
Just a heads up for you guys, new preview to read....

In another game play movie, I saw the expanded physics engine help the puzzle-solving element of the game, where a pipe wrench was thrown into a piston-driven machine, and caused the machinery to stop dead when it got caught.

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Is there something new? I think he just watched the 650 mb movie and wrote a review.
that part was shown to a few previewers only. he was one of them. nothing new
Hmm, surely they could release this now.. we're dying for some more video action :D
there is alot more shown to the gamemagazine preview writers, like a chase by 5 antlions and an antlionguard across the dunes.

We havnt seen all
Id like to see the bit where one of the interviewers described an ant lion guard knocking an APC onto its side then rolling it down a hill.
Haven't heard of that one, sounds interesting.
Yeah i am with sparrow, it sounded so cool, like the guys shot a flare up in the air and a dropship full of troops can in to aid the soldiers, and when the scene ended Gabe said that it was all AI
obviously not really a smart guy,
I quote : " In the end, I think this game may not live up to the fame quite as much as its father (the original). I also think that it won’t revolutionize the FPS genre, it won’t set any new benchmark"

It's obvious as hell that it WILL do all this..i mean the interaction with the environment, and all the physics and stuff....damn :p
All the other previews I've read described it as way better then any other upcoming game
Originally posted by nietzsche
No matter how good Half-Life 2 will be, one shouldn't forget that there are/will be sites and magazines which hype the crap out of the game, in order to gain exclusive rights in the form of interviews / articles / playable demos / etc. from Valve. It was, it still is and it will be like this.

in some places yes i do believe so....... but then there are some reputable review sites....... and theres also the little fact that i dont think Valve really care if people hype the game or not....... they think its gd..... and they hope the consumers will. If its a gd game, its a gd game nd thus will sell even if few magazines/site hyped it jsut through word of mouth.

The preview isn't that bad, remember, most previews were done from videos anyway since they only showed videos at e3.
wow, it sounds like he only watched the e3 videos and only read about the other things from various places. like the wrench bit he gave it like one sentence.
Originally posted by Xenome
obviously not really a smart guy,
I quote : " In the end, I think this game may not live up to the fame quite as much as its father (the original). I also think that it won’t revolutionize the FPS genre, it won’t set any new benchmark"

It's obvious as hell that it WILL do all this..i mean the interaction with the environment, and all the physics and stuff....damn :p
All the other previews I've read described it as way better then any other upcoming game
lol.. you are the dumb one.. because it wont revolutionize.. just evolutionize. its just another step further in the FPS game genre. nothing more nothing less. it is not going to tun the gaming world upside down. its not like they have invented the weel, they have just improved it
Originally posted by EVIL
lol.. you are the dumb one.. because it wont revolutionize.. just evolutionize. its just another step further in the FPS game genre. nothing more nothing less. it is not going to tun the gaming world upside down. its not like they have invented the weel, they have just improved it

Uh, no, this game is revolutionary - it has the most powerful, yet flexible engine to date.

Registered: May 2003
Posts: 320
No matter how good Half-Life 2 will be, one shouldn't forget that there are/will be sites and magazines which hype the crap out of the game, in order to gain exclusive rights in the form of interviews / articles / playable demos / etc. from Valve. It was, it still is and it will be like this

Acctualy mags/webbys dont need to hype the crap out of the game ...Its ValVe FFS they dont need hypeing up the company logo just says it all...EG... ValVe Release more screens/vids of HL2

The whole NET goes slow..You cant get links for the new stuff anyware because its so dam popular...!

Just another Example realy ;)