HL2 release date (help!)

  • Thread starter Thread starter JakeMan
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Hi, i've been reading alot of things explaining that the pushed back release date for hl2 was just a rumor; excited i went to go reserve a copy of the game today. After visiting 3 different stores (EB, Game Stop, Software Etc.) all of them told me that the release date had been pushed back to November 28th.. I thought this was just a rumor? if anyone could help me i would be estatic, thank you

p.s. sorry if this is wrong place to post this, i'm new.
As far as we know, it's just a rumor. 9/30 still seems likely. We will have just wait and see.
Yes it is just a rumour, just like we've been discussing 10 times a week for the last 3 months.

Don't we need a big fat sticky in BOLD in this forum?
To tell you the truth, I don't think anyone really knows but Valve. Valve keeps saying the 30th of Sept; so I guess that's when it will be released. Until that day comes and we have a game or no game then we'll know if it's been delayed or not unless told otherwise before the 30th.
So WHY cant i reserve a copy for sept. 30th, they all say nov.. plz read my post in detail..
lol yea put it at the top of all fourms in big bold letters ;) doubt it would actually help thou.
dunno. cause maybe we aint heard no officail release and no gone gold
Originally posted by JakeMan
So WHY cant i reserve a copy for sept. 30th, they all say nov.. plz read my post in detail..

Dude, these websites/stores dont know CRAP. They're posting assumption dates, from what they're hearing from their corporate HQ. Hell, the Gamestop where I am says Feb. 4th, 2004. My EBX says 11/24, they're all made up! If Valve were to announce a delay, it would have to be sometime very soon....like within a week.
Originally posted by JakeMan
So WHY cant i reserve a copy for sept. 30th, they all say nov.. plz read my post in detail..

Everyone's reading your post in detail, we're just tired of hearing people say that retailers are saying November. You need to read a little more into what people are telling you in this thread.

What everyone is telling you is that to the best of our knowledge, it will be out on Sept 30. At this point, we're not sure why stores refuse to go with this date, even though it's the only date we've heard from anywhere near an official source.
Originally posted by JakeMan
So WHY cant I reserve a copy for sept. 30th, they all say nov.. plz read my post in detail..

To tell you the truth, I don't think anyone really knows but Valve.

I did read it. Like I first said; nobody really knows but Valve, not even the retailer stores.
probably becuase its smart for them to say its later then what the company "valve" says. think about it, you go in reserve it for sept 30. opps valve pushes it back, alot of people are pricks, and they will go in and hassle the stores to no end.
Sept. 30 is a date they are aiming for. Gabe didn't promise the game out sept.30 either so don't hold him to words he never said. I think it's coming out on the 30th but if it doesn't I'm not going to get pissed or blame anybody...
if you look at best buy and do their "estimated arrival date" for hl2, it says 11/2 - 11/12 which means that with shipping time, it will be shipped on the 30th :P
i9ve alrdy reserved my copy for 30th from gameplay.co.uk, they seem to be the only ppl keeping to the 30th
it's gonna come out on the 30th of september. But if it does come out on NOvember 28th, than I'm good because thats my birthday
thx for all the help guys. i wasn't trying to be rude or anything before, i'm just frustrated by these damn stores.
Originally posted by Spitwad
if you look at best buy and do their "estimated arrival date" for hl2, it says 11/2 - 11/12 which means that with shipping time, it will be shipped on the 30th :P

For god's sake man. October exists.
Yes, they are right. Half-Life 2 was officially delayed to November 28th. So, that's when you're gonna go to the store to pick it up. Ignore all the reviews you may see on the 30th, and don't pay mind to any of the posts in this forum saying 'I beat HL2.' They're just messing with ya.
Originally posted by alco
Yes, they are right. Half-Life 2 was officially delayed to November 28th. So, that's when you're gonna go to the store to pick it up. Ignore all the reviews you may see on the 30th, and don't pay mind to any of the posts in this forum saying 'I beat HL2.' They're just messing with ya.

I beat it... for real... you kill the G-Mans mom... its freaky
why oh why does valve torture us. They obviously know a lot of rumors are flying around about the release date. Why can't they just come out and tell us the truth once and for all. The real date. None of this steam "its coming tomorrow" stuff.

If its september 30th. Tell us. Tell the stores that sell halflife2.
