HL2 to linux petition


Jun 3, 2003
Reaction score
You can sign this petition to ask valve to do the HL2 port for linux and/or release the HL source code.


P.S: I don't know if it has already been posted but it doesn't seems so..
Just get rid of linux and get windows, there you now can run HL2, simple :D
See the thing is most normal people have no enourmous problem with windows. It's just a vocal minority think that linux is the way to go. and for some people, it may be.

but for gaming, no.
But I have windows :)

Everybody got it.
But imagine what would happen if HL2 go to linux: it will be the best 3D game for linux plus hundreds of great mods. I think it is great opportunity for Valve...
Yeah Wesisapie

read my first reply that's what i talk about
they wont release all the source code..

and can't you jsut run it with a windows emulator...?
Thanks for the heads up

Great job.

Nice to see someone else interesting in seeing a real 'free market' for gaming - I mean - the servers gonna have a linux port right? I can only guess at how strongly tied the rest of the project is to DirectBLOW.

Don't forget that Valve are using the Cg language for shaders (if my memory serves me correctly) - and there _is_ an SDK for linux, too.

Maybe gentoo games could get in on this bag....

P.S. Best game I ever purchase for linux was the http://www.garagegames.com Marble Blast gold edition. Its actually quite a creative and addictive game - and these people need more money to keep developing games :-)

Vote with your spondoolies !!!!
Lindows seemed the perfect linux version for windows proggies and games.. and it was supposed to be free.. but now you have to pay for it. wich is annoying.

annyway.. I will do a dualboot: windows XP and linux
/me goes into a RAGING RAMPAGE!! Grouwl!
/me trokes a whote cat whilst grinning manically for no good reason...
I get alot better performance outof UT2003 and Quake III When i play them in linux. So I am hoping that Valve will make a port!
I know quite a few peeps that would go to linux if more games where readiliy made to play in linux from the factory!
Linux? I think this OS was created only for people who work on their computer, not for games. Plus 99% market of PC OS controlled by Microsoft, and making HL2 for Linux is losing money. But I can be wrong.
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
Linux? I think this OS was created only for people who work on their computer, not for games.
None of the windows OS's were ever designed for games either. Their has never been an OS designed for games save for whatever different systems consoles use.

hmmm... I think someone should try and make an OS specifically meant for games on the PC. I must say it would have some major potential if it was done properly.
hmm, an OS for games would be good,
It'd have DirectX built in and have all the required software too... hmmm maybe we're onto something:

GameScreen2003: the OS just for gaming

I've got mirageOS on my ti-83+ that's pretty much designed entirely for games
Hah, I overclocked my ti-83+ to have seven 'g' keys!
HL2 relies heavily on DirectX, so I doubt very much that this would happen. I'd rather see it for OSX anyway, but that will never happen either.
I'm not going to enter the debate on Windows versus Linux, they serve different purposes & I have both. However the statement that windows is a better operating system for games is plain wrong. Having an OS that is more stable, more efficient and easier to develop for has to be a plus (I'll let you guess which OS this is, trust me I've used both I'm not making this up)

However there is another way, if Valve doesn't release a Linux port, you may be able to run using third party software. Half-life 1 would run using WINE. Whilst not technically an emulator WINE was an abtraction layer allowing code written for the windows API (application programming interface) to run under Linux. Hopefully the latest version of wine will work with Halflife2 (after any nessesary extensions have been implemented).
Who cares if Linux is more stable for games... The point is windows users can play more games than Linux users! A LOT more! :E
At the moment Yes Windows users can still play more games. That is why I havnt switched yet. Fact is though Linux has been slowly getting games that can run on it, and I hope that eventually it will become the standard to make games that can run on Linux.
Thats what i am talking about :)
Valve has just to release HL2 on linux and it will features a lot of mods for linux
Originally posted by Stone
hmm, an OS for games would be good,
It'd have DirectX built in and have all the required software too... hmmm maybe we're onto something:

GameScreen2003: the OS just for gaming
Exactly what I was thinking. Xbox has only got a 900Mhz proccessor and a GeForce 3 yet it is capable of running Doom III on what I presume is going to be the maximum graphics level on the PC. Just imagine what you would be able to do then with a lower end PC and an OS that is truly meant for gaming. Much like whatever Xbox uses.
Originally posted by |MaTT|
Who cares if Linux is more stable for games... The point is windows users can play more games than Linux users! A LOT more! :E

If more things like this petition thing happen, then eventually game makers will start making games that can run on Linux. it isn't that Linux cant do games, its that games cant do Linux because they are made specifically for windows.
I dont think the xbox version of doom 3 will run on max details and if I remember correctly the xbox has a 700mhz cpu not 900
Originally posted by Sat
Thats what i am talking about :)
Valve has just to release HL2 on linux and it will features a lot of mods for linux

1. Hmmm. All the major competitors to HL (and HL2) will run natively (I believe) on linux (and perhaps OS X)....
Q2, Q3, Q4, Doom2, Doom3, Unreal2kXX

2. And lots of people (like me) actually get better framerates running HL on linux, with the same hardware


1. Linux is, in fact, an excellent OS for FPS gaming.

2. Valve are shortsighted and goofed by making a product that is specific to a single OS.

Seems like a no-brainer.:flame:
i haven't used the Linux O/S much at all.. installed it once before.. and yes they are at times pain in the ass to get it installed.. but there are many benefits from using Linux which some pple already mentioned..

maybe when i have a second or third box up, i'll install Linux and learn to use it better than before..

as for the petition, i signed it, its for a good cause.. afterall there is good reasons why pple keep saying their games run better in Linux than Windows.

Good Luck for the petition :)
Originally posted by SidewinderX143
they wont release all the source code..

and can't you jsut run it with a windows emulator...?

There is no Windows emulator for linux. Although there's a wrapper for directx, and the program libaries.

There are specific game OS'. It has been done quite a bit of times on Linux now. Although not that broaded

Gentoo is also making one i was told, Gentoo games.
hmm.. continuing with the gaming O/S systems theme... i think it would be really awesome if the Linux team created a universal O/S for ALL games which includes functions like automatic updates to say... DirectX, or ur video drivers specific to the card u have.. stuff like that..

so a major benefit aside from being able to run games from this O/S, it becomes painless to update ur drivers and programs that u need to run games.. this could include from stuff like "The All Seeing Eye" to "Game tiger" to anything related to games.

i guess if not the Linux team, then Microsoft try venturing into this? although i fringe at the idea of Microsoft with yet another monopoly on us end users...


/me dies
I want HL2 to FreeBSD! It would awesome if they did a linux and a FreeBSD port. :) (I dont care if they make a linux port actualy. I rather use windows then linux)
Linux is a waste of time and so are the prople who use it and develop for it.

Valve is not stupid enough waste resources on porting the game to some garbage OS.
Originally posted by Koldfire
Linux is a waste of time and so are the prople who use it and develop for it.

Valve is not stupid enough waste resources on porting the game to some garbage OS.

and this post shows what u know about Linux... which doesn't say very much at all..

HL2 may be good for playing on Linux but its clear that server performance is much better when Linux runs it as opposed to Windows..

ya.. u can ignore that.. but this doesn't *suddenly* change just because of what u think.
Originally posted by Koldfire
Linux is a waste of time and so are the prople who use it and develop for it.
You are a moron.

How do you think the world ran before win2k? (nt3.51 and nt4 don't count, for obvious reasons.)

Your isp was probably running off linux since the early nineties, and you didn't even know it. You just knew that you could get connected, authenticated, send/receive email, and enjoy solid routing, dns, and homepages. All that has happened thanks to linux, sunos, solaris, aix, irix, *bsd, and a few other choice OS's.

As a matter of fact, most of the big-time sites run off unix variants or linux.

And let's talk about microsoft innovations --

well, opengl isn't one -- that one came from Silicon Graphics (sgi), and has bee made free to the public.

Active Directory? NT Domains (/single sign-on)? nope. that came from LDAP + kerberos, developed for free at MIT and elsewhere. Microsoft broke it, and called it "Active Directory"

C#? Nope -- that's what happened when Microsoft broke java, was sued for it, lost the suit, and renamed it.

Internet Explorer? Well, if you read the about info (at least it shows up when u install IE,) you will find that IE is based on code from NCSA Mosaic, one of the original web browsers.

Hmmmm. Web servers? Nope. Apache is still the most popular. And IIS security is a joke.

Name one major email-borne worm or virus that spread through a non-microsoft email client?
Okay, name one that spread through another component? I can think of one in semi-recent history that affected the Sun Microsystems web servers. But that's *one*. Compare that to nimda, code red, etc.

Why do you suppose that when you call tech support, the first response is almost guaranteed to be "reboot". What kind of p.o.s. OS has to be rebooted any time you change anything, or any part of it acts funny?

hmmm. Maybe VPNs? nope. ipsec isn't from microsoft. the microsoft-preferred pptp was popular, but insecure. kinda defeats the purpose of vpn, eh?

Perhaps in Software raid, mirroring, or journalling filesystems? Nope. those were had in aix, irix, and others long before microsoft had it. (linux was there first, too.)

"Internet connection sharing"? nope. linux had that 7-8 years ago, called "IP Masquerading".

"Internet Firewall"? nope. just about everyone else has had that for a long time before NT4 had it.

How about totally modular options, like ftp (pure-ftp, pro-ftp, wuftpd, etc.), mail (smtp, imap, pop)(exim, uw, postfix, qmail, sendmail, etc.), database servers (mysql, postgresql, berkeleydb, etc.), dns? Nope. With microsoft, you get IIS as their solution.

Maybe it's the microsoft gui you like? well, with winnt or win3.x, you could have the old style. with win95/98/me/nt4/2k/xp, the win95 style, or the winxp style. which one do you like? well, you'd better use that windows version. people in the unix/linux world can choose from scores of UIs, gui or console. I personally like kde 3.x, but someone else may prefer the minimalist blackbox, or the feature-rich gde, or

Thin clients / terminal services? nope. Microsoft's own multi-user solution is such a terrible kludge that they had to buy code of a second party (citrix), to *try* to make it work. Ever try to set up a terminal server with non-trivial apps? enjoy. However, with XDMCP and x terminals, this has been done in the unix world since... the 80s?

remote desktop? nope. that's been accomplished by X, XDMCP, VNC, and others for a long time.

Netmeeting/videoconferencing? Nope. look to vat, rat, sc, cuseeme, and other innovative tools.

TCP/IP? nope. that's from dARPAnet, which, btw, saw much of its growth during the unix years.

Maybe it's the windows registry that you're suggesting is a display of windows technical superiority? or its ease of use? Right. The term "hive" is aptly used. What a mess. This is part of the whole nightmare of multiple users per system, roaming profiles, different versions of the same apps, etc.

NT WS and Server didn't even come with their own low-level defrag tools? what a joke.

Maybe the developer options make windows so attractive? Hmm. If I develop in any microsoft environment, can I produce code that will compile on other platforms? Hmmm. But what if I use any number of cross-platform libraries, tools, and toolkits to develop my apps on linux-- can I run them on Windows? Why, yes! imagine that.

Security? Microsoft is a bit of a pioneer in this area.... sort of.... like, in "how can we release it so that it's out-of-the-box as wide-open as possible". Linux has a much better history. OpenBSD, however, has had ONE remote exploit in the default installation in FIVE years.

Hmm.... So, the unix/linux worlds have all this standards-based, solid technology....
....but linux gamers often see *better* framerates running their "windows" games under a freely available emulator on linux! Apparently, linux has what it takes under the hood to play the most modern FPS video games. (q3, jk2, d2, hl/cs/tfc, aa, ut2k3)

Holy cow. Maybe these linux people are on to something!

Like I said... You are a moron.
Re: Thanks for the heads up

Originally posted by MilkyMilky
Great job.

Nice to see someone else interesting in seeing a real 'free market' for gaming - I mean - the servers gonna have a linux port right? I can only guess at how strongly tied the rest of the project is to DirectBLOW.

Don't forget that Valve are using the Cg language for shaders (if my memory serves me correctly) - and there _is_ an SDK for linux, too.

Maybe gentoo games could get in on this bag....

P.S. Best game I ever purchase for linux was the http://www.garagegames.com Marble Blast gold edition. Its actually quite a creative and addictive game - and these people need more money to keep developing games :-)

Vote with your spondoolies !!!!

they don't use CG AFAIK, they use HLSL, which is almost the exact same thing, except that CG can compile to DirectX or OpenGL, and HLSL is only DirectX.