HL2 with geforce4-ti-4600 on 1600x1200?



do u think that would run on a system with just highend components on max (directx 8.1) details?
Gonna need the rest of your specifications if we're even going to attempt to answer that question.
no i just wanted to know if it is possible with the highendhardware today, not special with my sytem.

but when u want to know it:
athlon xp1800+
geforce 4-ti-4600
i doubt a ti would be able to run at 1600X1200 with settings maxed and still get a good framerate
HL2 with geforce4-ti-4600 on 1600x1200?
Not gonna happen buddy. Atleast not with good frame rates. You're looking at 10 frames per second if you do that.
i FSAA is off then yes....i dont think you should have any probs...if youve got quite a new CPU with that...and some RAM...
Originally posted by Yatta
Not gonna happen buddy. Atleast not with good frame rates. You're looking at 10 frames per second if you do that.

lol please...the E3 demo ran on that card, although it was on a P4 2800 i think...so, gotta make sure uve got enough mhz :)
but since its an Nvidia card, u probably cant put on FSAA...
ow didnt see u posted ur specs...well yes Gabe already replied some guys email who had the same specs, and he sais he shoudl run fine... i mean min specs are like a TNT 3 card and a 800mhz CPU...make it a GF3ultra and 1500 mhz with 256 DDR ram and everybodys running great with quite good gfx
Originally posted by ferd
lol please...the E3 demo ran on that card, although it was on a P4 2800 i think...so, gotta make sure uve got enough mhz :)
but since its an Nvidia card, u probably cant put on FSAA...

Uhh im pretty sure the E3 demo was run by a 9800 pro 256mb...
Originally posted by Sgt.Igneri
Uhh im pretty sure the E3 demo was run by a 9800 pro 256mb...

No, the E3 ran on a 9800pro 128mb. Gabe said that himself; they didn't get the 256mb version in time from ATI (or something like that).
Guess what? The 128MB Radeon card and the 256MB one have identical performance. So don't waste your cash on the 256MB one.

And yes, I think the Geforce 4 Ti 4600 will be able to run Half-Life 2 in maximum detail (for DX8) in 1600x at a decent enough framerate (around 30). You'll see for yourself...
Nobody was comparing the 9800 128mb to the 256mb, we were just talking about what card was used in the E3 demo... And as for that, the games now have nearly identical performance, but near future games will run better with more v-memory.
The people above my first post was talking about which card HL2 was running on at E3 between the Radeon 9800 PRO 128MB and 256MB, and I said what I mentioned because in reality it doesn't matter which one it was running on between those two. Only thing that matters is how much you would pay. Lol.