How can we stop CptStern?

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Lil' Timmy

Oct 14, 2003
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There's OBVIOUSLY way too much CptStern in the lounge, and on the whole of the internets for that matter. Something must be done.

How can we stop this?

I'm taking suggestions. Serious inquiries only please.
We must impregnate his wife and make it look like Stern's handiwork. This way he must spend all his remaining time raising another kid and he will have none left.
What are you guys thinking?
Nothing can be done. It's impossible.
We must impregnate his wife and make it look like Stern's handiwork. This way he must spend all his remaining time raising another kid and he will have none left.
ooooh! cuckolding for the win (loss)? this is the kind of inside the box thinking i'm looking for people. take notes.
hehe ok sorry i didn't know this thread is supposed to be funny in an intelligent way :LOL:
try doing that. there's thousands of 'em. and they're separated in different sections of the forum. this runs deeper than you think.

by the way, to those who didn't know, that "athletic" looking guy i just posted is stern's actual enemy. he could eliminate stern! but suuure, if you want to take the fictional route fine by me...
There's OBVIOUSLY way too much CptStern in the lounge, and on the whole of the internets for that matter. Something must be done.

How can we stop this?

I'm taking suggestions. Serious inquiries only please.

You don't get it, do you? He'll keep on posting. That's what he does. That's all he does! You can't stop him.
try doing that. there's thousands of 'em. and they're separated in different sections of the forum. this runs deeper than you think.
you're crossing the line, mien freund.

alright. operation cuckoo bird is in full effect. who's going to do the insemination? who's going to get the mexican chocolate? who needs rubber nipples?

i'm putting Mr. Pink or one of his various sockpuppets (SheepFactory, Pseudonym_, DevilFish, etc) in charge of organizing the sperm donations. i nominate Shuzer to take charge of taking charge. and i want Cybersh33p to coordinate the fail. this way, we can't lose.
It won't work, I tell ya. He's already spread the virus. It's only a matter of time until all of us turn into CptSterns.
His last ascension may have failed and left him weakened, but the truth of the matter is that he simply cannot be stopped. I fear that his weakened state only encouraged his exponential growth, and instilled in him a new craving for world domination.

I for one welcome our new Cpt. Stern overlord.
There's OBVIOUSLY way too much CptStern in the lounge, and on the whole of the internets for that matter. Something must be done.

How can we stop this?

I'm taking suggestions. Serious inquiries only please.
Don't you know? He's the Jugernaut b:)*ch! He can't be stoped.
I have the perfect plan.

On the night of his birthday we shall infiltrate his premises and slaughter any animals he may own (if none, children will do). Whilst doing this we shall knowingly leave evidence of who-dun-it, which shall be our dearest family member. Upon his awakening to such bloodshed he will only be able to envisage vengeance upon the perpetrators of this menacing crime. In several weeks he will have located the whereabouts of the so-called murderers of his pets/children. Considering we are always one step ahead, we will have rigged security cameras throughout the property of the accused loved one. Through Sterns' incomparable vengeance our loved ones shall be murdered, and through our ingenious surveillance cameras Stern shall be caught. During his trial for murder, two excruciatingly skinny Hispanic teenagers will stab him with a paint brush in an outcry of anguish and in the name of art.

This shall be taught in History classes in the 22nd Century.
Why don't you just hack his account and change the password so he can't EVER LOG ON AGAIN?

Or, become good friends with a mod and ask him to ban CptStern just for shits and giggles.

Or you can taunt CptStern into doing something stupid and thus get him banned (say creationists are correct or something).

Or, find out his IP, ping it and whatnot and find out his address, then go to his home and literally kill him (someone said this one already but whatever).

Or, you can send a virus to him via email or something and fry his motherboard (I heard some viruses can do that).

Or, you can hack itself and delete it so he doesn't have a medium to express himself with.

I welcome the return of this Timmy person and commend him for his adorable avatar
Stern cannot be stopped, seriously he survived a post-count-reset and has max skill points in both multi-quote and multi-post abilities.
Last time Sulk Destroyed him, his death only caused Portal Storms.


Or more Numbers, Raziaars, Que-evers, Solarises and Stuffs
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