How do you open .pk4 files?


Jun 27, 2004
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Does anybody know what program will open .pk4 files?
what!? said:
Does anybody know what program will open .pk4 files?

All you have to do is unzip them with Winrar.
if your doing it to uncompress the doom3 files in the base folder, make sure you backthem up. I did it and now it won't run.
true - pak files are essentially just .zip files - there's nothing to it :)

Btw i found a funny spoiler going through the sound files - there's actually a cpu/computer in-game that sounds exactly like something from star trek....hell it even has the name Trekkie :p hats off for that id
Those are photoshopfiles. you need photoshop to convert them
i jsut send them to my brother and he dose it
??? pk4 are zip files not photoshop files......
sHm0zY said:
Those are photoshopfiles. you need photoshop to convert them
i jsut send them to my brother and he dose it
Photoshop files end in .PSD or .PDD

You can open .pk4 files with the latest version of WinRAR. I just did it and it works.
Thank you. WinRAR did it for me! Can I delete most of those .cfg files with out any problem? (most look like designers custom play settings) If so which ones must I keep in?

I think I'll try to alter the imps AI so it feels a little bit more 'leapy.'
If you want to make some changes to the Imp AI, make sure you create a new PK4 file, make a folder inside it called 'script' (I think) and put your modified Imp AI (ai_monster_demon_imp.script I think, again I might be wrong) script in there. I don't know if you already knew this, but it's best not to go messing with your pak000 file.
I already unzipped the .pk4 file, and I have a Script folder. Can't I just copy and rename the original file as 'ai_monster_demon_imp_original.script' and modify the original file? Then I have a backup and I don't need to worry about the engine finding my new file.
I'm not too good at this, but what I would personally try is:

1. Create a new file 'superimp.pk4' or something like that
2. Create a folder called 'script' inside 'superimp.pk4'
3. Copy 'ai_monster_demon_imp.script' from pak000.pk4 and make your modifications to the copy, not the original.
4. Put the modified ai_monster_demon_imp.script in the script folder of 'superimp.pk4'. Make sure the file is still called ai_monster_demon_imp.script.
5. Keep 'superimp.pk4' in the base folder, the game should now read script/ai_monster_demon_imp.script from superimp.pk4 instead of pak000.pk4. Everything else should be unchaged.

This way you have your original pak000 file unchanged, you won't be able to connect to a pure server if one of your original pak files is modified. (at least, that's how it is with Quake 3)
total commander all the way !
just hit enter on the file and browse it...
yeah that makes sense ElFuhrer. I unzipped all my .pk4 files and strangely it took twice as long to load a level. Does anybody know why this is?