How far would you go?

Which do you guys like better?

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Hey i was just wondering, how far is any1 on half-life 2? Im just on the part where i have to meet the german dude at the church.
Feedback please i would like 2 hear.....
if you post in the counter strike source part of this forum your BOUND TO GET more cs s votes
I'm a CSS junkie but HL2 rules all. Its just that now that I've played through the game a few times,. well,. its over.

BTW, this thread makes absolutly no sense.

How far would I go? Well,. all the way. What does that have to do with the poll, or your post?
My bad

Hey guys thanx for replying, and yeah sry for posting it up on a cs:s forum, my bad but i got a good death screenshot yesturday
Hey thanx for replying, i no that i shoudnt do a hl2 on a cs:s thread, but oh well

heres sweet death shots i took

#1 likes playing with himself(if you no what i mean)
That's a pretty random screenshot :) What's your brightness set at? Everything seems to be nearly glowing.

Oh, and I say HL2, only because it's a fresher and higher-quality experience than CSS. CSS is just a remake.
I love fy_iceworld_real its the only good iceworld for CSS. But the weapons dissapear too quickly.
hey fluke mt bad the name How far would you go, was a mistake. i meant to put how far have you gone?
I am at the part where the man throws me the shotgun its pretty intence and horrifying!!!
i know the whole game is intensifing and incredible, i just cant believe how realistic it looks, th best game ive ever played
yeah i love this game i love to play it at night becauseugetthe feeling of being gordon freeman in his own shoes it is THE best gameiveever played!!!
becauseugetthe=because u get the

SRY forgot to space out words

PS= the shrimp fajitas i had were great in palmsprings
yeah i love that feeling also althoug it is pretty scary, i can handle it , the zombies look and act realistic (better than half life 1) and its just amazing, props to the creators and developers of hl2 and cs:s
i hate it when the zombies are on the floor then all of asudden they stand up and walk towards you
lol yeah but is tight how those little dog zombies are attached to the zombies heads, awsome