How old is a half lifer ?

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How old is a half-lifer?

  • 8-12

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • 13-17

    Votes: 24 43.6%
  • 18-20

    Votes: 16 29.1%
  • 21+

    Votes: 14 25.5%

  • Total voters


Im priddy board here folks soooo I dunno. Im 19 an iv had hl since the beginning, what sorta age r y’all? dnt worry im not an odd ball lookin’ for little boys! U best not b ether! Eeeew. :eek:
Gee I can tell the poll was done by someone in their teens. Everyone 21 and older is lumped together. I'm probably the oldest to visit this board. 36
I'm a young soon-to-be-18 (meh, I consider myself 18. I blame it on my damn late birthday. Damn you November 21st!)

I rememver when I was 11 or so (i'm 16 now) and my brother first got half-life and I watched him play and try to help hime the best I could. I then remember trying to figure out multiplayer. My brother told me if I pressed update a lot it would do something. Once in awhile I would actually get servers and when I joined undertow or something I would get about .001 frames per second and everyone in the server would have 2000 ping.
ahhh yess I remember those days ;(
Originally posted by D|2AGON
I rememver when I was 11 or so (i'm 16 now) and my brother first got half-life and I watched him play and try to help hime the best I could. I then remember trying to figure out multiplayer. My brother told me if I pressed update a lot it would do something. Once in awhile I would actually get servers and when I joined undertow or something I would get about .001 frames per second and everyone in the server would have 2000 ping.
ahhh yess I remember those days ;(
...wait, those days are over?...Uhhhh, I think it MAY be time to upgrade my hardware....and connection speed.


Boy, am I glad a lot of the old guard are still here. Judging by the posts in the other forum I though mostly everyone here was like 12.
Ah, if you're referring to me, many apologies. I suppose I am goading THUG and Ray on to a certain extent, but I figure that I might as well get some quality entertainment out of it before they get banned. Sorry if it's annoying you. Just to re-assert my non-twelve-edness (yes, I know there's no way in hell that could be a word), I'm 18.

Turning 17 on Sept 13th

If only It was closer to Sept 30th, then I would get the perfect birthday present. :bounce:
14, but I was 10 when my brother gave HL to me... he said it wasn't any good!
15, been playing HL and it's various mods for around 3 years now
Originally posted by RoyalEF
Gee I can tell the poll was done by someone in their teens. Everyone 21 and older is lumped together. I'm probably the oldest to visit this board. 36

I'm 26, it takes a certain maturity to tryly enjoy Half Life.

Mature income also helps when you gotta get a new computer to play HL2.:thumbs:
Hey Stone, enjoying fine interactive entertainment will help keep your reflexes sharp and your nerve steady.

I'll play'em till I'm 90, suppose I get a Senior Citize's Discount on HL8?
No, they told me I was too old to be classed as senior citizen :(

anyway, I'm 17 (ala coming on 18 in december)
Originally posted by Stone
No, they told me I was too old to be classed as senior citizen :(

anyway, I'm 17 (ala coming on 18 in december)

Borrow some of you granpa's clothes and get a fake beard,

then try again.
You mean they've found him, YIPEEE! always wanted to meet the sod!
Originally posted by Lordblackadder
I'm 26, it takes a certain maturity to tryly enjoy Half Life.

Mature income also helps when you gotta get a new computer to play HL2.:thumbs:

very true, there are a lot of immature half lifers about, all the l33t tossers who just like to ruin ur game by camping and cheating or whateva

But there are also come class ppl about too

I am 18 myself by the way
Maturity doesn't necessarily come with age. And just because someone is young doesn't mean they do not have maturity.
yeah i know

i mean im only 18 but i think i am wiser beyond my years

and there are a lot of younger ppl who just wanna enjoy the game

But there are also a lot of younger ppl who just piss about ruining it for every1 else