How to kill that tall bitch?

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Man. I saw the demo. strider is realy pain in the ass. did u see All armed forces start shooting at strider. But it (Strider) did not ****ing expire. Means that this giant shit is unbeatable.
My ? is,
Is there is any ****ing way to kill it?
well, dont expect us to know the answer. if its invincible well just have to trap it like we did with the garg in HL1.

otherwise we might use gluon gun or rockets.
Crash into it with one of those hover ships that remind me of a Hunter Killer from Terminator.
My first instinct when i saw it was "shoot at the legs(thing) you dumbass".. thats how i would have done it if i was playing :)
Probably lots of ways to kill them.

I'm hoping you can blow off their legs with satchel charges..... TIMBER!
Gordon give it **** you (FU) Symbol. nothign will work. do not forget one Think it has a plasma shit attached to its body
hey, did u see the demo video how the strider ****ed the army man with its leg. dud this alien shit is unbeatable. may be its going to be the only alien that is impossible to kill.
hmmm... I wonder if you could use the grav-gun to trip the strider by bashing things into its legs... Or better yet, grab one of the legs with the gun and make it fall on its head.
but the grav-gun only works with some objects and if your are correct we should seen a bit of it in the demo...
I don't know if the leg will be something that you can manipulate with the grav-gun, but I wouldn't be surprised if it is. It really would be sweet. Im gonna e-mail gabe about it.
u certainly wont kill it by mis-aiming chairs at it like in the demo.
just gonna piss it off, buddy.
Yeah, rockets sound like the most guilty approach...

Originally posted by The Mullinator
Im talking about heavier objects, something along the same size as a car.

Obviously it seems like there's a certain amount of weight you can pick up with the gravity gun... otherwise then we could just pick up the Striders themsleves.. :p
yes there is a weight limit, if there wasnt then you could just grab the airship and smash it into the ground.
I know there is a weight limit, but we don't know how much it is. The maximum weight might be enough to topple a strider if you hit it in one of its legs.
Originally posted by Gorgon
Gordon give it **** you (FU) Symbol. nothign will work. do not forget one Think it has a plasma shit attached to its body

Hahahaha :-D "I gave it FU and it was still coming"
can u pic the cheats with the gav-gun. think of the stuf we will be able to pic up and throw. i bet u can make it to u can pick up cars ect ect sounds fun
I want an Egon to scramble one of the legs and watch it fall. More than that, I'll just climb up it's leg and bash it's kneecap in with a crowbar, THEN watch it fall, then I'll press Q once I h4x AMX into SP and swing away on my 1337 ninjarope:afro:
You tickle it's feet and it falls over laughing and dies from the impact.
Run into a building going straight to the roof. Jump from the roof onto strider's head. Throw grenade in a panel. Jump back on roof.

Gordon : Strider - 1 : 0
Would it be possible to throw a couple of grenade in a box, and then shoot it at the strider's head?
well if you think about it you need to be extra fast and in a correct moves.
Actually, I think they can be shot. A well placed grenade, or a lil' rocket in its face, and the strider is history :]

Since the striders aren't unique (two striders at the same time, in the same level), I really don't think they're invincible.
Remember the Gargantua and the 3 tentacles ? They were unique and (almost) unbeatable without the help of the key scripted event...
I emailed that fat bastard gabe and he said you have to push your "penis" into the strider's "exhaust pipe"

Apparently it likes that
I think any abrieviation of a foul-worded phrase shall send the beast plummiting.