How to make cutscenes


Dec 9, 2005
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I was just wondering how to make cutscenes on your own fan-made source engine game. Any help here?
I need help here guys. Seriously... So I can improve my knowledge on the SDK.
It's just a matter of finding the code and/or entity to grab the player's view and hold him in the area of the cutscene while stuff plays out.

Or, you know, making an AVI or MPG of the cutscene and playing it on his screen; but the former solution is more fun!
Use what tool in order to make cutscenes? I am desperate on craving knowledge on the Source SDK.
I really need answers to what tools you need to make cutscenes? Desperation for answers right now.
two double posts in one thread. nice. how about waiting a little more time before you bump, eh?

learn Faceposer.
Uh, you can make cutscenes howsoever you want to make cutscenes. If you like mapping, set up some scripted sequences and grab the player's view so that he can watch them. You can make AVIs of thrown-together Photoshop images and play them for the player. You can use Faceposer.
That's a lot of images, to make an avi :O
Thanks guys... But I still have doubt.

Any video tutorial to show me? I still have doubt on this.