How to play the engineer

The engineer is the class I'll choose if there are too many medics on a team. I'm surprised at how much he advocated the level 1 sentry... heavy classes can almost walk through them, and even light classes can get by at distance. I'll go to level 2 at the very least before leaving it as a 'trap'. If that catches someone off guard, they'll invariably die. If a level 1 catches someone off guard, maybe not. He also didn't mention anything about teleporters. For example, you should rotate the exit before placing it so travelers come out facing the right way (as opposed to the corner of a shack). You should also advertise your teleporter's destination to your team. If you're using it for your own use, it'll prevent them from being inconvenienced by a trip somewhere they don't need to go. If you're using it for their use, they'll need to be prepared for the destination.
I agree, not much about teleporters at all. One thing I thought he would mention would be the ability to place entrances inside the opening door of your spawn by standing outside and trying to build inside. It's hugely beneficial to the team as it stops those sneaky spies sapping entrances causing engies to go back to spawn leaving sentries unguarded.

Good video as usual, the level 1 sentry is hugely useful in the ambush locations, I've seen it a handful of times force an early uber.
... For example, you should rotate the exit before placing it so travelers come out facing the right way (as opposed to the corner of a shack). ...

Right. People are staring at the wall for like 2 - 3 seconds after teleportation and don't know where they are. If the exit was not turned.
Teleporters can make a massive difference to a game. In a game where two teams are closely matched in terms of skill, one or two teleporters can make the difference and cause one team to be completely overwhelmed.

If I'm in a real tough match where the other team keep pouring towards my team relentlessly, faster than they should be able to, then finding and smashing their tele(s) will become my top priority.
So he's advocating spawn camping with sentries?

A good video, but not one of his strongest.
Yeah... that piece where he had the level 1 sentry outside their base... why didn't he bump it up to a level 2? A soldier could have dropped that easy, but a level 2 might have made a difference. Maybe he didn't have enough metal.
Decent video, but it focused all on the sentry - which was ok, cos I don't really know how to use the engie the best way.
I think there should be a part two. He didn't talk about dispenser placement at all, or teles... I would have liked to see if he thought using dispensers to climb stuff is good or just fun.
I agree, I also thought he didn't discuss the usefullness of Barricades quite enough, I know I can't live without em on 2Fort.
This video is ancient...

Oh well, still awesome!
I wouldn't call "April 09, 2008" ancient, but I'm surprised I didn't see this earlier!?
Very good stuff, but yeah, the absence of dispensah and tele stuff was dumb.
I won Hydro as an engineer with a level 1 sentry. I knew we were about to stalemate so I blew up my defense on the cap and ran to their side dropped a level 1 sentry and made a run for their cap. 2 snipers (last on their team) jumped down to get me and my sentry got them both. I was quite satisfied.