Humble THQ Bundle. Yes, really.


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
THQ is really trying to prevent bankruptcy. New Humble Bundle has Darksiders, Metro 2033, Red Faction Armageddon and all three Company of Heroes games. You get Saints Row the Third if you beat the average price. This isn't a normal Humble Bundle though. It's not for Mac and Linux and it's not DRM free. Windows and Steam only and you have to pay at least one dollar. It still does have the charities in the form of Child's Play and the American Red Cross. Hopefully this will keep THQ paying the bills till they can release Company of Heroes 2.
LOL we posted the same topic at the same time

Want me to delete my thread?
With the exception of the retardation that is the devloper Volition and the Saints Row series (Seriously, developing 4 and 5 simultaneously while working on 3, which ended up being awful after the initial candy coated few hours AND killinf off your own Red Faction franchise? F*ck off) I really want THQ to stick around. Darksiders 3, 4 and 5 need to be made and byjuk,l/>kljlog
Mmm, probably going to pass on this one sadly. Got so many other games vying for my attention, and though some of those games I would have liked to have tried a year ago when I had less to play, there are other things I would rather play now :/
Bought. I've been vaguely interested in SR3. Not that I'll be playing it any time soon, it will join my massive backlog of purchased unplayed games.
Bought. I've been vaguely interested in SR3. Not that I'll be playing it any time soon, it will join my massive backlog of purchased unplayed games.
I did the same with SR3 awhile ago, it was like a $5 sale on steam. Its fun for like 2 hours.
I just want Metro Last Light to come out, keep THQ alive!
I've only got two games I have to beat at the moment (Dragon Age Origins and Dark Souls). Couldn't hurt to add 7 more.
And now it's back down to about where it started.

"Guys! You won't believe this! This bundle is selling by the thousands!"
"At an average price of $0.75 per game title."

Gonna pick this up sometime soon though. I got SR3 on the Steam sale so I'll just throw that to somebody on my friends list. THQ are pretty alright dudes.
Well, average payment of 5.69 with 410,000 views gives THQ (averaging here with 33%, since there are 3 choices to give your money to) $769,000.

Pretty good little payment for a bankrupt company, maybe they'll get back on their feet. Also remember their stocks are going up and there is another 12 days left.
Bonus content for beating the average price... clever.
Bonus content for beating the average price... clever.
I take it you're new to the whole Humble Bundle thing. They've done that since at least the second one. Not sure about the first.
Yeah, I haven't bought anything from that program. I took a look at the first few game packages they put out, and they were either games that I already own, weren't game types that I like, or were games that I didn't recognize and didn't get good reviews, so I stopped looking. It is one of the reasons I frequent this site though.
And now it's back down to about where it started.

Well, not really. It seems to have settled at about 1.5 times higher than where they were before this started, so thats not too shabby at all.
Haha, it started shooting back up like five minutes after I posted that. Glad to see this is having a positive effect.
It's actually doing really well, I wonder if other companies will follow suit.
I was just seeing if HumbleBundle takes echecks, as the money transfer from my bank to paypal will take like a week, and apparently they do. I accidentally bought it for ten bucks.