I am building a PC


Jul 1, 2004
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I wanna order PC parts from new egg to build a PC
here is what i got so far, will this stuff work together, i am new at computer building, i wanna learn what will work together:
vid card
I heard corsair is good, which one on this page will be good dont wanna spend over 400
i dont know what HD is good
dont know what makes me wnna choose what drives either
Ok the CPU and the Mobo will not work together. The motherboard will only work with 64 bit Athlons and the CPU is a 32 bit Athlon.

Video Card is fine.
Link to the ram does not work.
How much money are you willing to spend on a HD? How much space do you want?
For Drives, do you want one that can burn Dvds or just CDs?

Meh, if you want a vomit color case then go ahead with that ;).
lol, it is yellow.Does that thing have all the fans i will need?
I am willing to spend about 2000 dollars.
let me go back and find different mobo/CPU.
You can't send links to the lists of ram. You'll have to choose one of the specific products. But I recommend 1GB of either Kingston, Corsair, or Crucial ram. And get 2 512 sticks, not a 1GB stick. This is good ram to get:


As for CPU and Mobo, get this cpu:


And this mobo:


Better setup than you had before, and cheaper! The video card is fine, the 256mb memory should come in handy in future games that use a lot of memory like Doom 3, and the 9800 can use the extra memory properly so why not if you can afford it?
i really appreciate it, if you guys could pm me some time explaining different things that make certain parts of computers good, or pm me link to good website for information on computer parts i would be greatly appreciative.
pc-3000 to pc-4400 on the ram, what is the difference with that stuff?
and the 2-3-3-7 and shit like that, or the ddr 400 stuff?
I just made a thread, that would be perfect for ya. Just look down a little.
Okay, most stuff, you don't need to worry about.
However when you're talking about RAM there's three things to take notice of;
1. The Manufacturer
2. The size (2*512mb for you)
3. The speed

The speed is in mhz, and currently there's "dual channel" (Means the computer runs both RAM sticks at the same time) avavible for most newer mobo's. PC 4400, 4500, etc, is all different codenames for the mhz the cards runs on. 400 mhz would be your best bet -- though I don't know what PC XXX it is, sorry :).
pc3200 is 400 mhz. if your looking into over clocking i would pc3200 as a minimum
dont get the 9800 pro 256mb. with that money you could get a geforce 6800nu which would be much faster.
x800 maybe, might as well, getting a whole pc anyway.
ok thanks for help you cuties.