i could really use half life 2 right now.


Jun 20, 2003
Reaction score
the girl i like is going out with my former best friend, and i could really us hl2 to get my mind off of this bull s*** relationship. she totaly lead me on. she went out with him once last summer, and i was bummed the because i have allways liked her. then when they broke up she started to take a likeing to me. then after 4 months he (former best friend) starts hanging out with my group again. her friends told me that she was confused about who she liked, and that she would go out with whoever asked first. i was going to ask her but i found out right before i went on vacation. i wanted to ask her out in person, so i desided to wate till i got back (BIG FU<KING MISTAKE). so when i got back i found out that he had all ready asked. the sonofabitch desided to wate till i was gone to ask her, because when i was around me a her were inseperable.

i really need to vent :flame: right now so thats why i posted this thread.
I see...try watching the E3 vid + the fourth gamespot vid to get some dose of hl2. Unfortunatly we all have to wait another 90 some odd days till hl2..sorry guy :(
yeah. i just hope i can stop myslef from going over to his house and bashing his head with a... hmm... what should i use...I KNOW... A CROWBAR... MUHAHAHAHAHAHA! ok i know im pathetic.

just carrying on the half life tradtion (or however you spell it)
Originally posted by spamboo
yeah. i just hope i can stop myslef from going over to his house and bashing his head with a... hmm... what should i use...I KNOW... A CROWBAR... MUHAHAHAHAHAHA! ok i know im pathetic.

just carrying on the half life tradtion (or however you spell it)
oh dont refrain child, violence solves everything. Jus think, that b*stard took your girl, and he did it to make you mad. Kill him, kill him good.
For the past few days at work ive been using a crowbar, its green, but it works.
Originally posted by SpuD
For the past few days at work ive been using a crowbar, its green, but it works.
what do you do? do you perhaps eliminate headcrabs that are lurkin in the warehouse? That would be cool.
spamboo i know what its like. My ex-gf has this friend who's only friends are girls and hes really a big.... fag and he started going out with her likea week after we broke up, and we had a great realationship ( lasted 6 months). It's quite funny because she said she was confussed and didnt know if she made the right chocie at breaking up with me. Then that b*astard swept in and took her.

Well i say bring on the pain. Nothing makes u happier then swift death to someone he hate.
Well said kanary, and yes that guy makes me mad, one day he hit me in class, so i decided to destroy him haha. How do you like my handiwork btw.
Oh and check your message thing, it gives you no signal when you recieve one
Damnit he left! fools, all of you!
ya and whats worst kaleigh is msging me. Well actually i guess its ok but she makes me mad sometimes, like he accuses me of being angry and saying sh*t i never said or meant to be offensive
Oh ya what do u mean about distroyed him? plz tell me something good.
Hahah, i hit him a couple times, he regreted ever hittin me.
edit: btw, wtf did you go, your elusive man, keep disapearin an shit.
excellent and we'll have to egg him too. o man can't wait ( but hl2 is on the top of the list of course)
Indeed, him and his one friend. yeah hl2 will distract me from this school, o well.
Ive been using the crowbar to pull up masonry
Originally posted by SpuD
Ive been using the crowbar to pull up masonry
ah thats no fun, killin headcrabs is where its at. although you dont get paid for that.
Originally posted by kanarico
spamboo i know what its like. My ex-gf has this friend who's only friends are girls and hes really a big.... fag and he started going out with her likea week after we broke up, and we had a great realationship ( lasted 6 months). It's quite funny because she said she was confussed and didnt know if she made the right chocie at breaking up with me. Then that b*astard swept in and took her.

Well i say bring on the pain. Nothing makes u happier then swift death to someone he hate.

and whats wrong with having all your friend being Female hey,
most of my friends are female....

and dude, it happens to the best of us, go online kill some 133t players or something, just vent it boy..VENT!
Dont you hate girls/boys who go out with someone for about 2 days then moves onto someone else,then a week later moves onto someone else, ? :flame:
well im back... dident sleep last night, i just fu<ked up some guys playing cs. me and her talked this morning, she says she still wants to be friends. so thats cool. i think that we might be better for each other in a year or two. i KNOW i still have a chance with her. and this fu<ker who stole her from me dosent realize that every time he goes out with her it betters my chances of a long-term thing with her.