I dont know if this has been mentioned...


May 23, 2003
Reaction score
but i was just reinstalling games when i started reading the HL manual, and in a letter that Gordon recieves it says he was overseas at somewhere called the UNiversity of Innsbruck. Possibly near City 17? And was Dr.Kleiner in any of the games? Cause he is mentioned in the letter as well.
It says right there ..

Dr. Gordon Freeman
Visiting Fellow
Institute for Experimental Physics
University of Insbruck
A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria
i don't know if what i am about to say will make much sense to you.

Originally posted by SidewinderX143
Valved ray: you dont seem like a very nice person.....
i was just joking
i don't hate any of you
no hard feelings :D

no its just you dont know that people do take the shit you say seriously. Like that guy who played Everquest and one of his friends in the game betrayed him or something so he put a shotgun in his mouth. I am not saying that what you say around here is gonna make someone put a shotgun in there mouth i am just saying cool it with the sarcastic humour a bit.
nah hes just dellusions..

few weeks ago he said he had HL2 tech demo...he gives good laffs.
Originally posted by THU9EN5TE1N
God whats with you all. Actin like little pussies ooooh he isnt nice. ANYONE who takes anything online seriously is just stupid. Let's not trip..

Watch I bet someone's gonna start trippin about me callin em pussies. :afro: :bounce: :cheese: :eek:

i think oyu took my post a little to seriously... :)
Did you also notice that the head of the administration for Black Mesa is name "IM"
Originally posted by dovoxove
Did you also notice that the head of the administration for Black Mesa is name "IM"

Actually it says "LM". Which probably stands for Laidlaw, Marc, who wrote the HL story (a.k.a. the guy who looks like Gordon)
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Actually it says "LM". Which probably stands for Laidlaw, Marc, who wrote the HL story (a.k.a. the guy who looks like Gordon)
ohhhhhhh thx for clearing that up :cool: