I had a one night stand with a anti-masturbation republican who dabbled in witchcraft


May 5, 2004
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TLDR: Christine O'Donnel: republican candidate who was once said masturbation is sinful and tantamount to adultery, is anti abortion and who it was recently revealed to have dabbled in withcraft has one night stand with neighbour while drunk

usually I'm all for sleeping with the neighbour while drunk (sober works too) but the irony is strong with this one. also hilarity

I barely knew Christine when she turned up at my door at around eight o'clock on the night of Halloween. We'd met for the first and only time three months earlier when my two roommates and I signed the lease on our apartment: Christine's aunt owned the place we were moving into ..


She asked if she and her friend could come inside our apartment to change into their costumes....

yes, yes!

We both had to get up pretty early the next morning for work. But Christine was insistent that we join them, and she wasn't taking no for an answer. "Come on, guys! Let's go! Just throw something on!" she said.

yes yes yes!!!

The costume that I wore for the Halloween a year before—a boy scout's uniform that belonged to a friend—was still sitting in my closet.

YES YES YES YES ...wait a minute

It really didn't take very long for Christine to make her move. She'd grabbed my hand on the way from the apartment to South Street, so I can't say I was totally surprised when she leaned in to kiss me soon after we arrived at the bar.


It really didn't take very long for Christine to make her move. She'd grabbed my hand on the way from the apartment to South Street, so I can't say I was totally surprised when she leaned in to kiss me soon after we arrived at the bar.

There's a 14-year gap between us, but she looks good for her age. I don't think I'd heard the word "cougar" yet at that point, but that's probably what I'd call her.

Aggressive is another word I'd use to describe her. At the bar, she confessed to me that her aunt really hadn't been sleeping. She hadn't even gone to her apartment to check, she said. She had remembered me from our five-minute meeting the previous summer, and used the story about her aunt as an excuse to knock on my door. She'd set her sights on me from the beginning.


My roommate went to his bedroom and went to sleep. And Christine and I got cozy on the couch and popped open another beer.

Things got physical on the couch pretty quickly. It wasn't long before we'd moved from the living room to my bed.

yyesssss fap sssss

I won't get into the nitty gritty details of what happened between the sheets that evening. But I will say that it wasn't half as exciting as I'd been hoping it would be. Christine was a decent kisser, but as soon as soon as her clothes came off and she was naked in my bed, Christine informed me that she was a virgin.

"You've got to be kidding," I said. She didn't explain at the time that she was a "born-again virgin." She made it seem like she'd never had sex in her life, which seemed pretty improbable for a woman her age

yess haha ssss

When her underwear came off, I immediately noticed that the waxing trend had completely passed her by. Obviously, that was a big turnoff, and I quickly lost interest.


Why is this news material? Who cares if she had a one night stand?
way to click on the link; it's not news, it's a blog entry
sigh ..you know, purposefully punching myself in the head would make me lose less braincells than continuing this conversation
sigh ..you know, purposefully punching myself in the head would make me lose less braincells than continuing this conversation

It'd be the same amount added to anyone's count by reading this article.
And lots of it. I ewwwd. I betcha Palin has a big ole bear rug as well.
Why is this news material? Who cares if she had a one night stand?

Do you know who Christine O'Donnell is or anything about her? This is ****in' hilarious. I lol'd so much reading this earlier.
Nah, I reckon Palin has a landing strip.

He said he was turned off, but that doesn't mean they didn't do it. Many a depraved night I've spent trying to thumb it into some munter after having drunk too much.
This is fantastic but not surprising.

All sexual morality morons are generally just repressing the desires they claim to be against, and generally fail.