I know what im going to do!


Jul 7, 2003
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When I get hl2's editor Im going to work my ass off to recreate MY TOWN!!!!(i live in Anaheim California) I'll start off with my apartment and the park next to me. And then I'll move on to the streets around here and all of the apartment complexes. And if Im really able to have VERY large levels I will include..................DISNEYLAND! Thats right! I live about 2 or 3 miles away from disneyland! And i've been there thousands of times, so it wouldnt be that hard to recreate it! And then everyone could drive around Anaheim and kill the aliens!:sniper: :laugh:
I have plans re-create my highschool, load it with tons of npcs, and myself with guns, and do something I've always dreamed of.:) (But would never do irl of course)
Shouldn't this be in Custom Mapping? I mean, it's great and all that you want to kill people in your school...

but no, wait it's not.

Anyhow, this should be in mapping.
Im going to to recreate my NeighberHood, SummerWood.
I alredy started with my house. So far im going to inlude everysingle item in my house. And the good thing is that the neighberhood is only 2 yrs old. SO its New. And about 3 housese down is one that is not finished. Its only got the wooden frame!
Im going to make it like that, and shoot the hell out of the suporters and watch the whole thing crumble down. MUAHAHAHAHAHA...........
Im like done with the inside of my house , i just need all the items.
can someone move this post to custom mapping? I dont think im in the power of doing that.
Originally posted by Fender357
When I get hl2's editor Im going to work my ass off to recreate MY TOWN!!!!(i live in Anaheim California) I'll start off with my apartment and the park next to me. And then I'll move on to the streets around here and all of the apartment complexes. And if Im really able to have VERY large levels I will include..................DISNEYLAND! Thats right! I live about 2 or 3 miles away from disneyland! And i've been there thousands of times, so it wouldnt be that hard to recreate it! And then everyone could drive around Anaheim and kill the aliens!:sniper: :laugh:

hey, and I'll recreate my town (I live in Fullerton) and we'll link them together and eventually have all of southern calirfornia...the possibilities...
Originally posted by TheRocker132
I have plans re-create my highschool, load it with tons of npcs, and myself with guns, and do something I've always dreamed of.:) (But would never do irl of course)

Gee, you dream of killing people?

The idea of the recreating real-life places is great. I want to recreate my house 'rats' (everything larger, viewpoint of a mouse/rat) style.. the size of HL2 maps should make that possible.
i would recreate levels of area of GTA: vice City
Woah, these are all great ideas. I hope that you'll let people play your mods.
Originally posted by Dave
Gee, you dream of killing people?

The idea of the recreating real-life places is great. I want to recreate my house 'rats' (everything larger, viewpoint of a mouse/rat) style.. the size of HL2 maps should make that possible.

damn, someones put down my idea already ;(

I might make it RATS scale and normal scale, so I can throw my PC out the window etc :P
Originally posted by TheRocker132
I have plans re-create my highschool, load it with tons of npcs, and myself with guns, and do something I've always dreamed of.:) (But would never do irl of course)

errrr.........no...just no.....
All of you have good ideas, everyone does. The problem here that's plaguing you all is obviously not what you see with your mind's eye, but the actual implementation of your ideas. if you have plans for re-creating your high school, do it. anyone can say they will, but you actually have to go through with your conceptions- its called proof of concept.
Dude...I know how im gonna do this. I've downloaded Hammer already but Im not going to touch it yet. I actually havent every used "hammer". I played around with WorldCraft like crazy. Then when hammer came out it woulnt work on my pc(back then i had a BAD pc) now my pc is new and kick ass. I lost my point.......ok...........back to point....im not going to use Hammer yet because the new version will have the exact 1 unit to 1" propperty. And at least for my house all i have to do is mesure everything. And all i have to do for disneyland is take a buch of pictures with my digital camera and work off the pictures for the scale (the buildings on main street arent actually 2 stories anyway..its just an illusion) It'd be freakn' bad ass if I could recreate all the rides though!!!!

i have a headache

Dude SensesFail, thats a damn good idea. Do you live any where around Euclid or Harbor? You should make the Hub so you can kill aliens and creepy people there.
Hey....then there's the train station.............we could link maps up with anyone living near the Surfliner rout!!!!
OMG, I don't think ANYONE before you has ever had the brilliant idea of makign their hometown into a map!!

You must be a genious!

I know its like the first thing that anyone would think of doing, but I dont think i've seen any "town" maps that anyone made for HL1. For multiplayer or anything. Im freakn' happy that some of HL2 is going to be in an actual city setting.