I might as well post some work.



I'm new around here so I thought I'd just post something for the fun of it.
ha ha NuclearSidewalk..

the first one is professional. thats really good
The great thing about your pencilling is that it has a very bold style. You get the posture and proportion right, then finalise the picture by emphasising the foreground with distinctive features. The light and shade it excellent too- you have a great contrast. I don’t like the last one though; it doesn’t seem to say anything to me.
You have to work on your line weighing. You do a thing i tend to do most of the time too, you just trace your lines. Cool ideas though, and the first 1 is really nice. :)
I'm not sure that I know what you mean by 'tracing your lines'? I know I do tend to be heavy on outlining objects, but that's my cartoon tendencies coming out. Sometimes I end up w/ a more graphic approach than I originally intended. Since outlining makes things look flat, and all that.

If you mean something else, please explain. :)
NuclearSidewalk said:
I'm not sure that I know what you mean by 'tracing your lines'? I know I do tend to be heavy on outlining objects, but that's my cartoon tendencies coming out. Sometimes I end up w/ a more graphic approach than I originally intended. Since outlining makes things look flat, and all that.

If you mean something else, please explain. :)
that's what i meant, the outlining. http://www.conceptart.org/forums/showthread.php?t=35801
that guy (i know it's not pencil work, but... ) he's quite good at weighing his lines, it just creates more depth in an image. Watch his drawings closely and see how they really bring out the characters.
Yeah. It keeps the depth in the correct perspective. He's really got that comic book style down pretty well.

I need to find a tutorial on how to translate hand drawings into finished PS pieces. Right now I'm fooling around w/ Streamlining them to make them vector. They usually convert pretty well and then I can size and manipulate them as I see fit. It's just not great for coloring since it's in Illustrator instead of Photoshop.
So we've got Professor Xavier exploring the caverns of Xen noticing the crystals in the lower left, we've got Diablo crossed with an Doom Imp, and Officer Alex J. Murphy.

I'm not an artist, and my criticism is probably worthless, so I'm merely attempting to get a quick laugh by showing what I first thought of at your pictures. I do know that I like your pictures, though, especially the first one, and that they are far beyond anything I could ever do.