I need a new graphics cards, suggestions?



Can u guys help me out and tell me about any good graphics cards on the market now. Im not bothered whether they are new or old coz i really want to upgrade my Nvidia FX5900 Ultra incase i cant get the best out of Half Life 2. ;(
Thx :p
Radeon 9800 pro is always good. You can overclock that badboy to XT speeds pretty easily too I hear.
What is the highest price you would be willing to pay?
Well at the moment probs £200 but any suggestions would be good no matter how much they cost. Yeah i was looking at Radeon 9800 Pro its pretty cheap for the amount of performance it gives.
i've got a radeon 9600 xt... runs doom 3 and cs:source just fine (doom 3 on high). It really matters what your whole system is though. Don't go buying a new card if you're running a 1ghz machine.

My specs are:
1.6ghz amd
512mb ddr
radeon 9600xt

I would upgrade my cpu before my video card. My gf's 2.2ghz w/ radeon 8500 runs doom3 a little slower than mine, so I can definitely see where a better cpu helps (cause that 8500le is oooold compared to the 9600xt). Anyway, what are your system specs?

www.pricewatch.com - ATI 9600xt for $150. Do they still include the hl2 vouchers? That helps the value out a lot. More like getting my 9600 for $100 and buying hl2 seperate.
don't get a radeon9800pro, its not the best deal anymore. a geforce 6800nu beats it hands down for just a bit more.
Anyone know any good Canadian places to buy upgrades?? All the sites I've been seeing are american ...
My system specs r:
2.14 Ghz amd
1gb ddr
Nvidia FX 5900Ultra

At the moment i want to upgrade graphics card and processor but i dont have enough money for both. Which would you advise upgrading my CPU or graphics card?
The thing is i live in the Uk which is cut off from the main graphics card makers and all the best stuff so we r a bit behind on the computer front.
Get lots and lots of money then Dump it on the counter. He will hand you the fastest & most expensive card they have. YOU CAN't GO WRONG!!!
Yeah but poseyjmac says that Radeon 9800Pro isnt that good a deal anymore. Wat was the geforce 6800 u recommended poseyjmac the only two i know of are the GT and Ultra.
yeah the geforce 6800 looks good and gives great performance but i costs a load 2.
yea, GT is probably the best deal if you can afford the extra money. but the regular 6800nu isn't shabby either.
wat about a X800XT they cost a bomb but give out great performance as the benchmarks show even with AA and AF on.
yea, although those cards aren't the easiest to find lately.
Hitman89 said:
The thing is i live in the Uk which is cut off from the main graphics card makers and all the best stuff so we r a bit behind on the computer front.

WTF !? no we're not......
no true coz they are brand new and everyone is trying to get them. Anyways i dont have enough money to buy one of the brand new cards so i will have to settle for a slighty older card. The standard geforce 6800 looks good but with 4x AA at 1600x1200x32 the radeon 9800 XT scrapes ahead.
Hitman89 said:
no true coz they are brand new and everyone is trying to get them. Anyways i dont have enough money to buy one of the brand new cards so i will have to settle for a slighty older card. The standard geforce 6800 looks good but with 4x AA at 1600x1200x32 the radeon 9800 XT scrapes ahead.

yes it does, by 1 frame.. but in everything else it wins, and a 9800xt would be the same price as a 6800nu.
My recommendation is to wait till October, they are releasing new Cards for both ATI & Nvidia with 512Mb.................So wait m8, HL2 is not coming soon, No point of buying a card yet, except if you want to buy it for D3. Wait and you win big time.
i seriously doubt the 512 cards will give much performance gain in HL2 if any. but waiting will bring prices down for other cards which is good
poseyjmac said:
i seriously doubt the 512 cards will give much performance gain in HL2 if any. but waiting will bring prices down for other cards which is good

you never know, but I think the IQ will get improved, but you got a solid point, prices will get down.
Your kidding right?

I'm not sure about hl2 yet, obviously. But in CS:Source, on MAX settings, Max AA, AF.

I get 45-50 fps on average.
55-60 in benchmark.
I'm no Graphics Junkie, but i sure as consider that playable, and I have a 5900xt, So your card is better.

Bloody hell 200 pounds? 380$ ????

Damn boy, I envy you rich people who have no idea what to do with your money, send me the money, my schools bitching for there tution $ right now. I could use it.
First all, Do you have a 2..1 Gig amd? or a 2100+?
What is it? Athlon xp? 64? barton?
Athlon XP 2.14 Ghz i wud like to upgrade it but can only do one thing at a time.
Your GPU and CPU are plenty fine BUT, if you wish to upgrade.

I'd suggest getting an athlon 64 3000 or higher.

my video card is slower then yours, and does just fine.