I think I know what's in the G-Mans briefcase.

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ViolenceJack said:
Yeah, most australians are nothing more than decendents of convicts or prison guards.

Well, nice to know some people can overlook stereotyping and have a well-rounded knowledge of history. Just so you know, most Australians aren't descended from convicts and prison guards (convicts who for the most part were just in trouble for commiting very minor offences, y'know, the classic stealing a loaf of bread).

And I never made that G-Man/Barney connection in Power Up, but it does indeed add a few more layers...
wow, this thread is waaay off topic
glad I'm not living in the US, UK or Australia, cuz I'd have to take part in Your productive discussion :p

here in Poland we don't have guns in every house, and I prefer it to stay that way. instead we have uber-retarded so called 'politicians', and I truly don't know which is more dangeorus to common people...

back on topic then - in HL2 his briefcase is empty. I hink that VALVe put the stuff to G-man's briefcase in HL1 just to fill it with something related to the character (gun, id), but now anything put in there would answer too many questions or create too many new ones. so it's better that the briefcase is empty - we know that there's nothing in it and move on, waiting for HL3 to reveal the mystery;)
I say we take this discussion to the off-topic forums, since its just another Gun Discussion now.
skarrob said:
why dont you go back to Africa or Iraq or whereever your people came from. Thats what makes this country great freedom. If you really hate America please leave if it bothers you that much
well the human race started in Africa sooooo :rolleyes:
ViolenceJack said:
Yeah, most australians are nothing more than decendents of convicts or prison guards. lol, i love this stuff. Most americans are dumb and most english are just lazy/dont give a shit. I think that true englishmen, not british, english are fascists deep down inside but we just cant be arsed.

oh and the Romans ruled, no pun intended.

I take that back, id prefer to argue with a early decendant of a monkey :stare:
gotta love the people who make their uninformed opinions about america from micheal moore movies. :rolling:
if you dont like americans having guns, dont come to america, and dont piss americans off. we will use them. and dont forget to say thanks when we come and save your sorry asses from the next dictator.

in my hl world the gman has a crowbar in his briefcase.
Long story short, guns are dangerous things. And some people should never have access to dangerous things, let alone own them outright.

Everyone can and should agree on that.

Americans should realize that while your on your little crusade to save something or other (don't think anyones really sure exactly what it is your after), your pissing the rest of the world off. And sooner or later your going to [metaphorically] spill some big guys pint.

As for G Mans briefcase, i reckon its got a stack of misc. paperwork, a battered book, half a sandwhich, a lots of pens that don't work, dust, crumbs and a load of loose rizzla's floating about. And probally a dead lighter or two.
Hmmm... maybe an expansion pack in the making... "G-Mans quest to find a working pen"
Nvrmor, excuse me? When abouts was the last time you 'saved' England from a dictator? And you're hardly 'saving' the Iraqi people, and I wouldn't exactly call what you did in Vietnam 'saving' them from communism. From my travels there and the people I've met, I like America and I like most American's but its the arrogant ****tards like you who think American is the best place in the world or 'gods chosen country' or whatever it is you think of the place that are the reason why the whole ****ing world hates you. People like you make me sick, god just reading your post again makes me really angry, I genuinely hate you, you arrogant prick.

Every country has its fair percentage of arrogant morons, America just makes them bigger and better than everyone else.
RakuraiTenjin said:
MYTH:"Since a gun in a home is many times more likely to kill a family member than to stop a criminal, armed citizens are not a deterrent to crime."

This myth, stemming from a superficial "study" of firearm accidents in the Cleveland, Ohio, area, represents a comparison of 148 accidental deaths (including suicides) to the deaths of 23 intruders killed by home owners over a 16-year period.

Gross errors in this and similar "studies"--with even greater claimed ratios of harm to good--include: the assumption that a gun hasn't been used for protection unless an assailant dies; no distinction is made between handgun and long gun deaths; all accidental firearm fatalities were counted whether the deceased was part of the "family" or not; all accidents were counted whether they occurred in the home or not, while self-defense outside the home was excluded; almost half the self-defense uses of guns in the home were excluded on the grounds that the criminal intruder killed may not have been a total stranger to the home defender; suicides were sometimes counted and some self-defense shootings misclassified. Cleveland's experience with crime and accidents during the study period was atypical of the nation as a whole and of Cleveland since the mid-1970s. Moreover, in a later study, the same researchers noted that roughly 10% of killings by civilians are justifiable homicides.

Research conducted by Professors James Wright and Peter Rossi,6 for a landmark study funded by the U.S. Department of Justice, points to the armed citizen as possibly the most effective deterrent to crime in the nation. Wright and Rossi questioned over 1,800 felons serving time in prisons across the nation and found:

81% agreed the "smart criminal" will try to find out if a potential victim is armed.
74% felt that burglars avoided occupied dwellings for fear of being shot.
80% of "handgun predators" had encountered armed citizens.
40% did not commit a specific crime for fear that the victim was armed.
34% of "handgun predators" were scared off or shot at by armed victims.
57% felt that the typical criminal feared being shot by citizens more than he feared being shot by police.

Professor Kleck estimates that annually 1,500-2,800 felons are legally killed in "excusable self-defense" or "justifiable" shootings by civilians, and 8,000-16,000 criminals are wounded. This compares to 300-600 justifiable homicides by police. Yet, in most instances, civilians used a firearm to threaten, apprehend, shoot at a criminal, or to fire a warning shot without injuring anyone.
Now I'm *really* scared of going to america.
nvrmor said:
gotta love the people who make their uninformed opinions about america from micheal moore movies. :rolling:
if you dont like americans having guns, dont come to america, and dont piss americans off. we will use them. and dont forget to say thanks when we come and save your sorry asses from the next dictator.

in my hl world the gman has a crowbar in his briefcase.

"Cuba wants our help! They just don't know it! Everyone knows this plan should work, right? "
Don't be blinded by your leaders' attempts at invoking your patriotism. Hell, I don't feel attached to Sweden at all.

G-Man's got milk, no matter what proof you present. And I mean lots of it, like ten 1-litre packets.
I am so damn disappointed in this forum. It was a jokey reference to the fact that gman in google brought up a gun site, because we'd all just enjoyed a "whats in the case" noodle scratcher. Why any of you over thought this to the point of POLITICS is beyond me. This is in the General Half Life 2 forum damnit, politics don't go here. Can we please all get back to what we do best? showcasing wallpapers or ranting about digital boobies.
digital boobies rock !!! NOW, back on topic :)

Maybe it contains the device that allows him to stop time and stuff, or it has nothing at all and is there to make him look more government-like to other people that can see him besides gordon.
Guns Suck and it is not a way of showing freedom... Just look what happened a few days ago to rock legend Dimebag darrel ( Panteras old guitarist ) at a gig in Ohio where he was shot to death for no real reason.
Jay9475 said:
Nvrmor, excuse me? When abouts was the last time you 'saved' England from a dictator? And you're hardly 'saving' the Iraqi people, and I wouldn't exactly call what you did in Vietnam 'saving' them from communism. From my travels there and the people I've met, I like America and I like most American's but its the arrogant ****tards like you who think American is the best place in the world or 'gods chosen country' or whatever it is you think of the place that are the reason why the whole ****ing world hates you. People like you make me sick, god just reading your post again makes me really angry, I genuinely hate you, you arrogant prick.

Be quite...England isn't that great
The war happening in Africa right now ((Tribal sort of war)) would be Englands fault...Dude come on England WAS a dictator for quite a while...Power corrupts. ((No it's not that I love America but you are making a bad something into a terrible something))
I didn't 'big up' England in my post, I realize we don't have a spotless track record, but my post wasn't about England, it was about my annoyance, not at America, but at Nvrmor,

No country's perfect.

There was probably a time when guns were a handy idea in America but I personally wouldn't initiate a society under those terms. It seems like a bit of a bad idea. I guess the Americans are just sort of stuck with the system now because you can't really have an amnesty and manage to get all the weapons back off of everyone, especially with all the lunatics around who have semi-automatics under their pillows in case a black person walks near their house.
I'm not saying that these nutjobs only exist in America, just listing a legitimate issue with the potential decommisioning of such a policy.
norledge said:
Guns Suck and it is not a way of showing freedom... Just look what happened a few days ago to rock legend Dimebag darrel ( Panteras old guitarist ) at a gig in Ohio where he was shot to death for no real reason.

Damn it.

I don't think VALVe would give G-Man the briefcase just to make him look better. Either it would be that he's got something important in it, or so his whole suit is supposed to be a decoy, the briefcase being part of it.
Tantalus said:
Very true, it is difficult to buy guns. And yes, the ban was only on fully automatic weapons... so what? A knife is more dangerous than a pistol if you know how to use it.
hmm....I can kill you with a pistol from 20 feet, if i am crocadile dundee i can do the same with a knife, but only if i am crocadile dundee....or a ninja turtle
norledge said:
Guns Suck and it is not a way of showing freedom... Just look what happened a few days ago to rock legend Dimebag darrel ( Panteras old guitarist ) at a gig in Ohio where he was shot to death for no real reason.

If the guy was determined enough he could have killed Dimebag with a knife, or hit him over the head with a club, or blown him up with home made explosives. Having a ban on guns won't stop people from being killed, just the way they're killed.

There was probably a time when guns were a handy idea in America but I personally wouldn't initiate a society under those terms. It seems like a bit of a bad idea.
It was necessary at the time. It was during and after the revolutionary war when we NEEDED our muskets for protection against the English. It's my constitutional right to own a gun. I'll be damned if I'm not allowed to protect my family when some punk bitch comes into my house.
Does anyone remember the HL DM mod where you could play as the G-Man and kill people with your briefcase? It replaced the the crowbar, good clean fun without a gun (man, I'm a poet).
I think he got a device which control time.

he can disable time and enable it again.
We save England and it's European brethren twice in war because of our ability out manufacture any other country in the arms/guns/fighting ability, and yet you hate us? Good for you. I hope you feel good about yourself. Let's just go back in time and let you speak german with the rest of Europe after it's been taken over by Hitler.

Yes you did, and we're very greatful for that. But that doesn't give your goverment cart-blanch to rampage across the world doing as they please. Sooner or later someone like China will say "enough" and then, thanks to your goverment, we will *ALL* be thoroughly and royally ****ed.

"Are you righteous? Kind? Does your confidence lie in this? Are you loved by all? Know that I was, too. Do you imagine your suffering will be any less because you loved goodness and truth? "

- Quote from The Thin Red Line, or though it might be from a James Jones novel "From Here to Eternity"
I never said our government was perfect, but you don't see me bashing on your country because I saw the front page of an independent website which was expressing its freedom of speech.
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