Im interested in ur thinking


Aug 11, 2009
Reaction score
Well for now we all know that the mastermind of all invasion are called ''the combine'' maybe that's not a name , it may be something like USA (united states of America) , the united races that started invading planets . Pronounce it differently and youll get what I think.
If you know nothing else, know this - I love you, Combine4ever.
My guess would be that the combine are not just the Slug Advisors... but what do I know.
That's exactly what they are, they go from planet to planet, suck all the resources out, and enslave the population, then move on.
what do u think , will we see in ep3 cutted npcs , combine alien soldier,combine alien assasin , combine assasin , cremators, combine guards , combine elite soldiers and all that .

and btw I would kill for beta and alpha half life 2 ^^
probly in teh ep3 r teh cuttend maps and the cremetors wiht there falme throwers and liek wut i herd is all the beta is in teh 3 tahts why they r so secritive about it!!!!! gordan will prolly kill teh combine asasssin adn teh allathingcroackmeep
probly in teh ep3 r teh cuttend maps and the cremetors wiht there falme throwers and liek wut i herd is all the beta is in teh 3 tahts why they r so secritive about it!!!!! gordan will prolly kill teh combine asasssin adn teh allathingcroackmeep

I get the feeling you dislike crappy english.
Wow, I can't believe I never thought of that!
It is just me or are there an absurd amount of people in this section? At one point, it said there were 250 people veiwing this section.
It's a lie. There aren't even 250 people on It's the same twenty dudes.
what do u think , will we see in ep3 cutted npcs , combine alien soldier,combine alien assasin , combine assasin , cremators, combine guards , combine elite soldiers and all that .

and btw I would kill for beta and alpha half life 2 ^^

I just don't know what to say.
It is just me or are there an absurd amount of people in this section? At one point, it said there were 250 people veiwing this section.

People see "Im interested in your thinking"...and they Flock to it. :)
probly in teh ep3 r teh cuttend maps and the cremetors wiht there falme throwers and liek wut i herd is all the beta is in teh 3 tahts why they r so secritive about it!!!!! gordan will prolly kill teh combine asasssin adn teh allathingcroackmeep


Never infraction me for mocking stupid people on this forum kthx

including bluewolf
I'm interested in another of your thinking , this time please spell correct and discuss only about the topic .

While raiding in bus to home I got a picture in my head about how do combine soldiers look like under gear . I'll post picture .


Ok , so what we see here is a human body with a hole in his neck , kidney and has some container , or like I like to call it , plasma container that takes part of all vital organs .
It's easy to see that they lack blood , their skin in white .
Ok , when I ''stimulated'' this I remembered end of episode 2 when Advisor sucks Eli witch made me think of this .
Advisors live on Earth and can only feed of blood ( and probably internal organs but only we haven't had a chance to see it because dog interrupted Advisor in feeding ) . How could they survive for 20 years on Earth ? Easy . They took humans as prisoners , Advisors fed on them , the installed AI and their plasma containers .
Now , you will think how I got to this . Well look at the picture . Lack of blood , no internal organs AND a hole in his neck ( ingame it is replaced with ,what I like to call , lid )

I may be wrong but this is the best solution for their presence on Earth for so long .
Please feel free to response . Would like to hear if you have any idea or something that I may go investigate .


Thank you forum for having time reading this and thank you Valve for making this game .
and breen is head of all vampires, right? i guess that makes him count dracula
Well for now we all know that the mastermind of all invasion are called ''the combine'' maybe that's not a name , it may be something like USA (united states of America) , the united races that started invading planets . Pronounce it differently and youll get what I think.
Breen calls them "a Universal Union" as well as painting over them as 'our benefactors', so that's all pretty much implied.

Interestingly, 'the combine' is a term Breen dislikes using in his propaganda but uses quite happily in the final scene. In the Breencasts it comes up three times. Once in quote:
'Why has the Combine seen fit to suppress our reproductive cycle?' Sincerely, A Concerned Citizen.'
Once in a closed broadcast to the soldiers at Nova Prospekt:
If the transhuman forces are to prove themselves an indispensable augmentation to the Combine Overwatch
And finally, when openly refuting the term:
And only the universal union that small minds call 'The Combine' can carry us there.
Yet, he quite happily says in private:
Having both of you in my keeping, ensures I can dictate the terms of any bargain I care to make with the Combine!
Yes, everyone else knows this stuff. I just find it interesting how Valve managed to get that little extra nuance of characterisation in there by one character's use of a term that's banded around everywhere else in the game with so much venom. It chimes perfectly with everything else we've surmised about Breen's attitude: It's really not that much different from the rest of humanity's.

Other thoughts on 'the Combine'.
- I like the idea that 'combine' started out as a poorly considered 'official term' (hence Breen's open, official use of 'Combine Overwatch' when he later claims that only 'small minds' use it), that was ultimately associated with 'Combine Harvester', a machine for the harvesting, in large quantities of planets and their resources, mineral or otherwise.
- Thinking about the purpose of 'the combine', I find it hard to believe that alongside a non-villain like Breen, you've got this plainly evil or headless race going around devouring stuff simply because it can. I love that air of mystery around what it is exactly the combine does. My pet theory is that they're a race that at one point encountered another and that they found they could only hold these aliens at bay by forcibly annexing every world, dimension and race they can get their hands on. Would give the story another way to branch, especially as it's pretty obvious that the destruction of the Borealis is in some way going to please the G-Man and his third party...

edit: Yes yes, serious post in Half-Life subforum. Kill me please.