

May 14, 2003
Reaction score
Operation: CO-IN
a half-life 2 modification

Hello, I am officially introducing my mod Operation: CO-IN on these forums! Formerly known as Modern Warfare for the HL engine, we decided to undergo an engine change to the upcoming Valve Source Engine being used for Half-Life 2.

Operation: CO-IN (Op: CO-IN) is based on Counter-Insurgency warfare. "COIN" is defined as Counter-Insurgency by the U.S. Department of Defence. Counter-Insurgency is warfare to prevent a revolt or invasion of a nation. Many conflicts recently have been insurgencies between a Conventional Army and a Guerrilla Movement.

Op: CO-IN will pitt you as one of these teams. Are you a team player? Join the Army. Are you a soloist who likes hiding, use unconventional techniques? Join the Guerrillas. So far, this will be a multiplayer only experience.

There is no set Nation to be for the Army. The versatility of the original Half-Life engine had allowed a coder to code in a name for a specific team or weapon; it could then be modified in a simple file - "titles.txt."

The weapons are not specific (i.e. M16, AK47, etc.), but are general specifications (i.e. 30 round, 5.56mm rifle with a 3.4x scope). This would allow players to download models that they wish to use (i.e. C7A1, M16 w/scope, SA80, etc.) and still be able to play with others that have different ones. The same goes for Player Models. Once this mod will be complete, other "mods" for it will soon follow changing the models and names of teams, players, and weapons.

For every team, there is a class system with different weapons. No CS-type buying system, but more like Day of Defeat. This is more realistic. We are going for realism in terms of simulating a semi-realistic war game. To do this as well.... myself, I am in the Canadian Army. I know what I am talking about when it comes to techniques, equipment, etc. We do not base our "realism" on movies, books, or television. We base it on first hand experience and training. There is also a team or "Military Advisors" who also serve in the military.

Now, you may say this mod will die. I will tell you, there are some players out there looking for a "realistic" war game experience, this will be it. Given the Valve Source engine to work with, the physics will be life-like. We can simulate weapons and loadouts of equipment. But, this is a game and we cannot simulate the emotional and physical aspects of war or life in the Army or as a Guerrilla. No simulation of humping a 100+lb rucksack over kilometres with a General Purpose Machine Gun slung from the back of you neck, ammunition hanging off, and a rifle slung over your shoulder as well. We can however attempt to provide realistic situations to simulate.

The maps will vary environmentally from the desert, to urban areas, to the arctic, jungles, and forests. We hope to have a great variety of environments and missions to provide for our players and fans.

The website is currently being designed and implemented with our new host. You can still view the old Modern Warfare website at:

There you can find some more information on the mod. If you are interested in viewing some renders of our models now, visit Modern Warfare's Profile where you can find an image gallery:

Now, I will stop the blabbing and start the pimping. Our contact information is:

Gamesnet IRC: #opcoin

Hope you enjoy this mod! :D

I'm sorry, did you actually read the post? How is it not original?
semi intereting, but it seems to me you want to make a mod, but not do any work.

There is no set Nation to be for the Army. The versatility of the original Half-Life engine had allowed a coder to code in a name for a specific team or weapon; it could then be modified in a simple file - "titles.txt."

The weapons are not specific (i.e. M16, AK47, etc.), but are general specifications (i.e. 30 round, 5.56mm rifle with a 3.4x scope). This would allow players to download models that they wish to use (i.e. C7A1, M16 w/scope, SA80, etc.) and still be able to play with others that have different ones. The same goes for Player Models. Once this mod will be complete, other "mods" for it will soon follow changing the models and names of teams, players, and weapons.

This is a big chunk of modding....
Myself and my modelers do know what this means.

I should explain more:

-- there will be the default models that come with the mod
-- other modelers could make 3rd party models to suit different countries
-- hack jobs could be done
-- the team modelers would also make other models/modify the existing ones and release a pack

Take note, that not all of those models will be included in the download, only for one country (yet to be determined).

Also, what do you mean by "make a mod, but not do any work"?
try and get the recignition for soemthing, but not do all the work. You are pretty much making a shell of a game, and then telling everyone to go out on their own and make the meat of it.

It'd like releasing the HL2 editor, but no game. except the editor already exists.
Real life war simulations are NOT original, no matter how you disguise them. There must already be about 10 of them announced, if not more.
Now, you may say this mod will die.
Think I'll take you up on that offer :)
It's more of an innovation than an invention, but hell, we can't let CS be the only major modern warfare mod can we?
I like to think of my mod like that "an innovation than an invention", but this seems like you are jsut emliminating the middle man and forcing people to make and skin their own weapons.

also, explain thins, if every person ios supposed to make thier own "We can simulate weapons and loadouts of equipment." that will be interesteng ;)
Grow up and move on. Let these designers create anything they want, how they want and when they want. They are not asking you to play them or even acknowledge them. What they are doing is asking if anyone is interested and would like to play it.

Sure Counter-Strike is good and all but I'd love to play another counter-terrorism mod with different levels, animations, models and sounds.

Good luck with the project dude and ignore the ones who like to run their mouth.
Thank you Stitch :)

I think I may have misled you sidewinder...

In real life, you don't have much of a choice on what you get (this is from a Canadian Soldier's perspective). There are no set 'classes' in real life, but there are roles. The Rifleman has the standard rifle, and maybe some grenades. They can also be issued a grenade launcher as well. The Light Machine Gunner of the section is issued the C9 LMG (SAW in the U.S.) and are usually just assigned to this role. In real life, if you take a machine gunner's course you will be the Platoon or Company level C6 gunner (M240 in U.S.) and a Pistol.

So, in this game, the loadouts of equipment will be based on the real life roles. The player will have more flexability in the game than in real life and can choose which role and the load out for each. So if they choose Rifleman, they choose their kit as either a rifle (with scope) and grenades or a rifle with a grenade launcher.

Another unique aspect of this mod will be a class advancement system. Because in real life, you don't just choose to be a sniper, you have to take the necessary courses in Reconnaissance and (Communications before that) in order to be qualified for a Sniper's course. Anyways... the mod won't simulate courses, but will start out in the option to be: Rifleman, LMG Gunner, or Reconnaissance. As the game progresses and you gain more experience, you can advance to be: GPMG Gunner, Sniper, or NCO (Non-Commissioned Officer). Finally, we are still debating on a Special Forces class that you might be able to play as.

Now, just to show you how we are not like a CS mod...

Counter-Strike is a Counter-Terrorism mod. That involves Hostage Rescue, and various other missions. This mod is different in terms that it is not a Special Forces based mod, does not have any Clandestine operations or special missions, but will have regular military objectives. For example, capturing different 'sectors' of land or areas of a city. That is one major difference. Another is the class system that I mentioned above.

I will wrap this up because you probably aren't paying attention to the words you are reading anymore. We are not eliminating the middle man at all. We will still create the models, no questions asked, but we can also incorporate a 3rd party community and their hard work as well. But, we will not solely rely on the creation of custom models. It is just a benefit in saving our modelers' time if custom models are created.

Onions, of course real life war simulations are not original, it's a simulation! You can think that this mod will die, I am not stopping you.
WOW i agree with both Onions AND 'winder on this 1, lol
STOP THE UNORIGANALITY (if i spelt that right)
Some people are taking this the wrong way. Look at the glass half-full, this doesn't mean we're going to be stuck with some US vs. Teh Eval Terrorists crap(not that I'm saying CS is crap, it's good under certain circumstances, very limited circumstances) we'll have anything we want. If the mapping team doens't want to go through the hassle of getting player and weapon models for a single map, they can use stock ones.
well it sounds like ur team has taken the classic no brainer:
"like guys, what are we gonna do for a plot"
"dunno, hmmm, cant be arsed with a plot, but what can we do"
"hmm, why not do a modern warfare mod"
"yeh, the plots all there, no worries"
"now with all the weapons and stuff catered for, all we need is a name"
"how about Modern Warfare, its easy and conveys the meaning"
"yeh why not, i cant be bothered to think anymore"
"yeah sorted"
Yeah, but you're the guy who had the "how long does toasted cheese take to cook in an oven" thread and you say absolutely everything's unoriginal.
oi , i liked Spade, and i really wanted 2 kno how long toasted cheez takes 2 cook, lol, not everythings unoriganal, just the influx of CS clones, WW2 mods, Modern Warfare Mods and so forth!
Actually, the idea was thought up only by me based on the idea of customization.

I was playing DoD 1.3 and had downloaded all the custom British models, sounds, etc. that I could find. I hate always having to be the Americans in nearly EVERYTHING. The idea spurred upon me that a modern mod would be cool to play (I have been more interested in the modern era rather than WWII, although I was for a period of time). Also, there was lack of a somewhat realistic modern mod. CS isn't. There are a couple other HL mods out there that claim realism, but judging by their info, don't really know what realism is -- they base it on books, and especially movies.

Being in the Army and knowing what realism can be (I have never been in combat though), I figured I could make a 'realistic' modern mod. The customization idea would be incorporated as well so that it would satisfy more people in the long run because for me as a Canadian, it bugs me always having to be American in games. Now, players could be whatever they wanted without limitations (i.e. some limitations are: American Sniper, British Demolitions, you get my drift). If you want to be Canadian, get the Canadian models, same goes for American, British, German, what ever you please. The weapons are generic and have the same specifications among other countries to allow this customization.

Also, I do know that the name Modern Warfare is bland for a mod but that is why we changed it to Operation: CO-IN.

Hope this answers a few questions, feel free to ask more if you have them.
It reminds me of the HL mod Hostile Intent and it's SWAT counterpart, except they had more of a storyline. I'm more interested in Modern Warfare.
well, that explains alot.
Americas Army: Operations is one of my favorite games and it will be fun to see it on the HL2 engine. Nothing new, but perhaps fun.

And i'm not trying to be really mean or anyhthing, but i htink most mods now are at the concept stages, and if you want to attract the masses, you need something innovative.

my 2 cents

good luck.
Actually badger, if you look carefully... the name is CO-IN and is not pronounced 'coin' like the currency.

'My 2 cents' is a general saying too. I don't know if he was saying that because the name looks like 'coin.'
lol, it was just a joke, lol i kno its Operation CO-IN (miles better than Modern Warfare, lol, sounds like zombies thought up that one)!
Hmmm, I think there are too many ideas for open-military mods. We are trying to make it non-sterotyped of a normal military mod. You will find out how.
I'm part of narcisstic gaming :D

I'm the soundman, Web designer, ideas bloke, public relations bloke (you get the idea ;) )
And what does "non stero-typed of a military mod" mean?
No Seals, no AK47, no Gun-Ho, no Rambo, no Iraqis, no crazy suicidal arabs, where's the fun in this mod again?
Out of that list, there is only no Rambo, possibly no Gung-Ho ;)

There will be a special forces class, there will be the AK, there will be Iraqis (or whoever you want), and crazy people with bombs.

The thing is, this mod can be what you want it to be (to a degree). If you are a team player, like to rely on realistic tactics, join the Army team. If you like to do hit and run, be on your own, sneak around, join the Guerrillas. What we want is to have players acting similar to their roles. But, that is up to the player, we are going to help that with providing them the tools (i.e. specific weapons, equipment, etc.)

We are going with customization for a some what more of a broader audience than something specific. I am sure no American would want to play a Canadian Mod, and I sure as hell wouldn't want to play an exaggerated American Special Forces mod.
i liked the modernwarfare mod for hl..makes me wonder why i dont have it now...wish it was a lil more realistic though...knock up the dmg 15-20 more points and u got a winner

Edit:btw thats wut i hated about FA is the horribly unrealistic damage...provided for frustrating gameplay....
The Realistic genre is alive and blooming and isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Military games are becoming as popular as RTS games like Warcraft. Instead of hating, lets embrace the genre and accept that it is here to stay. The realism genre wasn't started by Counter-Strike so to all those who keep referring to the game CS, don't--it's illogical. No one can stop the production of these promising titles and no one should. They're free!
lol, that is true, ill b happy if each of them brings something new to the world, otherewise ill b mad:borg: :borg: :borg:
is this the sme team that made the original modern warefare for the hl1?
Originally posted by Argyll

The thing is, this mod can be what you want it to be (to a degree). If you are a team player, like to rely on realistic tactics, join the Army team. If you like to do hit and run, be on your own, sneak around, join the Guerrillas. What we want is to have players acting similar to their roles. But, that is up to the player, we are going to help that with providing them the tools (i.e. specific weapons, equipment, etc.)

it desn't seem like that's what your doing to me...oyu are making them provide the tools...

ANYWAY.... It's a cool idea, and i'm sure it will be fun, i'm jsut having trouble over the art where the players have to mkae thier own models and skiins....
KiNG, FA was one frustration that motivated me to create this mod. And Modern Warfare had not been released yet to the public (only had a small alpha). We just converted to HL2 and changed the name, but the concept is all the same.

Stich, another thing well said!

mrBadger, you will always be mad :borg: :borg: :borg: :P

Finally, sidewinder, players don't have to make their own models. They can make them if they want to and actually know how to. We intend on our team modelers to continue to work on models for other 'nation packs' which would include replacement models for the default ones. If there is a custom model made, then it can be included as well.
lol, true, but this is beginning to sound a bit better now, well done for explaining it all to us thickies, lol, take a look at my mod and see what you think!!! go on you kno u want to. A real mod...(thats the thread, please comment)!

mad badgers are ironically a huge problem in rural england.
Originally posted by mrBadger
lol, true, but this is beginning to sound a bit better now, well done for explaining it all to us thickies...

No problem, any questions you have I will gladly answer!
ok. This is, like badger said, sounding alot better. i was jsut thrown by this part

The weapons are not specific (i.e. M16, AK47, etc.), but are general specifications (i.e. 30 round, 5.56mm rifle with a 3.4x scope). This would allow players to download models that they wish to use (i.e. C7A1, M16 w/scope, SA80, etc.) and still be able to play with others that have different ones. The same goes for Player Models. Once this mod will be complete, other "mods" for it will soon follow changing the models and names of teams, players, and weapons.
now that it is fully explained, it sound slike a good idea, but we'll see it when it is completed.