Is this pic real?

Looks real. Obviously a fire plane, I would imagine they'd have to get pretty close to the ground to do any good.
Yeah, you're right, it looks Photoshopped, but in some way it also looks real...

But i dont know.

Could be real but could also be photoshopped.
hell no. How would that plane get so close? how would the picture taker have time to see the plane + take pic? how come there is no blur, that would be a fast plane.
It does look Photoshopped. Looks like the one of the guy on the Twin Towers before the plane collides into them.(the plane is right behind him)
Now that I lok at it, it isnt real.

You can see they croped the image from the bush and dirt, and just overlaid onto a pic of the plane.

Tricky bastards

EDIT: If it were real, where is the reflection of the plane in the windshield of the truck? Muhaha
that truck was made after 9/11 so Hmmm i just might be real.
One reason to why it might be photoshopped:

Look at the wing thats closer to the ground and you look at the stone there.
Then you should look at the left part of the stone, can you see that sharp edge?
It looks like a small mistake made by that person who did the pic if its really photoshopped.

[EDIT] - I think that the edge looks a little bit to unnatural to be real.
the lighting on everything is off. the lighting on the plane is different to that on the three guys standing there and the second car in the bottom right. very much photoshopped i think.
LOL look they aren't even looking at the plan they are looking at the ground.
Originally posted by king John I
hell no. How would that plane get so close? how would the picture taker have time to see the plane + take pic? how come there is no blur, that would be a fast plane.

1) How would the picture taker have time to see the plane + take the pic

Set the camera up pointing right there because they knew the plane was doing to drop its load right on that side of the mountian.
And you dont have to have your eye right against the camera to take a picture.

2) How come there is no blur, that would be a fast plane.

Its very bright outside in the picture, therefor the picture would be taken at a high shutter speed. Freezing the plane (somewhat).....the propelers are a little blured because they are going extreamly fast. But its hard to see because of the angle. And if they had a good enough camera theres no question that they could freez the plane in mid dive. It would only take about 1/2000 to do it.

3) The shaddows line up like they should.

4) In the pic the noze of the plane is behind some bushes.....either the person did a FREAKN' good job getting the nose behind it or there was a bush in the air where the plane was flying. Or the picture might just posibly be real :).

5) Reflection of plane on the truck

The plane isnt over the truck.....its probably more than 50 feet away.

6)Shaddows off

The sun is at just about 12-o-clock........looks fine to me.

7) Them looking at the ground.

Donst really look like that to me....but the plane is diving.
why wouldn't they be looking at the ground (read down th side of the mountain)? the plane is dropping retardant on a fire, which is what i'd be looking at personally. they've probably seen this several times by now, and would be rather nonchalant about the plane, they just wanna see the results of the dump.

case forever closed.

btw, nice thurough job fender.
Honestly, I would wager that it's real.

Reasoning explained by Fenric for the most part. Nice explanations, Fenny :afro:.
Originally posted by NSPIRE
Err... EDIT: I mean FenDER, not FenRIC :p

My bad.

lol i was just gonna say something about that then :p I coulda sworn I cancelled my explanation before I sent it, you had me looking through the thread for my post then for nothing :p
Ok then...

If it is real, as most think. Why is it dumping that stuff when there is no fire or smoke to be seen?

I would atleast expect to see some smoke from below. (They look like they're on a cliff, or we're supossed to believe they're on one anyway)
Originally posted by Sn7
Ok then...

If it is real, as most think. Why is it dumping that stuff when there is no fire or smoke to be seen?

I would atleast expect to see some smoke from below. (They look like they're on a cliff, or we're supossed to believe they're on one anyway)
could be blowing off to one side. the field of view isn't super -wide in that shot.
The rock does look a little jaggy......but then tend to be jagged. But if you look at it really really close, its dosnt look Extreamly jagged.
Originally posted by thenerdguy
maybe its a pratice run.

What are you talking about???

And what is your avitar now? Its a little to dark for me to see it.

[edit]Oh wait...its still Equilibrium.

Its that part when he's too late to save that one chick isnt it? Or his wife?[/edit]
Originally posted by Sn7
Ok then...

If it is real, as most think. Why is it dumping that stuff when there is no fire or smoke to be seen?

I would atleast expect to see some smoke from below. (They look like they're on a cliff, or we're supossed to believe they're on one anyway)

Thats the only thing I could see wrong with the picture. But it isnt a very wide angle picture and winds could be blowing the smoke out of frame.
I dont think its real, as theres no shaddows or like someone said earler, no refections
Bot the shadows and reflections being missing is undertandable under the correct conditions. And the plane could be laying retardant either ahead of the fire or on a very small section of it.
I see no really obvious reason its not real, so I tend to believe it.
Whats the source?
I gots an LCD monitor, if I look at the pic from above I can see white dots all around the plane, I dunno if that means it's photoshoped but it's trippy...

wooo, purple.
Originally posted by king John I
how would the picture taker have time to see the plane + take pic? how come there is no blur, that would be a fast plane.

The shutter speed on the camera that took the original pic with the plane in was certainly fast enough to catch the propellor in total clarity with no motion blur. The ends of a propellor blade travel at a speed far faster than the plane can actually travel so your argument isnt really a valid one. :(

If it IS a photoshop its obviously a very good one because even after magnifying the image i cant see and discrepancies.
Originally posted by |MaTT|
The shutter speed on the camera that took the original pic with the plane in was certainly fast enough to catch the propellor in total clarity with no motion blur. The ends of a propellor blade travel at a speed far faster than the plane can actually travel so your argument isnt really a valid one. :(

If it IS a photoshop its obviously a very good one because even after magnifying the image i cant see and discrepancies.

Its really hard to see the motion blur because the propellors are almost compleatly vertical. There is very little motion blur in the picture. But that isnt imposible for a carmera to catch. 1/3000 or 1/4000 can do it.

I've make pictures of a fan going full speed freez with my camera at like 1/3000, but thats probably not as fast as a plane propeller :).
Hey, guys...


The picture can't be real. If you look at the flaps (ailerons) you can see they're pointed down. This means that the pilot wants the plane to lose altitude. Now the plane is already too damn low to the ground to go any lower. Plus look at the heads of the spectators. They'd be watching the props or smoke drop if the plane is real, but in teh pic they're looking at the tail of the plane and one of them even looks at the sky.
It isnt real, the ground and bushes and men is just an overlay. There would be land in the background over the edge of the cliff if it was real. That why it doesnt "look right". The plane whot was one from below almost straight up and only has sky in it. Its easy to tell it fake.
Originally posted by Fender357
4) In the pic the noze of the plane is behind some bushes.....either the person did a FREAKN' good job getting the nose behind it or there was a bush in the air where the plane was flying. Or the picture might just posibly be real :).
i think the "bush" is the top of a tree, and only the dirt, brown bushes, truck, and guys are pasted in. something about the perspective is off to me.

also, there's a ton of glare on the fuselage of the plane, but there is no glare on the windshield or headlights or hood of the truck

also there is no horizon..they'd have to be on a pretty tall hill...but i dunno what the terrain around there is like :p
Unless you have an expert there is no real way to tell but I believe, because of the incredible skill it would take to photoshop that bush that it is more likely real thatn fake.
also if you zoom in near the truck hood, the sky is pixellated there...looks like blur tool to me.
its real look at the shadows Dumass's they line up perfectly with the suns rays :)
Donno if anyone mentioned this but wouldnt the left wing be casting a shadow over the men at that angle also? Or at the very last on the ground?
If it's real, then the plane is dangerously close to the ground, even if they are stading on a hill. And would those guys just stand there and chill when there is a plane's wing passing 10 ft away from them at 300 mph?
Originally posted by silent
Hey, guys...


The picture can't be real. If you look at the flaps (ailerons) you can see they're pointed down. This means that the pilot wants the plane to lose altitude. Now the plane is already too damn low to the ground to go any lower. Plus look at the heads of the spectators. They'd be watching the props or smoke drop if the plane is real, but in teh pic they're looking at the tail of the plane and one of them even looks at the sky.

Flaps and ailerons are not the same thing. The flaps are pointed down. The elevators in back control pitch.. and they are straight. The ailerons seem to be straight as well from what I can see.

I'm still undecided...but leaning towards fake. No horizon or clouds or weather of any kind bugs have to be pretty high to get a straight-across shot like that and not see horizon... You have to be damn high up...and to drive a truck and a car up there...that seems iffy to me.

About the shadows and such...the only shadows that can really line up are on the plane itself... The plane could just be brought in. The tiny bit of black under the truck would be all to easy to fake.

I don't consider the heads to be that much evidence. If this plane is really flying past's going fast.. I can believe that they aren't following the plane perfectly with their heads...I can believe that since it's so close..and is passing by so quickly..that they'd maybe be looking at the tail at some point in time...

Another thing that leads me to believe it's fake is how it looks when I look at it from a steep angle on my laptop. I can see all sorts of distortion outlining the plant..the plane...the people...and the sky looks blocky somehow... I looked at non-faked images from the same way..and they don't have the same qualities..
How did they do the picture? Simple. High-speed camera (notice propeller blades) with a telephoto-lens. Notice the inability to gain perspective? The lens on the camera has to be at minimum a 400mm lens. That first car is probably at least 300 feet away from the camera and another 50 feet to the truck. The trees are probably another 500 feet and the plane is probably a good 300-450 feet above that. The plane itself is probably at least 250 feet (or more) above any obstacles. It is probably flying slow since the flaps are extended.

The Blockyness=jpeg artifacts.

Could it be a photoshop? Wouldn’t surprise me. Could the picture be real? Sure. Is the plane flying low? Yes, but not as low as it seems. Do I know what I am talking about? Yes