isnt it WIERD?


Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
has anyone noticed that they have an unexplained malice towards the combine?
at first i thought they were really cool and i just stared at the detail on the metro cops at point insertion and laughed when they swatted citizens (and me! :x ) , but when i got to the resistance lvls (like streeet battles and such) i really started to hate them. not the kind of hatred where i wouldnt play the game cos of it but the kinf that when u see a combine soldier u attack them with much more ferocity than say an antlion.

maybye its just me but any feedback would be nice :stare:
it's because of the can, that was just uncalled for...bastards
that can was just sitting there, IT DIDNT DESERVE IT DAMMIT!
Picking up the poor can was just too humilating. I swore revenge, after that moment:
"Combine shall parish"


"I know what a bloody trashcan is!" Chuck the can at his face at sheer humiliation, and peg it.
Aarrwgh, I hate that trashcan-part too. Well, heres my solution:
I would like to name this picture "Heres your f*cking can."


  • canned.jpg
    43.9 KB · Views: 476
I got to feel pitty for them; in the trainstation level they had a hard time trying to hit me with their stun battons and they hardly were any challenge in later levels, on all difficulty settings.
PlayingMantis said:
Picking up the poor can was just too humilating. I swore revenge, after that moment:
"Combine shall parish"


OH I know!!!
I didn't put the can in the trash nor did I kill him. I threw it on his face and when he came over me, I walked around him and went on my way.
the first time I played it, my brother-in-law ws there and wouldn't shut up for two seconds for me to hear any of what was being said... next thing I know I'm being chased as that guy is trying to kill me... At least I got around him...

But yeah, I started taking great joy in making many many head shots on those guys...
I hate them because they pop up everywhere and are as annoying as $#$%.

I just get my health/armor back to full and what do I see? 99/97, 98/94, some little punk was taking potshots at me with his SMG?!?

It's like having some kid run into your car with his bike JUST after getting a new, expensive paintjob.
Cukel said:
Aarrwgh, I hate that trashcan-part too. Well, heres my solution:
I would like to name this picture "Heres your f*cking can."

HAHAHA....sick....thats awesome.....
PlayingMantis said:
"Combine shall parish"
Can you guess what my thoughts were when I saw that?

Yes ... I imagined lots of Combine building churches and taking mass. And then shooting the locals. Nice isn't it :)
I was in ventrilo when the can part happened, with a mate talking to me at the time, so I didn't hear him speak, and I was looking around so didn't see him knock the can over either. Then he started chasing me and I was "wtf"? So I spent the rest of the game (Untill I got weapons...) avoiding combine because I assumed they were on orders to beat me to death...
thread i apologise for my unforgivable lapse in thinking that made me spell WEIRD wrong
thank you for redirecting me

Damn right, so you should. Anyway, its spelt arsehole...

j/k ;)
I'm always agressive in a game where there is ragdoll present.
Just so much fun to c em fly in such a realistic way.
Now the next step (ragdoll advanced) is making the bones snap and them being able to lay on the ground after crashing from 50 feet high with some bones sticking out or something.

I would love that for realism
WOW! that would be cruel cos id do it to dogs n stuff

When I'm playing Team Deathmatch as Combine, and am killed, I kind of feel like I deserved to die.

Hows that for irrational hatred?
f|uke said:
When I'm playing Team Deathmatch as Combine, and am killed, I kind of feel like I deserved to die.

Hows that for irrational hatred?

Thats just cald being a NERD, srry
I think learning to HATE the combine is another sign of a game well built. I have never REALLY felt emnity towards any game entity before, but HL2 makes you reallf F**king hate them, with the block on breeding, hassling of the people, the general malice of the combine. I REALLY, REALLY wanted to kill these guys. Nice job VALVe!
Cukel said:
Aarrwgh, I hate that trashcan-part too. Well, heres my solution:
I would like to name this picture "Heres your f*cking can."

Yohoooooooooooo! I like that one :smoking:
Link said:
Damn right, so you should. Anyway, its spelt arsehole...

j/k ;)

Link: are you a teacher or what?
arsehole is the british english vulgar expression and asshole the american english one!
affen said:
I got to feel pitty for them; in the trainstation level they had a hard time trying to hit me with their stun battons and they hardly were any challenge in later levels, on all difficulty settings.

Yeah, I felt a bit sorry for them too. These guys weren't ever a challenge even on "Hard".
I think most satisfying part of this game is 'close-ranging' these phuckers with the spas 12 - sick
CR33P said:
I think most satisfying part of this game is 'close-ranging' these phuckers with the spas 12 - sick

WTF?? What in the hell is the "spas-12"??? Is that some funky name for the shotgun?
That's what kind of shotgun it is. A SPAS-12. Just like the SMG is actually an H&K MP-7.
yep. ever played The Specialists? I think the SPAS was in that. I'm almost sure it's in Rogue Spear anyway.

I do get very caught up in the revolution and the spirit of rebellion and righteous fighting while I'm playing through the City 17 levels, so I feel good when fragging those Overwatch bastards.
Franchi Special Purpose Automatic Shotgun-12 - THE ANTI-COMBINE GUN...oh and i threw a cinderblock at a combine once
Thanks Guys for clearing up my bit of ingorance about the meaning of Spas-12 (and don't worry, I have PLENTY of bits-o-ignorance remaining!). :cheese:
Cukel said:
Aarrwgh, I hate that trashcan-part too. Well, heres my solution:
I would like to name this picture "Heres your f*cking can."

Hahahaa I just had to say that's awesome!
its because the combine are totally evil sons of bitches/pigs. and they are most evil badies ever invented on a game which is good to make u hate them and is cleverly done by valve.

its because the combine are exterminating the human race and "if" u are like human, then it kind of brings up a strong reactionary instinct to fight back.

the "put the can in the trash" part kind of hurt my feelings too and i wanted to get em back for the beatings with the zapper.

i rejoiced in mowing about 20 of em down with thier own laser gun position in c17. and running em down with the airboat.
Yeah I never picked up the can. I just threw it in his face. He ran over to beat the shit out of me but I managed to dodge past him.

They should have put a distinctive mark on that combine and then have him show up during the rebellion levels. Can we say crossbow wall crucifixion?
The first time I chucked it in his face, the second time I put it in the can, his little laugh made me so mad i typed in impulse 101 and killed him with the shotty.