I've always wondered...


Party Escort Bot
Oct 29, 2011
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Why does Doc Kleiner have an HEV suit in his lab? I was always under the impression that Black Mesa hired young people like Gordon or Dr. Cross because most of the scientists were old gray haired men who have trouble lifting a gun (not to mention using one). I guess you can say that Alyx used it but I don't recall if it was ever mentioned in the game. If you have any thoughts let me know below.
My personal belief is that the G-Man left the suit somewhere the resistance would serendipitously discover it. It always seemed strange to me that none of Gordon's friends seemed shocked that he was alive, only at the timing of his arrival. This has always led me to believe that Eli, Kleiner and Co. were aware of Gordon's arrival ahead of time.. which I guess is obvious.. but nevermind!
They were in contact with the g-man.
Indeed G-Man is the HL equivalent of "a wizard did it." That and whatever the **** a "slow teleport" is.
I thought at the end of HL1 G-Man stated that Gordon had earned the HEV suit? Wouldn't he be wearing it at the beginning of HL2? Or did G-Man play dress up with him?
It wouldn't make sense for Gordon to be wearing a suit of armor right out of a train into a city governed by hostile aliens who would have shot him on sight.

At all.
Well dr. Kleiner is in City 17 (controlled by the combine), a HEV suit might come in handy.
I remember hearing in one of the older games (Decay maybe?) that they were already working on a Mark V HEV suit. So I'm guessing the one Gordon wears is a modified version of that one. Kleiner probably got his hands on one some time before the resonance cascade or when leaving with Eli.

Although, Kleiner may have gotten his hands on Gordon's old suit through the G Man and modified that one since the Gearbox games' are always wishy washy when it comes to the canon.
I remember hearing in one of the older games (Decay maybe?) that they were already working on a Mark V HEV suit. So I'm guessing the one Gordon wears is a modified version of that one. Kleiner probably got his hands on one some time before the resonance cascade or when leaving with Eli.
It's in the Hazard Course timetable in in the PS2 manual. Gina Cross was testing it in the Hazard Course the day before Gordon's training (15th and 16th of may respectively).
It wouldn't make sense for Gordon to be wearing a suit of armor right out of a train into a city governed by hostile aliens who would have shot him on sight.

At all.
well, that suit of armor never covered Gordon's face.
maybe freeman knew what aliens was going to do and he contacted g man and made a deal with him but it needed for both of them to play their roles as was suppose to
and after that in the end everyone finds out that freeman was a mossad agent:p