Ive Got Water Trouble


Nov 23, 2004
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I can make water fill a box no problem, but when i make a lake using the displacement tool and make a box of water around it the top of the water becomes invisible. I know you can do this i just dont know how. Ill post screen shots if needed.
did you put an evn_cubemap above your water and a water_lodcontrol (the compile will fix the water_lod_control if you didn't do it)?

if you did the above, you probly have a light leak into the water.
hard to make out but it looks like the water is sat outside the map or something. Post the map file itself so people can check it.
You have to put a brush under the displacement terrain, as to seal the map off from the void. (That big..black..stuff)

Just make your walls go down farther and make another brush underneath the terrain.
im not so sure... ive compiled a map with a displacement with a water brush and it compiled fine (no leak).

i think the bottom of the original brush that you make into a displacement has to be lower/outside the the water brush. IE put the water brush in the bursh that you then displace.

but im running dx7, so who knows. i dont get nice shaders, only the textures.

Edit: just looked at your third picture, I think i am right. looks like your water brush is below the bottom of the box displacement map.

to fix it, just select the bottom bursh in your box (the displacement one) and drag/resize it so it fully goes over the water hight of the water underneath it. recompile and enjoy!

all entities and non world burshes need to be inside the box/map, or inside a world brush. anything outside (except for sky textued brushes and world brushes) in the black void will cause a leak/not render properly/fark with the map.
Just seal the entire displacement area with brushes (nodraw texture). Displacement maps aren't solid and do not seal your level so even if it seems right, there is a leak.