Josh Whedon looks to buy Terminator Franchise


The Freeman
May 16, 2004
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An Open Letter to the Terminator Owners. From a Very Important Hollywood Mogul

Dear Sirs/Ma'ams,

I am Joss Whedon, the mastermind behind Titan A.E., Parenthood (not the movie) (or the new series) (or the one where 'hood' was capitalized 'cause it was a pun), and myriad other legendary tales. I have heard through the 'grapevine' that the Terminator franchise is for sale, and I am prepared to make a pre-emptive bid RIGHT NOW to wrap this dealio up. This is not a joke, this is not a scam, this is not available on TV. I will write a check TODAY for $10,000, and viola! Terminator off your hands.

No, you didn't miscount. That's four — FOUR! — zeroes after that one. That's to show you I mean business. And I mean show business. Nikki Finke says the Terminator concept is played. Well, here's what I have to say to Nikki Finke: you are a fine journalist and please don't ever notice me. The Terminator story is as formative and important in our culture — and my pretend play — as any I can think of. It's far from over. And before you Terminator-Owners (I have trouble remembering names) rush to cash that sweet cheque, let me give you a taste of what I could do with that franchise:

1) Terminator... of the Rings! Yeah, what if he time-travelled TOO far... back to when there was dragons and wizards? (I think it was the Dark Ages.) Hasta La Vista, Boramir! Cool, huh? "Now you gonna be Gandalf the Red!" RRRRIP! But then he totally helps, because he's a cyborg and he doesn't give a s#&% about the ring — it has no power over him! And he can carry it AND Frodo AND Sam AND f@%& up some orcs while he's doing it. This stuff just comes to me. I mean it. (I will also offer $10,000 for the Lord of the Rings franchise).

2) More Glau. Hey. There's a reason they're called "Summer" movies.

3) Can you say... musical? Well don't. Even I know that's an awful idea.

4) Christian Bale's John Connor will get a throat lozenge. This will also help his Batwork (ten grand for that franchise too, btw.)

5) More porn. John Connor never told Kyle Reese this, but his main objective in going to the past was to get some. What if there's a lot of future-babies that have to be made? Cue wah-wah pedal guitar — and dollar signs!

6) The movies will stop getting less cool.

Okay. There's more — this brain don't quit! (though it has occasionally been fired) — but I think you get my drift. I really believe the Terminator franchise has only begun to plumb the depths of questioning the human condition during awesome stunts, and I'd like to shepherd it through the next phase. The money is there, but more importantly, the heart is there. But more importantly, money. Think about it. End this bloody bidding war before it begins, and put the Terminator in the hands of someone who watched the first one more than any other movie in college, including "Song of Norway" (no current franchise offer).

Sincerely, Joss Whedon.

Joss is one of my favorite people ever.
I think he could make anything funny but at the same time moral and heavy-hearted.

Although I think he might be a bit off on his bid :p
I'd laugh if Whedon was anything other than the most obnoxious of hacks.
lol, they should give it to michael bay. I mean if they're just going to shit on the franchise with whedon why not go all the way and hire the biggest hack of them all?

"Nathan Fillion to star in Terminator as T-1001. Playing an emotionaless robot wont be that much of a stretch for Fillion who has been active since Firefly was cancelled with mediocre schlock written and produced by the guy who wrote Buffy the Vampire (stifled giggle)
lol, they should give it to michael bay. I mean if they're just going to shit on the franchise with whedon why not go all the way and hire the biggest hack of them all?

"Nathan Fillion to star in Terminator as T-1001. Playing an emotionaless robot wont be that much of a stretch for Fillion who has been active since Firefly was cancelled with mediocre schlock written and produced by the guy who wrote Buffy the Vampire (stifled giggle)

Lol. The only thing I liked that was done by Whedon was Firefly and even then It was nothing to shout about. Angel, Buffy and Dollhouse. Yuk
I mean if they're just going to shit on the franchise with whedon

They're not seriously contemplating it you know.

"Nathan Fillion to star in Terminator as T-1001. Playing an emotionaless robot wont be that much of a stretch for Fillion

Eat a dick.

who has been active since Firefly was cancelled with mediocre schlock written and produced by the guy who wrote Buffy the Vampire (stifled giggle)

Except hes only been in one of Whedon's productions since Firefly/serenity and that was Dr. Horrible, which was most certainly not schlock.

Lol. The only thing I liked that was done by Whedon was Firefly and even then It was nothing to shout about. Angel, Buffy and Dollhouse. Yuk

Firefly was plenty to shout about. Dollhouse isnt awful, i havent seen much the others, but they looked pretty bad from what glimpses i saw. Also, you should watch Dr. Horrible.

Anyone who doesnt like Firefly can eat a dick because you have no taste in anything apparently.
Eat a dick.

Anyone who doesnt like Firefly can eat a dick because you have no taste in anything apparently.

I did not say I did not like Firefly I just said it is nothing to shout about which it isnt. You go eat a dick.
I liked Firefly, but other than that he's been behind a lot of shit
For instance:

Well, none of that matters because I've only seen Firefly, Dr. Horrible, and Dollhouse. So :arms:

Also, onethreelackbishop, I wasnt aiming that part at you. And it was worth shouting about, so how about neither of us eat any dicks?
Firefly and Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog are both goddamn epic and unparalleled and all you haters can go die in a fire (or eat a dick I guess).

Everything else he's done is lackluster and/or mediocre and Joss himself is irritating as hell despite the fact that he invented Firefly. Sorry.
I agree with Christopher Burris. But who the hell was badmouthing Nathan Fillion I mean seriously
Yeah what is that? Next people are going to start shitting all over Harrison Ford or some such tripe. I don't see how you can watch the Firefly or Serenity gag reels without thinking Fillion is some kind of man god.
Man God is right. I even watched an episode of Castle.

Don't, btw (watch an episode of Castle)
Firefly is fine.

Buffy and Angel are fine.

Nathan Fillion is fine.

Whedon is fine.

I don't have enough dicks to force feed you lot.
Guys, guys, Im sure there's plenty of dicks for all of us.
Firefly and Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog are both goddamn epic and unparalleled and all you haters can go die in a fire (or eat a dick I guess).

Everything else he's done is lackluster and/or mediocre .

He part wrote Toy story.

So no.
In the halloween episode of Castle, Nathan Fillion's character (Castle) dressed up as Malcom Reynolds from firefly. Pretty awesome.
In the halloween episode of Castle, Nathan Fillion's character (Castle) dressed up as Malcom Reynolds from firefly. Pretty awesome.

Indeed. That his daughter then said 'It's been five years, get over it' was quality as well.

As regards the whole Joss Whedon thing. Personally I find him a little bit too Jazz hands whenever he's writing personally on his site or on TV himself, however saying that he is also at times quite capable of writing very compelling stuff and coming up with really interesting ideas (Dollhouse has a wonderful premise to it).

I'd say his flaw is that he should really be writing a show for a cable network like HBO or Showtime, somewhere where you can do dark, and have nudity & strong Language in your storyline because in a way that is where I think he'd like to go, but instead he ends up doing these mainstream TV shows that basically footsie around the sort of raw emotional stuff he is capable of getting into.
Imagine Dollhouse or Buffy with nudity and curse words. That'd be ****ing awesome.
Imagine Dollhouse or Buffy with nudity and curse words. That'd be ****ing awesome.

I really like Dollhouse. However I'd be a lot happier if it was more adult in nature rather than mainstreaming as it is. The premise is great, but the cuddly nature of the Dollhouse itself as a place (underground health farm) seems to be a concession to broadcast acceptable, rather than a reflection of what it would be.
How sure are you that Angel was a good show?
Buffy was better, for sure. Angel was still quite good. But I can't say I care for it too much.
Angel was a good show, especially from season 3 onward. Also where the comic went after the show ended, with LA being split up into a hell zone ruled by warring demonic factions; it's a shame that the show got canceled before that.

Never really cared for Buffy, although that Twilight guy in the "Season 8" comic is kinda cool.
Spike is one of my favourite characters of all time. Especially when he appears in Angel.

All bloody hail.