jurasic park4 announced by spielberg


The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
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One of the most exciting announcements at Comic-Con today? Steven Spielberg said that a fourth chapter of his famous dinosaur epic Jurassic Park is finally in the works.

Said Spielberg during the Tintin panel:

We have a story. We have a writer who is writing the treatment and hopefully we are going to make Jurassic Park 4 in all of our foreseeable futures, hopefully in the next two or three years.

raise hand if you care

*<RJMC> does not raise hand*
Meh... The Lost World and JP3 were both travesties.
Ugh. The Lost World was ok but I can't for the life of me understand why they decided to scrap the amazing storyline in the book and write their own retarded ass version of it. JP3 was just unmentionably terrible.

I have absolutely no hopes for this since from what I can tell the original JP was only so good because Michael Crichton was heavily involved in its production, so.... meh. I want to believe it could be good but I just frankly don't.
Stop excavating my childhood, Spielberg.
not going to lie, i'm excited. i throughly enjoyed the lost world and to an extent, i don't really mind the third film even though it pales in comparison to it's predecessors, but i'm excited.
I actually fully support this decision. I just want dinosaurs.
But at what cost? AT WHAT COST!?

This will be the one that rex my love of JP.

****ing LOL.

Anyway, I'm only interested because dinosaurs as well. Not many dino movies/games these days.
why did people hate JP2 and JP3 so much? i thought they were decent action movies, and one has jeff goldblum and the other has william h. macy.

also yay cgi dino oclock
JP2 was entertaining when I was a kid but overall it's meh. Like 5/10 at the most. JP3 just was silly. I don't know. The first movie set the bar pretty damn high, I guess the later ones being generic action movies with unremarkable characters (Malcolm excluded) and relatively meh storylines just wasn't enough. I've seen JP3 twice and I doubt I'll ever bother watching it again, seen JP2 half a dozen times and could stand to see it again... someday. Jurassic Park I watch pretty regularly a couple times a year because it's ****ing awesome.

Gonna watch this upcoming show Terra Nova too, even though it looks completely terrible in commercials, just cuz dinosaurs.
Anyone else think that, no matter what they do visually now, it's not going to awe people on the same level as JP1? 'Realistic' CGI creatures are a dime-a-dozen now as compared to before.
The worst thing about this announcement is that Joe Johnston, JP3's director, was talking about it only a few days ago. He's "got a few ideas" which can only mean he's lobbying to direct the next instalment. Steven Spielberg hasn't made a good movie since JP1/Schindler's List so it's not like the film would be better off with him at the helm, but it's bad news all the same.
I want some dinos, damn it. I was so excited when I first saw JP2 in the theaters.
story time.I think I mentioned this before but when I saw JP1 in Theaters I was like 4 or 5 I was so scared of all the loud noises in the movie I started crying and my dad had to leave the theater withe me.He tried to calm me down in the Lobby he said:"They aren't real they're just Robots."

believe it or not I was more ****ing scared than ever after hearing that because I remember a few weeks/months prior to that I watched T1 or T2.

So yeah Robot ****ing Dinosaurs gave Nightmares for like 3 weeks lol.

edit: I agree with Remus Minority Report was a great movie.
my fetish fantasy would be to tie Samon to a chair and force him to watch Michael Bay movies.
Munich? Saving Private Ryan?

Never seen Munich. As for Saving Private Ryan, meh, not my cup of tea.

Where Eagles Dare is probably the only non sci-fi WW2 movie I like.
why did people hate JP2 and JP3 so much?

This. Not on this bandwagon myself, found all 3 of the JP films entertaining. My only beef is that they make up and dramatise a lot of the stuff about the dinos, especially Raptors. There's no evidence they were that intelligent and from looking at their fossils, they were supposedly smaller and covered in feathers. But hey-ho, gotta make it look like a scary monster for the film.
It had Eric Bana and Daniel Craig in it as Mossad agents.

Few of Spielberg's post-Schindler films are brilliant without flaws, but most of them are interesting.
Does anyone else kinda hope they update all the dinosaurs who are now confirmed to have feathers? I want to see some fabulous velociraptors.
This thread has reminded me that I never saw Schindler's List. >_>

I didn't mind the sequels, but 2 was kind of forgettable and 3 was a bit silly, like people said. The whole thing with the raptor calls bugged the hell out of me after they'd been portrayed as the most intelligent and cunning creatures all throughout the series (even though the dino-nut in me was still screaming IT'S A ****ING DEINONYCHUS).
What's funny is that the real velociraptors (the small ones) make an appearence. Why they ****ed up the names I have no idea.
Weren't those Compsognathus? I haven't seen it in a while but I get the feeling they were smaller than Velociraptor.
They look ****ing terrifying with feathers.

Do it, Spielberg.
A park full of carnivorous walking birds that want to **** your shit up? Yeah, I can imagine it.

T-Rex would be more of a stretch though.