just a quick headcrab-related idea...

Angry Lawyer said:
Depends on what kind of ladder entity you base it on. If you base it on the retro HL1 ladder thing, it works in all directions. I'm not sure about the HL2 ladder entity though.

All HL1's ladder did was set the movetype to 'Fly' while inside the area.

-Angry Lawyer
Yeah that's pretty much the HL2 ladder entity thing. You aren't restricted to just the Y axis, you can also move freely along the X axis. I guess you can stop this by adding a "Player clip" up around the drainpipe, but hmmm...

Anyway because my level design was originally "closed and claustrophobic". The only placed this wall lunging technique could come in handy is in places like.... Hmm... You know where that big yellow machine is at the start of Half-life 1, moving the radioactive materials. Well something that open would be good... But meh.
That's the coolest idea ever.

I have good ideas. One of them being that once you kill someone you can eat them through your chest (eventually turning into a gonome after 5-10 people) or you can just jump off the body your on and switch zombie types.

EDIT: You could also make a gametype where theres one human (Randomly picked on startup) who runs around. He is the only person to get kills. He has a pistol or some form of weapon. Everyone else tries to take the body. The person that reaches the target amount of kills or stays human for 15 consecutive minutes wins.
That's the coolest idea ever.

I have good ideas. One of them being that once you kill someone you can eat them through your chest (eventually turning into a gonome after 5-10 people) or you can just jump off the body your on and switch zombie types.

EDIT: You could also make a gametype where theres one human (Randomly picked on startup) who runs around. He is the only person to get kills. He has a pistol or some form of weapon. Everyone else tries to take the body. The person that reaches the target amount of kills or stays human for 15 consecutive minutes wins.
That second Idea is good, but the first point isn't so accurate. See, what body you control shouldn't determine what type of zombie you become, and I think this is what a lot of people at (wrongly) believing. See, it all depends on what type of headcrab you are.

Admitted, I was thinking of making it that if you latch onto a soldier and manage to take over the body (More on the difficulty of this later), then you turn into a gonome, instead of a regular zombie of your type. but this should be made harder, due to something like a mask or helmet covering the soldiers head, making it harder to take over (the bar moves slower to the right), and because of the strength of the soldier too, it would require a lot of determination.

This can also reflect, now that I've thoguht about it, on regular headcrabs. Think about it, if you are just strolling around on the floor as a regular headcrab and spot a scientist and a barny, both shouldn't be the same when taken over. The barny zombie should be slightly slower than the scientist zombie, but slightly stronger. Or something....

In HL1, the Zombified Grunts traditionally had higher hitpoints. I'd avoid making the Gonome as soldier-dependant.

-Angry Lawyer
You should make slight differences between the varieties (ex. strength, speed, ect.).

But I still like my gonome idea. I'd say 5-10 eatings= 1 gonome.

Also when you ingest them it should take awhile but you should make health regenerate very slowly in that time.
the time you see a human get attacked by a head crab is in the part where you're walking around toxic waste; a little bit before you first get the hover craft. it's either right before or right after you see those bombs with head crabs in them land in front of you. definetly one of the earlier chapters.

i was thinking about a name for this mod and i came up with a couple, although they're pretty corny:

(Father) Gregory's Congregation
Lamar's Revenge
Head Humpers
the mod should be called: "headcrabs attack pople, and you can evolve into to other things, and there are also humans." :farmer:
H47tr!ck said:
the time you see a human get attacked by a head crab is in the part where you're walking around toxic waste; a little bit before you first get the hover craft. it's either right before or right after you see those bombs with head crabs in them land in front of you. definetly one of the earlier chapters.

i was thinking about a name for this mod and i came up with a couple, although they're pretty corny:

(Father) Gregory's Congregation
Lamar's Revenge
Head Humpers

It's actually DURING the part with the toxic waste and the headcrab bombs/ However, after the first headcrab bomb... The guy's behind a fence (chain-linked).
Are there any concepts yet? :O I will also suggest that too much ideas will not be good for the development process, seeing as how there's a new, good idea popping up every day! If you spent time implemeting all that cool ideas, it will extend the development time and perhaps cause you to lose focus on the gameplay. (like those games with too many features which are not used when they're played for real)
I twas thinking that the scientists, and the scientists only, get the g-gun.

It's actually quite hard to use.

Unfortunantly, there is the fact that it hits headcrabs (two hits, they die)
CREMATOR666 said:
Are there any concepts yet? :O I will also suggest that too much ideas will not be good for the development process, seeing as how there's a new, good idea popping up every day! If you spent time implemeting all that cool ideas, it will extend the development time and perhaps cause you to lose focus on the gameplay. (like those games with too many features which are not used when they're played for real)
Yeah, which is why I want to get started on developing it right away. I will start writing up a huge list of "Things that will definately be in the game", "Things I want in the game and our coder can implement later", and "Things that I would like in the game if we have enough time before the final release", and finally "Things I would like in the game, but shouldn't be in the game unless we can find a decent way of implementing it".

Gonomes are in the third section, but that's just my opinion. I think they will unbalance the game too much.

I'm also currently trying to find a coder (Our clan coder is busy with this thing called "Real Life". I really don't understand those), and a modeller and map designer (Not map maker, as of yet), and anything else anyone can think of. A decent skinner wouldn't go amis too. so if anyone is a coder, map designer, modeller, skinner, or whatever (New or otherwise), PM me or email me at "[email protected]"

EDIT: And that Zero-point energy gun idea: I don't think that would be such a good idea, since I don't think it would add so much to the game in terms of playability. Well, either way, we'll see.
ive had a minor idea concerning the maps.
They would be set in the black mesa environment (which seems the best one for a zombie mod) but the areas of play would vary in some fundamental ways.
for instance, the human team would make it into a fairly open, lit empty storage room. there would be ammo and health, perhaps a few guns, and a nice clear line of sight to the one entrance. This would be a place that is easy to defend from zoms. However, to get in or out of there, they would have to go through a tight set of dark corridors, with vents and places for headcrabs to hide and ambush.
So, the humans can rest and recouperate, and the zoms have a chance to prepare an ambush.


Thats an awsome name! dont change it, seriously : :thumbs:
cabbs said:
ive had a minor idea concerning the maps.
They would be set in the black mesa environment (which seems the best one for a zombie mod) but the areas of play would vary in some fundamental ways.
for instance, the human team would make it into a fairly open, lit empty storage room. there would be ammo and health, perhaps a few guns, and a nice clear line of sight to the one entrance. This would be a place that is easy to defend from zoms. However, to get in or out of there, they would have to go through a tight set of dark corridors, with vents and places for headcrabs to hide and ambush.
So, the humans can rest and recouperate, and the zoms have a chance to prepare an ambush.


Thats an awsome name! dont change it, seriously : :thumbs:
Hey that could be a good idea for a section of level design (Levels will hopefully be a little longer than a normal Half-life 1 chapter... I think) But that sounds pretty decent for a little section. Good work.

Also, thanks for the name likeness :). It came from a post in this thread, but I changed it to the past tense.

Very good idea i'd definately play it
better get the copyright soon..sorry jk
OJS said:
Very good idea i'd definately play it
better get the copyright soon..sorry jk
Thanks for that. You don't know anything about modelling do you? we're looking for a couple ;).

I'll also update this page soon with a full rundown of what's going to be in the alpha build. I gotta talk to my Coder first, to see what's possible... Wait. I don't have a coder... Hmmmm.
H47tr!ck said:
good name, glad to see i had an influence :)
Can you do any sort of mod work? Currently, I'm messing around with the HL2DM source code, but it isn't going well. My clan mate can change the CSS buy menu a bit, but he's further ahead than me.

If you know a coder, can you shove him my way?
How do we work with the human side? Natural selection mode - place inventories around the map? CS mode - buy menu?

Sorry if this has been awnsered already.
How about "The Head-Humpers" for the name? :p
btw, do you require any mapping skills? :O I can do a few maps for you if you want. :D
Jintor said:
How do we work with the human side? Natural selection mode - place inventories around the map? CS mode - buy menu?

Sorry if this has been awnsered already.
Natural selection mode at the moment, but I think the weaponry will be far more scarce than Natural selection. It is meant to be a survival game, afterall :)

CREMATOR666 said:
How about "The Head-Humpers" for the name?
btw, do you require any mapping skills? I can do a few maps for you if you want.
Nah, to be honest I prefer the name "Head-Humped". It's more comical and simple.
Anyway yeah I wouldn't mind a mapper, if you aren't too busy with your mod. I'll be contacting Black Mesa: Source for some suplies too, like updated textures and stuff. We'll see how that goes then :).
hey dekstar, you said you wouldn't mind nubceak applicants right? cause i've been known to dabble in a bit of modeling and i think this would be a great way to practice, so i'm sending an email your way... uh... what do you want in the email exactly?

keep in mind i havn't.. uh.. "succesfully" modeled a human character yet... uh.. is that going to be a problem :D?
NeonSpyder said:
hey dekstar, you said you wouldn't mind nubceak applicants right? cause i've been known to dabble in a bit of modeling and i think this would be a great way to practice, so i'm sending an email your way... uh... what do you want in the email exactly?

keep in mind i havn't.. uh.. "succesfully" modeled a human character yet... uh.. is that going to be a problem :D?
First off, let me ask you a few questions that will hopefully englihten me, as well as make you think. Question 1: What the hell is a Nubceak?
I didn't have another question.

Anyway, I don't mind what's in the email. Links to your work, or perhaps some other stuff...
And yeah, Newer applicants I don't mind, as long as they're willing to put some work in to get good at it :). for instance, I'm not the Best mapper in the world - I'm still learning, and the same with skinning. So it's more of a learning experience that I want people to have, instead of something that'll be boring to them.

Nubcaek is yet another alteration of the word 'noob'. seriously distorted to include the pervesion of the word 'cake'. because.. well, everyone likes caek.

alrighty then, i'll send some of mah portfolio your way.
I want feedback on that Background I did ^_^. I've set it as my wallpaper now, and I think it looks really cool (But I'm being modest ;))
yeah i love the background, feels retro somehow, simple, elegant, and to the point. good job!
NeonSpyder said:
yeah i love the background, feels retro somehow, simple, elegant, and to the point. good job!
And the game will load quicker too, since it's an image and not 3D.

Anyway, I've done a sketch of one of the possible scenarios that you could encounter in the game (And a rather poor drawing of a scientist, which isn't a concept piece... probably ^_^)
I'll upload it when my sister isn't using her scanner...
dekstar said:
Can you do any sort of mod work? Currently, I'm messing around with the HL2DM source code, but it isn't going well. My clan mate can change the CSS buy menu a bit, but he's further ahead than me.

If you know a coder, can you shove him my way?

sorry, cant help you there

btw, nice tite menu. simple and plain.... and funny too
Ok I've let this slip many pages over the last week, but now, as I said, have been doing a lot of work and have gotten hold of my sisters scanner. here's a possible scenario (Section of, not a whole one) that could be acomplished:

As you can see (Excuse the writing) thewre will be different ways of completing the level, that don't require certain skills of each of the characters.

Also, I've been talking with our site designer recently, and we've decided that after we've built a few maps (During the first release), we will sort out any minor bugs find, and start working on the next game mode: Escape.
This mode Is very familiar if you've played Crash Bandicoot. Basically, Humans must run away through many rooms and past many obstacles (Pretty munch in a straight line), blocking doors and walls behind them, while trying to escape from an everlasting horde of Zombies. This will run on the same "Checkpoint" system as the scenarios, and when people get through a room, zombies that had died might spawn outside the room, and can break down doors, and walls, or crawl through the vents to catch their pray. Not sure whether this will be timed (to avoid camping), or whether the players will just get very limited/no weapons.

Another mode I'm thinking about a bit is Human-Vs-Zombie CTF. All zombies get their own special weapons, and it's meant to just be a little bit of fun.

Ideas, and this is a big BUMP! So other people can find it, instead of posting new threads complaining about no mods being able to control headcrabs :LOL:

EDIT: Oh, and site will be up soon :D, with a nice personalised forum too! Also got some lovely music for you lot to download and listen to, so there's a nice media update:

*WARNING: Music not created by me or any of the mod team, credit goes to whoever made it, and I can't find who it is. If you know who it is, contact me and I'll change the Credit*
Got a website up yet?

If it's survival horror, remember to turn out the lights :)! (/obvious)
Jintor said:
Got a website up yet?

If it's survival horror, remember to turn out the lights :)! (/obvious)
Our web-designer is doing the site as we speak! (How creepy is that? No? Oh...). Yeah, everything just seems to be fitting together. I'm going to try reskinning some of the zombies (Like to make them fit more witth the scenery and people who worked in black mesa), so expect some nice new model/skin updates to come! Also, I'll be making a thread with a run down of everything discussed here, so if people want to see if they missed anything, instead of trudging through these pages, they can just revert to that one page.

And the game will be scary, but I don't want it to be too horror-esque. I mean, I wouldn't mind some humour in there too, like the zombie CTF - That should be a funny mini-game, so to speak. I'm not a horror fan, personally.
bumpity bump

I'm liking this idea more and more
Hehe, I'd rather update both, since this is more for ideas, but the Help wanted is more for recruitments... And that Scott guy hasn't got back on the site. I should go talk to him. We have forums, but they are weird. I'll get Septih to sort them tonight ^_^

EDIT: I'll sort a site for now, which Scott will have to re-do if he ever talks to me agian. So that's it, almost done :D