Just Had An Interesting Chat At Gamestop (not a delay thread)


May 22, 2003
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Hi Folks,
Just thought i'd relate this little bit.

I was recently at a local Babbages/Gamestop and i had a chat with the two wildly uninformed register jockeys. First, to get it out of the way, I asked when HL2 would be out. They dutifully told me February 4th, and so I explained to them the whole valve/vivendi/steam story, and how hopefully it would be out by the 30th. I told them to check the release dates on the Strategy guides (usually about a week before release) and they were suprised to find them set to be released on the 24th of september.

With that out of the way, i asked about real-world in store dates. I asked if a game is released on a certain date, do chain stores usually have it on the day, or the day after? usually, they told me, the day after. "gotta give it a day to ship" said some guy whose nametag said "Bill". Sometimes a big ticket game will get there early, and they they can release it on the street date, but usually it's the day after, aparently. when i asked if Half-Life 2 was a big-ticket game, Bill said no, maybe a madden, or metal gear solid was, but while some people wanted Half-Life 2, it wasn't big enough that the stores would make a big effort to get it in on time. "Better come in on the 1st of october" he said.

Well, this is a drag. I was hoping to take the 30th off, but if i don't know when they have the game until the day of the release, i can't take any time off in advance. Oh well.

Just thought you'd be interested to know what i found out today.
I'm gonna case a few stores on the 30th, hopefully one will have it.
My mall's EB and Babbages compete with each other to the point where a knife-fight in the courtyard between the two sides wouldn't be surprising.
Register jockeys indeed. If they don't think HL2 is a big title... what the hell is? Madden? Gimme a break.
It's the sequel to the one of best selling PC Games of all time. A game that's STILL selling after 5 years.

When that Source movie was released a few days ago, quite a large number of sites were full of people downloading it. It was in very high demand.

And they think it's it's not a "big-ticket" game.

They seem to be pretty clueless, don't you think?
Madden has been selling like crazy on consoles. But not PC. What sold more games since 1998 and on. Half Life, or Madden 98? Hmm HMM? Im pretty sure HL2 is a Big Title game. Im predicting it will be the number one selling PC game of all time. More than the SIMS, more than the MOH series, Warcraft, everything. HL2 kicks my ass. lol
yes, but they do work there, and the base truth may be that generally, console titles sell far faster than any PC titles.

also, i'd say they are fairly reliable when it comes to the shipping habits of software compaines.
I think thats about as good as you can get for store employees though.
I have to say it seems like they watch me coming when I go to the mall so that they can say something stupid while I'm there.
when i pre ordered at EB they said they would probably get it in one or 2 days early ... but they just said that ... sooooo
Store employees especially cashies, know nothing. They have no secret code book that tells them all the releases n shit. There just nerds who make the transactions. Like myself...
you work at a software store?

i'm thinking of getting two pre-orders at two different shops. can you cancel one and get your $10 back? probably not.
My God, I think 95% of people on this forum know more about video games then those video game store clerks.
try this...when I was at EB recently, i mentioned to the sales guy that I liked the fact they had switched their release back to oct 1st for Hl2. he says this:

"what, for xbox?"

err, guh, duh, blphh.

edit: in fairness, I was buying an Xbox game at the time, but still...
Yeah, the clerks know nothing. Theres no magic man who sits in the back room and says "This is coming on on blah blah, and This game will be out on Blah Blah." They read the mags, and go to the websites just like we do. Their nothing special. I... am nothing special. They dont tell me anything. We usually know a week in advance if were definately getting a game on the specified date. Valve might never announce a gold date. And the game will be in stores on the 30th. It's happened to us before. *shrug*
no, there is no fairness for those goblins. i was in an EB:

"Do you have a date for Half-Life 2?"
"you mean counter-strike 2?"
"no, I mean Half-Life 2."
"no, it's not coming out"
"could you check your computer?"
"yeah, but i'm pretty sure it's not in there"
"just check, please."
"ok...let's see...half-life, half-life platium, HOLY CRAP! half-life 2! they're making it? september 30th! oh my god!"
"thanks for nothing"
Originally posted by Spiffae
...when i asked if Half-Life 2 was a big-ticket game, Bill said no, maybe a madden, or metal gear solid was, but while some people wanted Half-Life 2, it wasn't big enough that the stores would make a big effort to get it in on time.
A follow-up to one of the best selling games of all time and the most anticipated game of 2003 isn't considered a big-ticket item?
Re: Re: Just Had An Interesting Chat At Gamestop (not a delay thread)

Originally posted by Mountain Man
A follow-up to one of the best selling games of all time and the most anticipated game of 2003 isn't considered a big-ticket item?

just telling you what i heard.
haha, most of those employees put BS down on their application, and I bet the managers don't even read over them; first-come first-serve for places like EB and Babbages when it comes to employment; most of them don't know jack shit, it's been proven 10000000 times
I was workin yesterday. Some middle aged know it all walked in and says. "I need a release date for HL2"
"You need a release date? Ok.. Lemme go into the computer and look"
*without touching the computer I said*
"Hmm September 30th"
Man: "Are you sure"
"Yes sir"
"Oh I was under the impression that it was coming out in November"
"No sir we should have it on September 30th, like Valve says"
"Just go home and tell all your friends September 30th"
Originally posted by razorblade kiss
I was workin yesterday. Some middle aged know it all walked in and says. "I need a release date for HL2"
"You need a release date? Ok.. Lemme go into the computer and look"
*without touching the computer I said*
"Hmm September 30th"
Man: "Are you sure"
"Yes sir"
"Oh I was under the impression that it was coming out in November"
"No sir we should have it on September 30th, like Valve says"
"Just go home and tell all your friends September 30th"
Originally posted by razorblade kiss
I was workin yesterday. Some middle aged know it all walked in and says. "I need a release date for HL2"
"You need a release date? Ok.. Lemme go into the computer and look"
*without touching the computer I said*
"Hmm September 30th"
Man: "Are you sure"
"Yes sir"
"Oh I was under the impression that it was coming out in November"
"No sir we should have it on September 30th, like Valve says"
"Just go home and tell all your friends September 30th"

*A few mintues later*

...yep, it will be out in November fellas. Another clerk that doesn't know what he's talking about. *Sign*.....

Nah. I dont play like that. Every day the head honchoes at the home office are changing the release dates for games. Games that wont even be out for like another year. I go with what the initial date was, and thats what I tell the customers. unlike some of my co-workers. lol
It has been proven multiple times that store employees don't have any kind of special inside info about release dates. They know general patterns, but there are exceptions, like Unreal Tournament 2003 going gold four days before it started hitting the shelves, so it is possible with a hot title like Half-Life 2 that they'd push for a quick turn around.

And I get the impression that Valve's intentions are to have the game on store shelves on the 30th, not that they're going to start shipping on the 30th.
lol, this is exactly why i worked at an EB games through my last year of high school. I have been playing games (shooters mostly) forever, and it seemed like a good part time job. I mainly joined cause right now barely any of the clerks know what they are talking about, or let alone even play video games! There was on eb in my mall that was pretty good, all the people there played games a lot. Being someone who knows lots and lots about games and follows them, i had a fine time at that job.
If you really want to know when its going to come to a store go kidnap the book keeper and make him talk. (A Book keeper the person who records all the business data, so he would have it recorded when they got this or that)
heh, we should have an amusing anecdote thread, chain shop assistants from hell... :)
I love my Job. It's fun informing people of details on new games, and such. And even more fun laughing at them when they come into the store all concerned that their game might not be coming out on time, because they heard a rumor. But Like Mountain Man said. I have no inside knowlegde this far ahead of time. I'll be able to give you guys an exact release in maybe 2 weeks, when HL2 is on our truck list. but Im sure it will already be announced by then. :)
I've always considered working in my local EB or Babbages, but they are both like 20 minutes away.
It's worth it. Employee Discount baby. Only 10% where I am, but oh well. Hah, and since its in the Mall, I get Mall discounts at food places like Sbarro's, and BK, and McD's!!! Wahoooza
Well, that and I already have a software related job.
I'd probably crack with two and become a monk.
Wonder why those store clerks are usually so bloody clueless?
Exception is of course the independent game shop owner who knows everything. Before you even think it.

Worst. Game. *Ever*.

hey, here's one :D :D
Dont forget, the reason a game like HL2 could seem insignificant to a register biscuit might be based on the advertisement plans. Games like Madden comes with a sack full of marketing money and huge posters, life size cardboard figures and what not. And they sell like hotcakes because huge console title do that. So lately every odd person entering the store might have asked about Madden or bought it even.

Then comes your sole HL2 customer. The game has been merely a media rumour, for the platform that sells LEAST copies of any, always (with few few exceptions if any). And it doesn't look as if VU has spend a lot of marketing money on HL2. Not yet, and at least not retail directed. So the register biscuit might just not care very much, and if he isnt actually PURSUING HL2 in his spare time like us sad fanboys, he might only have caught a glimpse of the title on their release lists. If at all.

If VU decides to pour massive marketing $$$ into HL2 Im sure they'll start caring a lot. The big retail pies and their legion of biscuits.
You know, I think I've just figured out something.

Half-Life 2 is coming out in Feb/March 2004. Actually, it may be delayed for a few months.

But I'm not talking about the PC Version, I'm talking about X-box version.

Right, Console games are more popular than PC Games. So if someone comes in and asks when a game is coming out, the guy would automatically assume that it's for the console. Maybe they think they both have the same release date.

Maybe people at Vivendi are making this mistake as well.

This is the only way the Feb 2004 date would make sense.
Originally posted by Direwolf
I've always considered working in my local EB or Babbages, but they are both like 20 minutes away.
Oh, I would love a job like that, but it'd be kinda hard to support a wife and kid on minimum wage.
Originally posted by Feath
You know, I think I've just figured out something.

Half-Life 2 is coming out in Feb/March 2004. Actually, it may be delayed for a few months.

But I'm not talking about the PC Version, I'm talking about X-box version.
Now that's some damn clever thinking, my friend. You may have figured out the riddle that has bested the most brilliant minds of this age!
Originally posted by Mountain Man
Now that's some damn clever thinking, my friend. You may have figured out the riddle that has bested the most brilliant minds of this age!

You know what I'm hoping. I'm really hoping for.

I'm hoping a certain Website Director for a certain website has heard this information from Vivendi and thought it was for the PC Version.

Just because it will be really, really funny.

EDIT: Vivendi seem to be confused about this as well, maybe they misinterpreted what Gabe said (or their was a "miscommunication")