Kicked for the wrong reasons?


The Freeman
Nov 5, 2004
Reaction score
This is hardly worth its own thread, but I'm pissed off enough to let other people know about it.

So here's what happened: I got into this server, a bomb site map that I hadn't played before (like some sort of scandinavian village), and I got on this killing streak of 6 people on the second round. I was using a TMP (which I am pretty impressed with in Source BTW), and mowed down all of the terrorists who were on the way to and guarding the bomb. Of course, when I got there it was too late and it blew up in my face, but at the very instant it that happened, I got a message saying that I was kicked for being AFK for 2 rounds. Then I couldn't get back in because it told me it was full.

I was pretty damn annoyed because it was quite an accomplishment for me and my n00bish status.

So, guys, what do you think: sore losers, people thinking I was cheating, or just a server glitch?
Maybe you were kicked so an admin could join the game because it was full?
I thought about that too. In that case, I just wish it hadn't happened the moment I did something good, you know? Kick the 0/3 riff-raff.
some servers mess up and call you afk even when you arent sometimes
Go to another server... It's just a game. When you read this tomorrow you'll be pissed that you were pissed.
Probly the admin was on the opposite team and he got pissed off. I've been kicked from servers several times just because I upsetted the admin by killing him. Losers :dozey:
lol i love it when admins talk trash when they are losing and they call you (prolly the one killing them :thumbs: ) a noob that sucks and is lucky. Hint: Tell them to press tab, makes them get mad lol.
Troika said:
Probly the admin was on the opposite team and he got pissed off. I've been kicked from servers several times just because I upsetted the admin by killing him. Losers :dozey:
Yeah! And never come back to our server again! HACKER!! :p Joke.

Nah, I think that it could have been a glitch. Especially if they were using some sort of admin mod, since I don't think they interface with the server enough sometimes.
Troika said:
Probly the admin was on the opposite team and he got pissed off. I've been kicked from servers several times just because I upsetted the admin by killing him. Losers :dozey:

No its called they can kick you when they want because they own it. They can control the server themselves and kick whoever they want, they aren't "losers."
Well rather then try to get better at the game admins seem to just kick anyone that is killing them. Yes it is thier server and they can do as they please but to kick people just for being better then you is truly sad. It's easier to get the highest rank if you only shoot noobs. People that are good at the game should not have to be punished for it.

Even when VAC2 comes out some of the good players will still find themselves being kicked/banned for playing too good. I would say that outta the 10 people an admin will ban 1 or none is cheating, but hey, they're ruining your fun cuz they're better right? So why should the admin leave becuz one guy keeps kicking his ass, just kick him and you can do good again.

This makes them "Losers" and sore ones at that.
DiSTuRbEd said:
No its called they can kick you when they want because they own it. They can control the server themselves and kick whoever they want, they aren't "losers."
Yeah what he said :E.

With all the stupid people playing CSS, maybe you should add like a little small print to your welcome screen like "We reserve the right to kick any one of you, whether you be cheaters, lamers, or just normal people"

something like that.
lol ... I was banned the other day on a server with 12 slots 7 players on the box .. the only reason I was banned - taking the admin early in two consequtive rounds .. lol

clearly the admin needs to grow up - but so what it was his server - if he wants to ban everyone that taps him early on he'll soon be lording over an empty server at the top of the player ranks ..

cs:s is very well served - just go to server browser and jump on somewhere else - eventually you'll build a favs list of servers run by decent folk (and btw - usually the level of play will be a great deal better on these servers anyway :))
I've noticed that the AFK detection seems rather buggy. NEver seen anyone kicked becasue of it though.

I was banned from my second-favorite server for a one-shot HS kill with a tmp from 50 yards rushing on dust. The guy accused me of hacking, I laughed (I thought he was joking), and I got banned.
It sucked. I got an awesome ping (for me), the server had sweet maps, good players, was always populated, and had FF on. Still makes me mad. :flame:

So.... it could be worse, even if they did think you were hacking. Was probably the afk bug thing though.
Heh, TMP Power! Interestingly enough, the only other "people thought that I was hacking" story that my semi-CS-playing circle of friends has also involves using a TMP. The admin told him he was temp-banning him out of simple preventative measure just because he was like 23 and 2.