Kinda funny.

well maybe i am an idot(whatever that is) but I thought it was funny enough to share it with the rest of you guys and gal.
We do?
I thought most of the time that we just sit around and drink tea or coffee or whatevertheheckyoudrink post BS all day.(and half of the night)
Originally posted by thenerdguy
well maybe i am an idot(whatever that is) but I thought it was funny enough to share it with the rest of you guys and gal.

is there only one girl.... is there even a girl here

/me is confused

nice find btw :)

EDYT: 801 posts w00.... :p
So many posts. So little time. Whats your secret MrBadger? How have you kept so youn...I mean, ahead of everyone else?
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
So many posts. So little time. Whats your secret MrBadger? How have you kept so youn...I mean, ahead of everyone else?

neffing and spamming?
Originally posted by thenerdguy
well maybe i am an idot(whatever that is) but I thought it was funny enough to share it with the rest of you guys and gal.

LOL .. thats the funniest video ever :laugh: :laugh:
I almost fell off my chair watching that kid! I like the reloaded version best.....poor guy.... :cheese:
Originally posted by thenerdguy
well maybe i am an idot(whatever that is) but I thought it was funny enough to share it with the rest of you guys and gal.

:laugh: I was calling the fat kid an idiot d00d