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anyone eles think that i monitor wouldent sound like that after fallin of a desk ill be willing to test it out on my monitor....
Well, I guess you didn't notice my smiley there dude.

Oh btw, did any of you guys think that the new video was too short to compensate the time of downloading it hehe ;)
The water sure looks amazing though...
i thought so Tamora... but what can u do im happy as long i see something new this month
hehe same here. Well, it sure looks amazing. I wonder when the new movie will come out? Perhaps they will release the movies with a two-days interval :upstare:
i dunno i think there going to hold on to these as long as they can and go one a day make it last longer so we cant bitch
if you fancy a chat, try #halflife2 on quakenet or even pm each other......

what the hell is this thread about anyway?
Murray_H: I don't know really hehe. About some guy throwing a monitor to the floor or something :)
Originally posted by HL2 Stone
^cant handdle reading the first post no? uhhh oh

i read it, twice, cos it made no sense the first time, then i realised its just a stupid spam thread
k, no. You want to complain about threads? go to one titled will my 3gig p4 run HL2.
Originally posted by HL2 Stone
k, no. You want to complain about threads? go to one titled will my 3gig p4 run HL2.

been there, done that, got the official HL2.net t-shirt