LAnding Pods in Ravenholm

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Just watched Ravenholm for the second tie and i noticed something strange. When it begins, on Gordons right, there seems to be some sort of metal pod sticking out of the ground, and the same kind up ahead near the first door. There are several throughout the level. Facing different differections in the ground. Im not sure what they are, but they look to be some sort of escape pod. PLease watch and post your opinions.
PS: possibly part of the Citadel?
thats what i was thinking, but only the combine could have built those, and they do match their architecture style. So the combine want to infect earth?
Another thread has these ideas about the black pods. They do look like some kind of gas bomb maybe since it can be an explosive bomb.

As to the headcrab idea, the only reason i think it may be true is because i have yet to see a combine zombie. But then again the headcrabs are the stupid race of aliens and dont take orders from no i think.
interesting, this will be included in the next chapter or so of my fanfiction
I haven't watched the video yet, still downloading, just found out like 10 min. ago ;(

I'll reply after I watch the video :thumbs:
As to the headcrab idea, the only reason i think it may be true is because i have yet to see a combine zombie.

Maybe the combine soldiers masks protect them from headcrabs?
I think the more likely reason is that they are all armed to the teeth. :E
What I noticed is when Gordon uses the crowbar, you can see the HEV suit for a brief moment. It looks black to me. Then again, why would Gordon carry that relic from Black Mesa for a few years.

I don't like the way he uses it. Looks like he tapping the wood.
can anyone post screens of these landing pods for me please. I don't see them.
they kinda look like broken tree trunks at first................
except black............and metal.................
Yeah, kind of reminds me of a bomb tail assembly. Never really noticed them before. :)
I hope if they are pods the come from the sky or something like that, that you see em drop down. That'd be awesome, as apposed to seeing pods lying around and coming to a conclusion about how they got their. Like I wonder if the Source engine is capable of rendering pods falling from the sky in the distance using a 3d skybox.
Well, Breen says: "Welcome to City 17. It's SAFER here." I think Ravenholm is an example of what's outside the "safety" of the city. I imagine the "benefactors" (leaders of combine?) are usurping power using the alien infestation as an opportunity. They may be using the pods to help the infestation along.

BTW, you can hear Father Gregori chanting in the second to last room Gordon goes into (the one before he goes outside and throws the barrel) in the Ravenholm Bink. Your volume has to be up pretty loud to catch.
Old movie... you'll have to look it up sometime. (yes, I am old)
Democritus said:
BTW, you can hear Father Gregori chanting in the second to last room Gordon goes into (the one before he goes outside and throws the barrel) in the Ravenholm Bink. Your volume has to be up pretty loud to catch.

How in the world did you notice that? Nice find ^_^
Beast206 said:
The answer: Soylent Green. :E
but . . . SOYLENT GREEN IS PEOPLE!!!!!! As for why they would infest earth: conquest or resources or both. Or for the heck of it.
DeltaBlast said:
How in the world did you notice that? Nice find ^_^
Had speakers up too loud (as usual). Thought it was the TV for a minute.
Democritus said:
BTW, you can hear Father Gregori chanting in the second to last room Gordon goes into (the one before he goes outside and throws the barrel) in the Ravenholm Bink. Your volume has to be up pretty loud to catch.
I only caught a word or two, but it sounds like a sermon to me.
Could be a recording of some sort. Reminds me of 28 Days later, and the looped recording on the radio promising an "answer to infection". Could be similar for survivors in Ravenholm.
slider3005 said:
can anyone post screens of these landing pods for me please. I don't see them.

See the attached shots...


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Cool, I guess you can see them be shot from the combine tower once because I had planned something similar for OES. And after I mailed eric I recieved a nice answer how that would be possible. So they where pretty sure about it wich seem to me as if they already tried it or used it.
remember the belgium kids who went to valve and recorded some short video's, it also demonstrated one where that rocked crashes into a wrecked house and it opens and headcrab come out.
Ooh, this is getting more and more exciting by the day. What the hell went on before Gordon got back to Earth?
you can see one of these pods "landing" in one of the shaky cam videos, flanger2.avi I believe.
The flanger vids are offline now, unless someone has a mirror.
getName() said:
you can see one of these pods "landing" in one of the shaky cam videos, flanger2.avi I believe.

yup although back then i thought they were being teleported in.
i like the idea of the combine using headcrab pods to spread their infestation. perhaps ravenholm was a rebel stronghold.
fairly spoilerish, as are the images (dont want to be spoilt? dont click.)

i can confirm that these pods are used to infect areas with headcrabs. these screenshots were taken from those old flanger vids, theyre not particularly clear, but what is clear is that one of these pods smashes into the room, opens up, and several headcrabs jump out. thanks to getname() for pointing me in the right direction :)


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i knew there was a link between headcrabs and the combine....
who do you think is in control?
ok, this ist pure speculation, but, what if headcrabs aren't just some stupid individiuals, but part of some bigger force, which is infesting planets and assimilating its inhabitants. Breen could be under control of them, the combine and their tech are a product of previos planetary raids.
would maybe a litte too straight forwardish for HL²... but who says that the combine are launching these? Maybe there's a third fraction of aliens invadig earth, breen and his "combine" are defending themselves from those, keeping city 17 clean of aliens with the help of their "allies", which they have to pay in one form or another (humans made to combine?)
I always thought "Headcrabs can't build a spacecraft"

So - pure speculation. Combine want to infect areas with headcrabs so the survivors can escape to City 17 therefore being placed into a paranoid 1984 society, purpose unknown.
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