Left 4 Dead Personal Stats Released


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
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Valve have released stats tracking for Left 4 Dead, which will tell you some useful information like how many times you actually vomited on a survivor or caught them with your tongue. You can view your stats by going to your profile in Steam Community.[br]

Update: It looks like the stats page is down right now.
Mmm, if there are graphs i will be exceedingly pleased. But i am anyway.
I am exceedingly displeased, as it turns out that the stats only start with games played after the patch was released...and it looks like the weapon stats are screwed up.

I played a game today, everything has stats expect my weapons...
Sweeeeet. Valve are doing a lot of awesome things to Steam these last few months.
The stats seem broken. Over half the stuff isn't tracked and the other half giving wrong info.
Guys. Valve is great and all... but they can't go back in time to record stats form your previous games. sorry
Tis all fooked up. Stats show I didn't use any weapons. WTF?
Weapon stats seem to be borked atm, but I'm grateful nonetheless.

Quit yer' Bitchin'.
this will be fabulous in bout a week, when all the discrepancies are ironed out.
by the way, why is the pipe bomb icon is the same as Molotov? That's not cool.
hmm...I thought you couldn't be healed at all for unbreakable, but the achievment page says can't heal yourself - Which one is correct?
People need to look on the bright side of things. Because the stats initiate post-patch, this can get rid of some shitty discrepancies from your previous matches, perhaps. Say some dick joined the enemy infected team and decided to use the (former) cheat of spawning multiple Infected by switching to Spectators and back, causing you to ultimately lose the game in the long-run. Don't forget the No Mercy Chapter 3 door exploit aswell. Yeah, I'm speaking hypothetically here, but I bet this applies to alot of people. I'm sure many will be glad for a fresh start, me included.
Wait, are stats gone now? They aren't showing up in my profile anymore.
Damn. Though the stats are gone, I hope they are still recording data right now. Because I have just played an awesome round as boomer.
Lets hope they fix it so it adds scores from before the patch! But it looked nice! Just want it to add previous score real bad!
So, you think Gabe can return to the past.

I would expect that this data was already being recorded. They might not have been keeping track of it since launch day, but when it comes to Valve, I expect that they have been compiling this info (for themselves at least) all along.

If they have, which isn't too outlandish an assumption, then it would be possible to integrate pre-patch stats with the currently tracking ones.
...but they haven't so they probably weren't recording it.
hmm...I thought you couldn't be healed at all for unbreakable, but the achievment page says can't heal yourself - Which one is correct?
I believe you cannot be healed at all. I've gone through the campaign with only bots healing me, and nada.