Legue of Legends beta invites

alright, I've used all of mine, send them to rico now.

My summoner name is "Hazar" as usual so if anyone wants to play/get owned add me to friends.
Every time I open the installer .exe the process from which i'm trying to launch it(firefox if I click in the downloads window, explorer if i open it in the file browser) crashes :|
Anyone else have this problem?
operating system?

the front end uses adobe air so if you install that before the client it might fix it.
operating system?

the front end uses adobe air so if you install that before the client it might fix it.

legit XP Pro

Adobe Air things run horribly slow for me, if I go to the website it runs at literally 3-5 Seconds Per Frame. Maybe it's the old PC I'm on right now, will try it on something better soon.
Yeah, thanks a bunch! I've played DoTA a few times before, but I would be considered a total n00b by anyone's standards...

Hope there is a way to learn the ropes...
I guess this is just me not having ANY idea what DoTA is like or anything about this game. This should be interesting....
there's a tutorial mission they just put in that explains the basics. In the lol client go to play> tutorial
Wow, I did the tutorial just fine but got my ass kicked in practice against n00b bots... :(

I think I am too aggressive, you got any beginner tips that helped you Hazar?
lol, when I first started I thought the bots were hard too but now I find them just pathetic.

Some general tips:
The champion you pick matters a lot. Some are much harder to play well than others.

Your item build matters a lot. Pick complementary items for your character (obviously).

Work on timing so you can get the last hit on creeps for the gold.

Play fairly conservatively in the beginning and generally don't chase heroes back into their own towers since if you attack an enemy hero by their tower the tower will switch targets to you even if there are creeps around.

Once you get good enough to beat the bots easily, real games are quite different. This game is all about the team fights which the bots don't do at all.

Protect your inhibitors at all costs. Once one is down it becomes very difficult to come back because you have to stay in your base killing super creeps which allows the enemy to push the other lanes and destroy more inhibitors.

can't think of any more right now.
Wow thats great! I made sure to pick an "easy" champion to begin with (the Dr. whatever guy, man his voice got annoying).

I didnt get into proper item building into mid game, perhaps that is why I didnt seem as buffed as other champions.

In general I find other champions very difficult to bring down, not because of their stats, but because they flee or snare me a LOT, and its only if I do chase after them into their territory that I die.
dr. mundo is one of the least played hero's right now, they added him in recently and are still balancing him.

A good hero to start with (that I've been playing a lot recently actually) is master yi. He's all about doing lots of melee physical damage. Your item build should focus on damage and attack speed with a bit of lifesteal for survivabilty.

If you're having a lot of trouble finishing people off then you should get a character with some stuns/slows. Malphite is very good for this as he can steal movement speed and his ultimate does an AOE stun.
The Minotaur worked well for my second game. Was able to kill 4 players *While a couple other guys got around 15 kills, but they are pro*, and we ended up winning while 2 players short the whole time :D
I got 12 kills in my second game, as Fiddlesticks - he is WAY over powered. I didn't even know which items would be good for him so I just maxed mana regen and ability power (though I'm pretty sure I was supposed to max magic resist too).
almost all mages it's good to stack ability power. Fiddlesticks is pretty OP in my opinion, but he can be countered.
Cryopheonix was the worst first character to play EVER. I couldn't do anything good. But the second game I was Alistar, and I killed 4 people. Felt pretty good. Then I was the Pirate Guy in a 2v2 battle and killed something like 17 and we won pretty quickly. Good fun.
the pirate guy is pretty over powered right now IMO as well. You can stack critical chance and make his parley skill like always crit which does magical damage for some weird reason.
I have one beta key left. Just PM me with your email if you want it.
the pirate guy is pretty over powered right now IMO as well. You can stack critical chance and make his parley skill like always crit which does magical damage for some weird reason.

I had no real troubles staying alive, either. His movement speed was amazing. I could never find out why Scurvy was such a bad thing on me...never had any negatives that I could see.
I think the scurvy adds a poison effect to your sword, it's not a bad thing.
Oh, so that would explain why there were times when I would do poison damage and other times not. I'd eat that fruit and gain some health in battle a lot of times. I really wish they would have told you that somewhere lol...
above your health/mana bars are icons that show your status effects. The scurvy is show there.
Yeah, it shows Scurvy, but doesn't say what it does specifically. I remember looking all over for it, lol. There was an icon for Scurvy and for poison attack thingy. Never saw if it disappeared when I ate the fruit.

you going to be up for a game today? I get off work in 30 min!
indeed, internet seems to be back to normal now.
Good, just 10 more minutes. God I want to get out of work :(
Large patch today (told you pitz) that resets all summoner levels so they can test the new advancement system.
Yay, now I won't get raped by all the assholes with high levels *HAZAR!*

*EDIT* I think you and I are the only people playing this now :p
other people on the forum are too scared of my awesomeness

anyways, they kept everyone's rating for matchmaking so you should still get an even match despite the level reset.
I play occasionally, but like with many games I am too intimidated by online play ESPECIALLY for something based off of an incredibly competitive mod like DoTA.
That's how I feel. Whenever I play, I get people asking "Is this your first game?"...when it's only my 3rd or 4th! lol....but yeah, the only way I can get better is if I keep playing. I'm not worried about really getting my ass handed to me, as it's a learning experience.
The game feels pretty meh...

I actually felt like HoN is way more action packed. Moving, casting etc. all felt like I was doing them on slow motion, plus during battles it was hard to even notice who was actually casting spells or just auto attacking. But that might just be because I don't know the heroes yet.
Totally forgot I had this installed.
I'll be up for playing some later on today, I'll hit you guys up on xfire I guess.
The game feels pretty meh...

I actually felt like HoN is way more action packed. Moving, casting etc. all felt like I was doing them on slow motion, plus during battles it was hard to even notice who was actually casting spells or just auto attacking. But that might just be because I don't know the heroes yet.

Yeah, the game is extremely slow. When you're playing against the higher skilled players, it's a bunch of run in, back off...***n in back off....never really hitting, unless you get one of those lucky smacks. The only way you'd end up dying is if you either do something stupid, or somebody teleports right into you and you get slaughtered.
lawl, you guys just haven't played enough to see epic fights. Like I said, the game is all about the 5 man team fights, it's a really good feeling when you wipe the other team in a big fight.
Playing as Adrik is anyone wants to play later.

Ryze is an overpowered piece of shit btw. I don't even like using him, because If I kick ass with him I know its not because im really good, it's because he's an asshole.
lawl, everyone was complaining about him a couple months ago but now they've stopped because they nerfed him a bit and most of them have realized he's not really that over powered. The only way he's really dangerous is if you let him get really close to use and he cages you and then bounces his ult between you and him which makes you eat like 5 ticks of damage.

Normally though, just run in a crowd of creeps if he hits you with that and you should only get hit with it once.